Fotodynamika vody vyvolaná ionizujícím zářením: molekulární pohled
Klíčová slova:
radiační chemie, voda, Augerův rozpad, intermolekulární coulombovský rozpad, solvatovaný elektron, neadiabatická dynamikaAbstrakt
The ultrafast dynamic processes initiated by ionizing radiation in water are discussed. At low photon energies, the primary processes are photoexcitation and photoionization. Both reaction channels ultimately lead to the formation of reactive species such as OH• radical or solvated electron. Ejection of low-lying electrons initiate further electron processes such as the Auger decay or the recently identified intermolecular Coulomb decay. All these processes contribute to radiation damage of biomolecules. Novel experimental and theoretical methods used for the study of primary events in radiation chemistry of water are described.