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15th Ann. Mtg. of the Soc. for Organic Petrology (TSOP), 26.-30. 7.1998, Halifax. Inf.: P. K. Mukhopadhyay, Global Geoenergy Research Ltd. P.O. Box 9469, Station A, Halifax, NS, B3K 5S3, Canada, fax: (902)453-0061, e-mail: avery@agc.bio.ns.ca, URL.: http://agc.bio.ns.ca/tsophalifax98.
Chemical thermodynamics, 26.7.-1.8.1998, Porto. Inf.: Prof. M. V. Ribeiro da Silva, Faculty of Science, Rua do Campo Alegre 678, P-4150 Porto, Portugal.
Dept. of Energy Conf. 27.-30.7.1998, Chicago. Inf.: Dept of Energy Office of Science & Technology ACS Meetings, 1155-16th St. Suite 416, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036, USA, Tel.: (202)872-6286, fax: -6128, e-mail: miscmtgs@acs.org.
Novel Aromatic Compounds, 2.-7.8.1998, Hong - Kong. Inf.: Prof. N. C. Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, New Teritories, Hong Kong.
9th Intl Congr. of Pesticide Chem. 2.-7. 8. 98, London. Inf.: IUPAC Secretariat, Bank Court Chambers, 2-3 Pound Way, Templars sq. Cowley Oxford OX4 3YF, UK, Tel.: +44865747-744, fax: -510, e-mail: IUPAC@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK.
Ann. X-ray Conf. 3.-7.8.1998, Denver. Inf.: Manager, Schools and Conferences, Intl. Center for Diffraction Data, 12 Campus Blvb. Newtown Sqr. , Pa. 19073-3273, USA, Tel.: (610)325-9814 fax -9823, e-mail: clinics@icdd.com.
8th International Symposiun on Solubitty Phenomena, 5.-8. 8.1998, Japan. Inf.: Kiyoshi Sawada, Niigata University, Niigata 950-21, Japan, Tel.: +8125-2626265, fax: -2626116, e-mail: issp@sc.niigata-u.ac.jp.
*Intl. Conf. on Science & Technology, 6.-7.8.1998, New Deldi. Inf.: V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Chemists of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5V7, Canada, Tel.: (613)932-7702.
*9th Intl. Diffuse Reflectance Conf. 8.-14.8.1998, Chamberburg. Inf.: L. Weyer, Hercules Inc. 500 Hercules Rd. Wilmington, Del. 19808, USA, Tel.: (302)995-3256, fax: -4117, e-mail: lweyer@herc.com, URL.: http://kerouac.pharm.uky.edu/asrg/cnirs/cnirs.html.
*4th Intl. Symp. on Enivironmental Geotechnology & Global Sustainable, Development, 9.-12.8.1998, Boston. Inf.: Hilary Inyang, James B. Francis College of Enigineering, One University Ave. Lowell, Mass. 01854, USA, Tel.: (508)934-2285, fax: -3092, e-mail: inyangh@woods.uml.edu.
*Cationic Polymerizations and Releated Processes, 9.-21.8.1998, Canada. Inf.: Prof. J. E. Puskas, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B9, Canada, fax: 1-519 661 3498, e-mail: jpuskas@uwo.ca.
*15th Int. Conf. on Chemical Education: Chemistry & Global, Environmental Change, 9.-14.8.1998, Egypt. Inf.: Saad S. M. Hassan, Dept. of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams U, Cairo, Egypt, Tel.: (202)831836-2842123.
XIX International Carbohydrate Symposium, 9.-14.8.1998, San Diego. Inf.: ICS 98 Symposium Secretariat, Dept. of Chemistry , 516 Physical Sciences 1, University of California, Irvine 92697-2025, USA, Tel.: +1714-8248976, fax: -8241372, e-mail: ics98@uci.edu.
*15th Biennial Conf. on Chemical Education, 9.-13.8.1998, Waterloo. Inf.: Reg Friesen, U of Waterloo, 15-BCCE/Chemistry, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3GI, Canada, Tel.: (519)-8884567, fax: -7460435, e-mail: bcce@sciborg.uwaterloo.ca.
*4th Food Ingredients South America, 11.-13.8.1998, Brazil. Inf.: Sales Miller Freeman BV, Tel.: 31 346-559444, fax: -573811, e-mail: exponl@ibm.net.
8th Int. Symp. and Exhibition on Supercritical Fluid, Chromatography and Extraction, 12.-16.8.1998, St. Louis. Inf.: Mrs. Janet Cunningham, c/o Barr Enterprise, 10120 Kelly Road-Box 279, Walkersville Md 21793, USA, Tel.: 1301-8983772, fax: -8985596, e-mail: janetbarr@aol.com.
Euchem Conference on Ecological Chemistry:, Chemical Communications, 12.-15.8.1998, Sweden. Inf.: Wallingatan 24 3 tr, SE-111 24 Stockholm, Sweden, Tel.: 468-4115260, fax: -106678, e-mail: anna@chemsoc.se.
*45th General Mtg. Canadian Soc. of Forensic Science, 12.-15. 8.1998, Wolfville. Inf.: Peter Mullen, CSFS, 2660 Southvale Crescent, Suite 215, Ottawa, Ontario, K1B 4W5, Canada, fax: (613)738-0001, e-mail: csfs@istar.ca.
