Films Based on Binaphthol Derivatives: Electrochemical Polymerization and Characterization


  • T. V. Shishkanova Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
  • G. Broncová Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
  • T. Majdloch Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague
  • P. Matějka Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague


binaftolamide, electropolymerization, polymer film, potentiometry, Raman spectroscopy


Polymer films substituted with an appropriate receptor units represent a way leading to novel materials for a sensor development. Synthesis and characterization of solid-supported polymer and copolymer  films based on a pyrrole-substituted binaphthalene amide (BNA). BNA was prepared by electropolymerization. The films were characterized by potentiometry and FT-Raman spectrometry. They showed a distinct potentiometric response to anions (F, SO42–, Cl). The potentiometric sensitivity of copolymer films depended on the BNA/pyrrole ratio  in the polymerization and time of polymerization. The potentio­metric results indicate the special role of the NH group during formation of the anionic potentiometric signal.



How to Cite

Shishkanova, T. V., Broncová, G., Majdloch, T., & Matějka, P. (2012). Films Based on Binaphthol Derivatives: Electrochemical Polymerization and Characterization. Chemické Listy, 106(2), 122–128. Retrieved from




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