Extent and Processing of Chemical Calculations in the Chemistry Textbooks for High Schools





chemical calculations, textbook analysis, chemistry education


The presented study is focused on the analysis of the scope and conception of teaching the chemical calculations in high school textbooks. The performed detailed analysis of selected textbooks was focused on: types of calculations, the conception of their explanations, the form of example assignments, methods of solution, and opportunities for practice. The results showed considerable differences between individual textbooks in the scope of topics included and in the approach to the explanation of the given material. The findings suggest that current high school education, in terms of its impact on students' abilities to solve chemical calculations, is not fully adapted to the requirements of university studies. This may be reflected in the insufficient preparedness of students not only in the field of chemical calculations but also, for example, in the introductory laboratory courses. This work provides teachers who prefer textbooks for teaching preparation a comprehensive overview for an informed selection from available textbooks. For researchers in the field of the chemistry didactics and creators of educational policy, it offers recommendations for improving teaching strategies and supports a deeper understanding of the significance and implementation of chemical competencies and mathematical skills in education.



How to Cite

Rusek, M., Machková, V., Koperová, D., Bártová, I., Sirotek, V., & Štrofová, J. (2024). Extent and Processing of Chemical Calculations in the Chemistry Textbooks for High Schools. Chemické Listy, 118(6), 348–353. https://doi.org/10.54779/chl20240348




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