Physical organic chemistry, 16.-21.8.1998, Brazil. Inf.: Prof. E. Humeres, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040900 Florianópolis S. C. Brazil.
*37th Ann. Conf. of Metalurgists, 16.-19.8.1998, Calgary. Inf.: Alberta Louisa Davis, Metallurgical Soc. of CIM, 3400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Suite 1210, Montreal, Quebec, H3Z 3B8, Canada, Tel.: (514)939-2710, fax: -2714, e-mail: mestoc@cim.org.
*28th Ann. Conf. of Hydrometallurgysts, 16.-19.8.1998, Calgary. Inf.: Alberta J. E. CANMET, 555 Booth St. Ottava K1A 0G1, Canada, Tel.: (613)995-4823, fax: -9041.
*XVIIIth International Conference on Organometalic Chemistry - ICOMC, 16.-21.8.1998, München. Inf.: Prof. Dr. H. Schmindbaur, Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstr 4, 85747 Garching, Germany, Tel.: (089)289-13130, fax: -13125, e-mail: icomc98.muc@lrz-muenchen.de, URL.: http://www.theochem.tu-muenchen.de/icomc98/.
18th European Crystallographic Meeting, 16.-20.1998, Praha. Inf.: R. Kužel, Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2, CZ.
AACC Pacific Rim Symposium, 17.-28.8.1998, Australia. Inf.: URL.: http://www.carbconnect.com.
Polymer processing, 17.-19.8.1998, Toronto. Inf.: Dept. of Chemical Engineering, McMaster University, JHE 374, Hamilton Ontario L8S 4LZ, Canada.
*Modeling and Measuring the Vulneralibility of Ecosystems at Regional, Scales for Use in Ecological Risk Assessment and Risk Management, 17-20.8.1998, Washington. Inf.: Llewellyn R. Williams, US EPA National Exposure Research Lab. P.O. Box 93478, Las Vegas, NV 89193-3478, USA, Tel.: +1 702-7982138, fax: -7982233, e-mail: williams.iieweiiyn@epamail.epa.gov.
*Surface engineering for protection of metals and alloys, 21.-26. 8.1998, Granada. Inf.: Dr. J. Hendekovic, European Science Foundatrion, 1 quai Lezaymarnésia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France, Tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, e-mail: euresco@esf.org, URL.: http://www.esf.org/euresco.
*RASS VII, 22.-30.8.1998, Gotland. Inf.: RASS Secretariat, c/o Malmfors Consulting AB, Västmannagatan 48, S-113 25 Stockholm, Sweden, Tel.: +4683-11990, fax: -01133.
ACS Fall Meeting, 23.-27.8.1998, Boston. Inf.: American Chemical Society, Washington DC, USA, Tel.: (1)202872-4553, fax: -4410.
*12th European Symposium on Quantitative Structure-Activity, Relationships, 23.-28.8.1998, Konaň. Inf.: Miloň Tichý, SZÚ, Šrobárova 48, 10042 Praha 10, CZ.
216 Natl. Meeting of ACS, 23.-28.8. 1998, Orlando. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036, USA.
XXIV European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, 23.-28. 8.1998, Praha. Inf.: Secretariat EUCMOS XXIV, Spectroscopic Society, Thakurova 7, CZ-166 29 Praha 6, CZ.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution, 23.-26.8.1997, U of Copenhagen. Inf.: Allan Astrup Jensen, dk-TEKNIK Energy & Environment, 15 Gladsaxe Moellevej, DK-2860 Soeborg, DK, Tel.: +45 3969-6511, fax: -6002, e-mail: aajensen@dk-teknik.dk.
15th International Congress on X-Ray Optics and Microanalysis, 24.-27.8.1998, Belgium. Inf.: ICXOM-XV Secretariat, University of Antwerp, Dept. of Chemistry, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Antwerp-Wilrijk, Belgium, e-mail: vantdack@uia.ua.ac.be.
*Compounding '98, 24.-25.8.1998, Cambridge. Inf.: Executive Conf. Management, P.O. Box 700272, Plymouth, Mich. 48170, USA, Tel.: (313)420-0507, fax:- 2280.
1st European Conference in Chemical Education (ECCE), 25.-29. 8.1998, Budapest. Inf.: Dr. Miklós Riedel, Eötvös University, Pázmány sétány 2, Budapest H-1117, Hungary, Tel.: +361209-0555, fax: -0602, e-mail: riedel@ludend.elte.hu.
*8th Symp. of Subtypes of Muscarinic Receptors, 25.-29.8.1998, Danvers. Inf.: Ruth Levine, Boston U of Medicine, 715 Albany St. Boston, Mass. 02118, USA, Tel.: (617)-6395123, fax: -6385748.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution, 26.-28.8.1998, Copenhagen. Inf.: Allan Astrup Jensen, dk-TEKNIK, Gladsaxe Mollevej 15, DK-2860 Soborg, Denmark, Tel.: 453969-6511, fax: -6002, e-mail: aajensen@dk-teknik.dk.
