Vliv enantiomerů kyseliny vinné na proteolytickou aktivitu půd
Klíčová slova:
enantiomery kyseliny vinné, půdní proteasa, mineralizace dusíku, lesní ekosystémAbstrakt
The aim of this work was to investigate the role of naturally occurring soil ʟ- and ᴅ-enantiomers of tartaric acid in the regulation of key processes of the nitrogen mineralization and nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil samples taken from a dense forest, a thinned forest and a meadow were treated with ʟ- or ᴅ-tartaric acid, and the casein-protease activity was measured. Results of this work indicate a significant role of natural concentrations of ʟ- and ᴅ-tartaric acid in the regulation of key processes of the soil nitrogen mineralization in various terrestrial ecosystems.