Evaluation of Efficiency of Disinfection and Application Methods at Selected Preparations in Fish Processing Plant


  • K. Veszelits Laktičová Institute of Animal Hygiene and the Environment, UVLF in Košice, Košice, Slovakia
  • M. Vargová Institute of Animal Hygiene and the Environment, UVLF in Košice, Košice, Slovakia
  • T. Pošiváková Institute of Animal Hygiene and the Environment, UVLF in Košice, Košice, Slovakia
  • R. Hromada Institute of Animal Hygiene and the Environment, UVLF in Košice, Košice, Slovakia
  • J. Švajlenka Institute of Construction Technology and Management, Technical University, Košice, Slovakia
  • I. Cimboláková Department of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Medicine, UPJŠ in Košice, Košice, Slovakia
  • M. Bušová Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, 1ˢᵗ Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
  • D. Toropilová Institute of Biology, Zoology and Radiobiology, UVLF in Košice, Košice, Slovakia
  • R. Eckerová Institute of Biology, Zoology and Radiobiology, UVLF in Košice, Košice, Slovakia
  • J. Takáčová Institute of Forensic and Public Veterinary Medicine and Economics, UVLF in Košice, Košice, Slovakia


disinfection, peracetic acid, active chlorine, P3-topax 66, spray, aerosol


The purpose of this article was to monitor the surfaces and air microorganisms (Colony Forming Unit, Coliform bacteria and moulds) before and after disinfection on the monitored surfaces in the area under study, in order to compare the effectiveness of disinfectants, as well as application methods. From the analyzed occurrence of the surface and air microorganisms before and after application of disinfectants, differences between compared disinfectants were found. Ultimately, all assessed disinfectants were effective but Pedox PAA/50 + Chloramine T) in the form of an aerosol was more effective, as compared to P3-topax 66, mainly in disposal of the CFU microorganisms and moulds from the surfaces and CFU from the air of the monitored area.



How to Cite

Veszelits Laktičová, K., Vargová, M., Pošiváková, T., Hromada, R., Švajlenka, J., Cimboláková, I., Bušová, M., Toropilová, D., Eckerová, R., & Takáčová, J. (2018). Evaluation of Efficiency of Disinfection and Application Methods at Selected Preparations in Fish Processing Plant. Chemické Listy, 112(6), 378–383. Retrieved from http://chemicke-listy.cz/ojs3/index.php/chemicke-listy/article/view/3109




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