5th Int. Symp. on Capillary Electrophoresis, 26.-28.8.1998, York. Inf.: Dr. T. L. Threlfall, Univ. of York, York Y01 5DD, UK, Tel.: 441904-432576, fax: -432516, e-mail: js20@york.ac.uk.
*25th European Peptide Symposium, 30.8.-4.9.1998, Budapest. Inf.: Prof. Dr. Ferenc Hudecz, Research Group of Peptide Chemistry, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 32, 1518 Budapest 112, Hungary, fax: 36 1 2090602.
33rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, 30.8.-4.9.1998, Florence. Inf.: 2-3 Pound Way, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford OX4 3YF, UK, Tel.: +44(1865)-747744, fax: -747510, e-mail: iupac@vax.oxford.ac.uk.
7th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 30.8.-4.9.1998, Hungary. Inf.: Prof. G. Lipaty, Hungarian Chemical Society, Fö u. 68. H-1027 Budapest, Hungary, Tel.: (36-1)201-6883, fax: -8056, e-mail: estac@ch.bme.hu, URL.: http://www.ch.bme.hu/ gac/estac7/.
15th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular, Spectroscopy, 30.8.-3.9.1998, Praha. Inf.: V. Sprirko, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic J. Heyrovsky, Dolejskova 3, CZ-18223 Prague 8, CZ, e-mail: praha98@jhinst.cas.cz.
10th Int. Symp. on Chiral Discrimination, 30.8.-2.9.1998, Vienna. Inf.: ISCD '98, Inst. Anal. Chem. Univ. Vienna, Währingerstrasse 38, A-1090 Wien, Austria, fax: +43-1-3196312, e-mail: chiral98@olivin.ancunivie.ac.at, URL: http://www.anc.univie.ac.at/ Chiral98.
*NATO Advanced Study Inst. Management of Chemical Research, Development, & Innovation, 31.8.-11.9.1998, Budapest. Inf.: Gábor Dibó, Inst. of Chemistry, Eötvös Lonrád U, P.O. Box 32, H-1518 Budapest 112, Hungary, fax: 361-209 0602, e-mail: natoasi@szarves.chem.elte.hu.
Coordination chemistry, 31.8.-4.9.1998, Italy. Inf.: Dr. M. Perussi, ISSECC-CNR, Via Jacopo Nardi 39, 50132 Florence, Italy.
*19th International Conference on Polyphenols, 1.-4.9.1998, Avignon. Inf.: Dr. Christian Rolando, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, UFR de Chimie, Batiment C3, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France, fax: +33 1 43370051, e-mail: polyphen@univ-lille1.fr.
Swiss Automation Week, 1.-4.9.1998, Basel. Inf.: Tel.: (41)61686-2020, fax: -2189.
8th International Colloquium on Solid Sampling with Atomic, Spectroscopy, 1.-5.9.1998, Budapest. Inf.: Prof. Dr. Gy. Zaray, Eotvos University, P.O. Box 32, Budapest 112, H-15118, Hungary.
*Metal-Ligand Interactions in Chemistry, 1.-12.9.1998, Italy. Inf.: Prof. N. Russo, Universita Calabria, Dipto di Chimica, 87030 Arcavacata di Rende, Italy, fax: 39 984 492044, e-mail: russo@fis.unical.it, URL.: http://www.unical.it/scoule/nato-asi-mli.
*SILICIA: From Synthesys to Application, 1.-4.9.1998, Mullhouse. Inf.: B. Haidar, Institut de Chimie des Surfaces et Interfraces, CNRS, P.O. Box 2488, F-68057 Mullhuse, France, Tel.: (33)038960-8806, fax: -8799, e-mail: b.haidar@univ-mullhouse.fr.
*General Organic Synthesys: Target-oriented synthesys, metal-mediated, synthesys, Stereoselective synthesys (ESOC-2), 1.-30.9.1998. Inf.: e-mail: esoc-2@mpdi.org, URL.: http://www.mdpi.org/esoc-2.htm.
*Combinatorial Synthesys, Parallel Synthesys and Automation, 1.-30.9.1998. Inf.: e-mail: esoc-2@mpdi.org, URL.: http://www.mdpi.org/esoc-2.htm.
*Medicinal and Bioorganic Application of Organic Synthesis, 1.-30.9.1998. Inf.: e-mail: esoc-2@mpdi.org, URL.: http:// www.mdpi.org/esoc-2.htm.
*Natural Product Isolation, Modification and Total Synthesis, 1.-30.9.1998. Inf.: e-mail: esoc-2@mpdi.org, URL.: http:// www.mdpi.org/esoc-2.htm.
*Information and Compound Archives Management and Internet Application, 1.-30.9.1998. Inf.: e-mail: esoc-2@mpdi.org, URL.: http://www.mdpi.org/esoc-2.htm.
*1th International Workshop on Cocolate and Confetionery, 2.-4.9.1998, Praha. Inf.: Ing. J. Čopíková, VŠCHT, Technická 5, 16628 Praha 6, CZ.
*Škola (chemie) hrou: hry s chemickou tematikou, ze starých učebnic, efektivní efekty, 3.9.1998, Praha. Inf.: Doc. RNDr. Karel Holada, CSc. Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie PedF UK, Rettigové 4, 11639 Praha 1, CZ.
