Direct Solid Sampling in Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Electrothermic Atomization


  • K. Kriegerová Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • S. Procházková Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • J. Tuček Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • R. Halko Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Bratislava, Slovakia


direct solid sampling, solid samples, atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermic atomization, analysis, sampling


This review presents recent developments and applications of direct solid sampling (DSS) as an approach for direct analysis of solid samples by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermic atomization (ETAAS). The paper is focused on the description of the principle and some critical factors of DSS technique. Some advantages or drawbacks of this technique are also discussed. At the end, the applications of combined DSS and ETAAS with a line source of the radiation and high-resolution continuum source (HR-CS) for the determination of elements in various solid matrices (environmental, biological, food and others) are presented.



How to Cite

Kriegerová, K., Procházková, S., Tuček, J., & Halko, R. (2020). Direct Solid Sampling in Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Electrothermic Atomization. Chemické Listy, 114(10), 644–650. Retrieved from


