Efektivní využití uvolněných úloh z PISA testování na rozvoj vyšších kognitivních úrovní a přírodovědné gramotnosti žáků ve výuce chemie
https://doi.org/10.54779/chl20220700Klíčová slova:
PISA, přírodovědná gramotnost, učební úlohy, pedagogický experimentAbstrakt
During the one-year pedagogical experiment, the released teaching tasks from PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) assessment were systematically used in the 9th grade. The pupils in a control group used a commercial workbook. The results in the initial and final test showed that the pupils from the experimental group statistically significantly improved in most of the tested cognitive levels. We can state that the use of released PISA-type teaching tasks in the chemistry teaching has led pupils to scientific literacy development and that these teaching tasks represent a suitable tool for chemistry teaching. Based on the one-year use of teaching tasks in five different schools, recommendations for their effective use in teaching were made.