PROCHEM: 2. ročník prodejní a kontrakční výstavy chemických výrobků, 3.-5.9.1998, Výstaviště Plzeň. Inf.: Sdružení zakladatelů a. s. Výstaviště Plzeň, Radčická 2, 301 17 Plzeň, CZ, Tel.: 019/7222386, fax: 019/221396.
*Supramolecular Science: Where We Are and Where Are Going, 4.-7.9.1998, Italy. Inf.: Prof. R. Ungaro, Universita di Parma, Dip Chimica, Viale delle Scienze, 43100 Parma, Itlay, fax: 39 521 905 472, URL.: http://www.unipr.it/-natoarw.
*Inorganic chemistry: design of functionalyn systems, inorganic, environmental and medicinal challenges, 4.-9.9.1998, San Feliu. Inf.: Dr. J. Hendekovic, European Science Foundatrion, 1 quai Lezaymarnésia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France, Tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, e-mail: euresco@esf.org, URL.: http://www.esf.org/euresco.
Euroanalysis 10, 6.-12.9.1998, Basel. Inf.: Conference Secretariat, c/o Convention Centre Base, CH-4021 Basel, Switzerland, Tel.: 41 61-6862828, fax: -6862185, e-mail: congress@messebasel.ch.
European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry, 6.-11.9.1998, Edinburgh. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
*21st Congress of the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology with, International Participation, 6.-10.9.1998, Hradec Králové. Inf.: Prof. B. Sikyta, Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, Heyrovského 1203, 500 05 Hradec Králové, CZ, Tel.: +420 495210002.
*13th Intl. Round Table: Nucleosides, Nucleotides & their Biological, Application, 6.-10.9.1998, Montpellier. Inf.: M-C. Bergogne, Université Montpellier II, case courier 008, Place E. , Batalion, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France, Tel.: (33)0467-143855, fax: -042029, e-mail: irt@univ-montp2.fr.
International Conference on Microwave Chemistry, 6.-11. 9.1998, Prague. Inf.: Dr. Milan Hájek, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Rozvojová 135, 165 02 Prague 6, CZ, Tel.: 4202-20390292, fax: -20920661, e-mail: MWCH@icpf.cas.cz, URL.: http://www.icpf.cas.cz/MWCH.
ICORS XVI: Sixteenth International Conference on Raman, Spectroscopy, 6.-11.9.1998, South Africa. Inf.: Dr. A. M. Heyns, Institute of Applied Materials, University of Pretoria, 0002 Pretoria, South Africa.
12th European Conference on Low Energy Molecular Collisions, 6.-11.9.1998, UK. Inf.: G. Balint-Kurti, University of Bristol, Cantock's Close, Bristol BS8 1TL, UK.
*Nuklearchemie, 7.-9.9.1998, Dresden. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
15th International Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, 7.-10. 9.1998, Heriot-Watt. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
3rd Siena 2-D electrophoresis Meeting, 7.-10.9.1998, Italy. Inf.: L. Bini, Univ. of Siena, Tel.: +39 577-298014, fax: -298084, e-mail: pallini@unisi.it.
XXIII. Konference organických chemiků, 7.-10.9.1998, Litomyšl. Inf.: Ing. Jiří Kulhánek, Dr. Universita Pardubice, FCht, nám. Čs. legií 565, 53210 Pardubice, CZ, Tel.: 040-582111, fax: -514530, e-mail: kulhanck@hlb.upcc.cz.
Third International Meeting on Electrochromics, 7.-9.9.1998, London. Inf.: Prof. Mino Green, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Exibition Road, London SW7 2BT, England, fax: (0044)171-5946211, e-mail: m.green@ic.ac.uk.
Chemical Development & Scale-up in the Fine Chemical, Industry, 7.-10.9.1998, Montreal. Inf.: Claire Davey, Scientific Update, Wyvem Cottage, High St. Mayfield East Sussex TN20 6AE, UK, Tel.: (44)1435-873062, fax: -872734, e-mail: scientificupdate@ dial.pipex.com, URL.: http://ds.dial.pipex.com/scientificupdate.
*8th Intl. Gothenburg Symp. on Chemical Treatment, 7.-9. 9.1998, Prague. Inf.: Agenta Lindquist, c/o Kemira Kemi AB, P.O. Box 902, S-251 09 Helsingborg, Sweden, Tel.: 4642-171000, fax: -130570, e-mail: agenta.linquist@kemira.com.
*Assessing and Managing Health Risk from Drinking Water Contamination:, Approaches and Applications, 7.-10.9.1998, Santiago. Inf.: Ana Maria Sancha F. Universidad de Chile, Blanco Encalada 2120, Of. 417 Santiago, Chile, Tel.: (56-2)689-4171.
*8th Brazilian Mtg. on Organic Synthesis, 7.-11.9.1998, Sao Pedro. Inf.: Luiz Carlos Dias, Universidade Estadual de Campinas-UNICAMP, Cx. Postal 6154-CEP: 13083970, Campinas - SP, Brazil, Tel.: 5519-7887752, fax: -2393805, e-mail: ldas@iqm.unicamp.br, URL.: http://www.sbp.org.br/eventos/bmos/bmosmain.htm.
Applicationof Magnetic Resonance to Food Science, 7.-9.9.1998, UK. Inf.: Busines Office, Institute of Food Research, Earley Gate, Reading RG6 6BZ, UK, e-mail: food.magres@bbsrc.ac.uk.
2nd European Conference: Controling Emisions from Valve, Pumps, Pumpsand Flanges, 8.-9.9.1998, Düsseldorf. Inf.: Dr. Brian S. Ellis, European Sealing Association, Bowerham House, The Grove, Lancaster LA1 3AL, UK, Tel.: +44 1524-844222, fax: -844222.
NUKLEONIKA '98, 9.-10.9.1998, Praha. Inf.: Ing. Milan Tomášek, Ústav jaderné fyziky AVČR, Na Truhlářce 39/64, 180 86 Praha 8, CZ, Tel.: 02-66311583, fax: -823344, e-mail: odz@ujf.cas.cz.
*ORCHEM '98, 10.-12.9.1998, Bed Nauheim. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
*Supramolecular chemistry: advanced materials, 10.-15.9.1998, The Netherlands. Inf.: Dr. J. Hendekovic, European Science Foundatrion, 1 quai Lezaymarnésia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France, Tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, e-mail: euresco@esf.org, URL.: http://www.esf.org/euresco.
*4th European Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 11.-13. 9.1998, Milán. Inf.: European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences '98, Via Appiani 7, 20121 Milan, Italy.
*Pollutans from Combustion - Formation and Impact on Atmospheric, Chemistry, 13.-26.9.1998, Itlay. Inf.: Prof. C. Vovelle, CNRS, Labo de Combustion et Systemes Reactifics, 1C Avenue de la Recherche Scientifique, 45071 Orleans Cedex 5, France, fax: 332 3869 6004, e-mail: vovel@cnrs-orleans.fr.
Fats and oils, 13.-15.9.1998, Magdenburg. Inf.: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft, P.O. Box 90 04 40, D-60444 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
*PSAM 4. International Conference on Probablistic Safety Assessement, and Management, 13.-18.9.1998, New York. Inf.: Prof. Ali Mosleh, University of Maryland, 2100A Marie Mount Hall, College Parl, MD 20742-7531, USA, Tel.: 301 405-5215, fax: -9601, e-mail: Mosleh@eng..umd.edu, URL.: http://www.enre.umd.edu/IAPSAM.
*Meeting on Biologicaly Active Polysacharides, 13.-16.9.1998, Oslo. Inf.: Prof. B. S. Paulsen, Farmasytisk, adv c, Postboks 1068, Blindern 0316 Oslo, Norway, fax: 47 22854402.
ISC '98, 13.-18.9.1998, Roma. Inf.: F. Dondi, Universitá di Ferrara, Via L. Borsari 46, I-44100 Ferrara, Italy, Tel.: +39532-291154, fax: -240709, e-mail: mo5@dns.unife.it.
*World Fertilizer Conf. 13.-15.9.1998, San Francisco. Inf.: Fertilizer Inst. 501 2nd St.N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002, USA, Tel.: (202)-6758250, fax: -5448123.
*6th International Conference on Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry, 13.-18.9.1998, UK. Inf.: Dr. G. Holland, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Science Laboratories, South Road, Durham DU1 3LE, UK.
*3rd Asian Conf. on Food Safety & Nutrition, 14.-17.9.1998, Beijing. Inf.: Lili Merritt, Intl. Life Sciences Inst. 1126-16th St. N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036-4810, USA, Tel.: (202)659-0074 fax -3859, e-mail: meetings@dc.ilsi.org.
*20th Cong. of the Intl. Federation of the Societes of Cosmetic, Chemists, 14.-18.9.1998, Cannes. Inf.: Convergences-IFSCC '98, 120 avenue gambetta, 75020 Paris, France, Tel.: (33)01-43647777, fax: -40310165.
*Deutsher Lebensmittchemikertag 1998, 14.-16.9.1998, München. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
*Basic Composition of Coatings: Short Course, 14.-18.9.1998, Rolla. Inf.: UMR Coatings Inst. 1870 Miner Circle, 236 Schrenk Hall, Rolla, Mo. 65409-0010, USA, Tel.: (573)341-4419, fax: -4881, e-mail: coatings@umr.edu.
*COMPANA '98 incorporating LISMS, 15.-18.9.1998, Duisburg. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http:// www.gdch.de.
*CADISO '98: Kardiovaskulární onemocnění a stabilita organismu, 15.-17.9.1998, Hradec Králové. Inf.: Doc. RNDr. Lubomír Opletal, CSc. farmaceutická fakulta UK/130, Heyrovského 12063, 500 05 Hradec Králové, CZ, Tel.: (049)-5067248, fax: -5210002, e-mail: opletal@faf.cumi.cz.
*SCETOX 98. Fifth European Conference Ecotoxicology and Environmental, Safety, 15.-18.9.1998, Neuherberg/Munich. Inf.: SCETOX, c/o Ulla Schrödel, GSF - Forschungszentrum, Postfach 1129, D - 85758 Neuhemberg, Germany, Tel.: 089/3187-3030, fax: -3362, e-mail: schroedel@gsf.de.
Sarajevo Ecologia/Controla, 15.-18.9.1998, Sarajevo. Inf.: IEG Solingen, Solingen, Germany, Tel.: (49)21224-2140, fax: -21444.
*Fourth International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental, Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe, 15.-17.9.1998, Warsaw. Inf.: Warsaw '98, Florida State University, 2035 East Paul Dirac Drive, 226 HMB Tallahassee 32310-3700, USA, Tel.: 850-644 7211, fax: -574 6704, e-mail: warsaw@mailer.fsu.edu, URL.: http:// www.warsaw98.fsu.edu.
8th International Symposium on Environmental Radio Chemical, 16.9.1998, Blackpool. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
*6th International Symposium on Kinetics in Analytical Chemistry, 16.-19.9.1998, Chalkidiki. Inf.: Prof. M. Karayannis, fax: +30 651 98407, e-mail: mkaragia@cc.uoi.GR.
*Art & Chimie - la couleur, 16.-18.9.1998, Paris. Inf.: Soc. de Chimie Industrialle, 28 rue Saint-Dominique, F-75007 Paris, France, Tel.: 33 1-53590210, fax: -45554033.
*Intl. Activated Carbon Conf. 16.-17.9.1998, Pittsburgh. Inf.: Professional Analytical & Consulting Services, 409 Meads Dr. Corapolis, Pa. 15108, USA, Tel.: (412)457-6576, fax: -1214, e-mail: hnpacs@aol.com.
2nd European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering, Science for the Quality of Life (ESBES-2), 16.-19.9.1998, Porto. Inf.: Ms. Joana Azeredo, ESBES-2 Dept. de Engenharia Qimica Faculdade de Engenharia, Rua dos Bragas, 4099 Porto, Portugal, Tel.: +351 2-2041694, fax: -2000808, e-mail: esbes2@fe.up.pt, URL.: http://www. deb.uminho.pt/esbes2.
ICAM ASIA - International Trade Fair for Industrial Control, Automation and Mesaurement, 17.-19.9.1998, Singapure. Inf.: Nowea International GmbH, Gesell & Co. PF 88, A-1191 Wien, Austria, Tel.: +431-3205952, fax: -3206344.
ROSPA Stotland, 18.-19.9.1998, Glasgow. Inf.: Centre Exhibitions, Brimmingham, UK, Tel.: (44)121-7672665, fax: -7673535.
*International Conference on The scale-up of chemical processes, 21.-24.9.1998, Jersey. Inf.: Claire Davey, Scientific Update, Wyvem Cottage, High St. Mayfield East Sussex TN20 6AE, UK, Tel.: (44)1435-873062, fax: -872734, e-mail: scientificupdate@ dial.pipex.com, URL.: http://ds.dial.pipex.com /scientificupdate.
*4th International Anque Chemistry Conference, 21.-25.9.1998, Spain. Inf.: Secretaría del Comité Organistaor, Faculta de Ciencias, Campus Universitario, 27002 Lugo, Spain, Tel.: 982-253011, fax: -224904, e-mail: 4anque@lugo.usc.es, URL.: http://www. lugo.usc.es/~fcien/4anque.html.
*Jahrestagung 1998, 21.-23.9.1998, Würzburg. Inf.: Prof. Dr. G. Schulze, Technische Universität Berlin, Strae des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany, Tel.: (030)314-23311, fax: -21106.
Aquatech, 22.-25.9.1998, Amsterdam. Inf.: RAI Exhibitions, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tel.: (31)20-5491212, fax: -6464469.
*meeting on Adhesion, 22.9.1998, London. Inf.: Barbara Cavilla, SMR Secretariat, 20 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2DZ, UK.
*1998 Intl. Conf. & Exhibition of American Assoc. of Textile Chemists &, Colorists, 22.-25.9.1998, Philadelphia. Inf.: Peg Pickett, AATCC, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709, USA, Tel.: (919)549-8141, fax: -8933, e-mail: pickettp@aatcc.org.
WORLDPHARM 98, 22.-24.9.1998, Philadelphia. Inf.: WORLDPHARM, Advanstar Communications, P.O. Bax 6429, Duluth MN 55806-9885, USA, fax: +1(218)723-9122.
*Euro Environment, 23.-25.9.1998, Aalborg. Inf.: Aalborg tourist and Convention Bureau, P.O. Box 1862, DK. 9100, Denmark, Tel.: +4598-126355, fax: -166922.
*Radiochemical Analysis, 23.-25.9.1998, Blackpool. Inf.: S. West, The Presentation Centre, 121 Palatine Road, Disbury, Manchester M20 3YA, UK.
Gasification, 23.-24.9.1998, Dresden. Inf.: Alex Landriau, Conferences and Courses IChemE, 165-189 Railway Terrace, Rugby CV21 3HQ, UK.
*Pokroky v instrumentaci a metodice analýzy vody, 23.-24. 9.1998, Pardubice. Inf.: Ing. Jaromir Kalous, CSc, UPA, FCHT, KAlCh, nam. Cs. legii 565, 532 10 Pardubice, Tel.: 040/6037089, e-mail: kalous@upce.cz.
*Syntheseprinzipien in der Festkörperchemie, 23.-25.9.1998, Saarbrücken. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
*Biological Monitoring in Occupational and Environmental Health, 23.-25.9.1998, Seoul. Inf.: Prof. Se-Hoon Lee, Symposium Secretariat Biological Monitoring, The Catholic Univ. of Korea, 505 Banpo-dong, Socho-ku, Seoul 137-701, Korea, Tel.: +822-590 1236, fax: -532 3820, e-mail: ashlee@cmc.cuk.ac.kr.
Int. Symp. on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and, Allied Techniques, 23.-25.9.1998, Strasbourg. Inf.: Secretariat SPICA '98, Francouise Brionne-ENSIC, 1 rue Grandville, BP 451, F-54001 Nancy Cedex, France, Tel.: +33 383-175003, fax: -350811, e-mail: brionne@ensic.u-nancy.fr.
*Capillary Electrophoresis Short Course, 23.-26.8.1998, York. Inf.: Mrs. Gill Caminow, The Chromatographic Society, Suite 4, 32 Clarendon Street, Nottingham NG1 5JD, UK, Tel.: 44 115950-0596, fax: -0614, e-mail: 106056.276@compuserve.com, URL.: http://www. chromsoc.demon.co.uk.
Symposium Forensic Toxicology OLOMOUC '98, 24.-26.9.1998, Olomouc. Inf.: Dr. Břetislav Smysl, P.O. Box 83, St. Teichmanna 38, 77900 Olomouc, CZ.
*Current issues in teaching quality in chemical Mesaurements, 27.-29.9.1998, Germany. Inf.: Frau Erika Arndt, Physikalische und Chemische Analytik, Postfach 1160, D-21494 Geesthacht, Germany, Tel.: +49 4152-872347, fax: -872366, e-mail: erika.arndt@gkss.de.
*Conduction and Transport Mechanisms in Organic Materials, 27.-30.9.1998, Heidelberg. Inf.: Prof. Dr. M. Grunze, Universität Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 253, 691120 Heidelberg, Germany, Tel.: (06221)54-8461, fax: -6199, e-mail: bunsen.discussions98urz.uni-heidelberg.de.
*High Pressure Molecular Science, 27.9.-11.10, Itlay. Inf.: Prof. R. Winter, University of Dortmund, Otto-Hahn-Str. 6, 44227 Dortmund, Germany, fax: 4923 7553901, e-mail: winter@steak.chemie.uni-dortmund.de.
*Herbsttagung der Gessellschaft fůr Biochemie und Molekularbiologie, 27.-30.9.1998, Jena. Inf.: Des Inst. fur Pathbiochemie, Klinikum der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena, Postfach, D-07740 Jena, Germany, Tel.: +49 3641-631753, fax: -631318, e-mail: atam@mti-n.uni-jena.de, URL.: http://www.mti.uni-jena.de/i5anta/gbm98ht.html.
*Umwelt und Chemie - Innovation und Produktdesign, 27.-30. 9.1998, Karlsruhe. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
*Soc. of Petroleum Engineers Ann. Technical Conf. & Exhibition, 27.-30.9.1998, New Orleans. Inf.: Dan Lipsher, Soc. of Petroleum Engineers, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836, USA, Tel.: (972)952-9306, e-mail: dlipsher@spelink.spe.org.
*Franco-German NMR Conference II, 27.-30.9.1998, Obernai. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http:// www.gdch.de.
1st International Conference on Supramolecular Science &, Technology, 27.9.-3.10.1998, Zakopane. Inf.: Conference Secretariat, Warsaw University, Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland, Tel.: 48-22-220211, e-mail: supranet@chem.uw.edu.pl.
International Symposium Large Chemical Plants 10, 28.-30. 9.1998, Antwerpen. Inf.: Technologisch Instituut vzw, Desguinlei 214, B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgien, Tel.: +323-2160996 fax -2160689, e-mail: lcp10@ti.kviv.be, URL.: http://www.kviv.be/ti/lcp10.htm.
*Workshop on Polycondensation '98, 28.9.-1.10.1998, Baltimore. Inf.: F. W. Harris, Mauricie Morton Inst. of Polymer Science, U of Akron, 170 University Circle PS-CI-617, Akron, Ohio 44324, USA, Tel.: (330)972-7511, fax: -5704, e-mail: shoover@polymer.uakron.edu.
*Intoduction to Paint Fomulation: Short Course, 28.9.-2.10.1998, Rolla. Inf.: UMR Coatings Inst. 1870 Miner Circle, 236 Schrenk Hall, Rolla, Mo. 65409-0010, USA, Tel.: (573)341-4419, fax: -4881, e-mail: coatings@umr.edu.
*Rubber & Plastic '98. (IIME'98), 29.9.-3.10.1998, Indonesia. Inf.: Top Repute Co. Ltd. Fu Fai Commercial Center, 27 Hiller St. , Sheung Wan, Hong Kong, Tel.: (852)2851-8603, fax: -8637, e-mail: topreput@hkabc.net.
*Quantum optics: atom cooling and guiding, laser spectroscopy, and squeezing, 29.9.-4.10.1998, Italy. Inf.: Dr. J. Hendekovic, European Science Foundatrion, 1 quai Lezaymarnésia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France, Tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, e-mail: euresco@esf.org, URL.: http://www.esf.org/euresco.
*154th Fall Technical Mtg. & Rubber Mini Expo '98, 29.9.-1.10.1998, Nashville. Inf.: S. Poorman, Rubber Div. P.O. Box 499, Akron, Ohio 44309-0499, USA, Tel.: (330)972-7829, fax: -5269, e-mail: poorman@uakron.edu.
*4. Elektrochemisches Grundlagensymposium, 30.9.-2.10.1998, Frankfurt am Main. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
*Jahrestagung 1998, 30.9.-2.10.1998, Frankfurt am Main. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
*Arbeitskreises Chromatographie, 30.9.-1.10.1998, Karlsruhe. Inf.: Abt. Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de.
*New Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology, 30.9.1998, London. Inf.: Societi of Chemical Industry, 14/15 Belgrave Square, London SW1X8PS, UK, Tel.: +44(0)171-2353681, fax: -2357743, e-mail: conferences@chemind.demon.co.uk, URL.: http://sci.mond.org.
*"Národní barvy: bílá, červená, modrá ; trikolora v pokusech, pokusy:", -v modrém, -v červeném, -v bílém, 1.10.1998, Praha. Inf.: Doc. RNDr. Karel Holada, CSc. Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie PedF UK, Rettigové 4, 11639 Praha 1, CZ.
Performance evaluation, 1.10.1998, Wakefield. Inf.: British Association for Chemical Specialities, The Gatehouse, White Cross, Lancaster LA1 4XQ, UK.
WEFTEC, 3.-7.10.1998, Orlando. Inf.: Water Environment Federation, Alexandric, VA, USA, Tel.: (1)703684-2414, fax: -2475.
48th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, 4.-7.10.1998, Canada. Inf.: Dr. Clarke Henry, FCIC, Imperial Oil Ltd. P.O. Box 3022, Ontario N7T 7M1, Canada, Tel.: 519339-2469, fax: -4088, URL.: http://www.uwo.ca/engin/chemical/csche48.
ITP'98, 4.-7.10.1998, Italy. Inf.: Symp Organizing Secretartiat, EMMEZETA CONGRESSI, Via C. Farini 70, 20159 Milan, Italy, Tel.: +39 2-66802323, fax: -6686699, e-mail: emmezeta@galactica.it.
*5th Intl. Conf. on Remote Sensing for Marine & Coastal Environments, 5.-7.10.1998, San Diego. Inf.: ERIM Marine Conferences, P.O. Box 1344001, Ann. Arbor, Mich. 48113, USA, Tel.: (313)994-1200, fax: -5123, e-mail: wallman@erim.org.
Slov. Regula, 6.-9.10.1998, Bratislava. Inf.: IEG Solingen, Solingen, Germany, Tel.: (49)21224-2140, fax: -21444.
*Health Risk Assessment: Current Issues, 6.-8.10.1998, California. Inf.: Society for Risk Analysis, 1313 Dolley Madison Blvd. Suite 402, McLean VA 2201, USA, Tel.: (703)790-1745, fax: -2672, e-mail: sraburkmgt@aol.com, URL.: http://www.sra.org.
Chemtec Praha, 6.-9.10.1998, Praha. Inf.: Incheba, Praha, CZ, Tel.: (420)2241-95429, fax: -5323.
*64. Vortragstagung, 7.-9.10.1998, Celle. Inf.: Dr. D. Saatweber, Herberts GmbH, Postfach, 42271 Wuppertal, Germany, Tel.: (0202)529-6639, fax: -6278, e-mail: Dietrich_Saatweber@wuppertal.herberts.de.
*Wöhler-Vereinigung für Anorganische Chemie, 8.-10.10.1998, Eisenach. Inf.: Abt. Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de.
*15. Forbildungs - und Vortragstagung, 8.-10.10.1998, Nürnberg. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http:// www.gdch.de.
*Tryptophan - Basic Aspects and Practical Applications, 10.-14. 10.1998, Hamburg. Inf.: Dr. Barbara van Wickern, Universität Hamburg, Grindelallee 117, 2016 Hamburg, Germany, Tel.: (040)4123-4379, fax: -4342, e-mail: fca075@ic.chemie.uni-hamburg.de, URL.: http://www.uni-hamburg.de/bic/lc/istry.
*25th. Annual Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and, Spectroscopy Societes, 11.-16.9.1998, Texas. Inf.: Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societes, 1201 Don Diego Avenue, Snata Fe, New Mexico, USA.
*Analytical Science into the Next Millennium Conf. Analitika '98, 12.-14.10.1998, South Africa. Inf.: Pat Bayley, P.O. Box 426, Carmerview 2060, South Africa, Tel.: 2711 4654015, e-mail: deon@info.mintek.ac.za.
Ukraina Ecologia/Controla, 13.-16.10.1998, Kiev. Inf.: IEG Solingen, Solingen, Germany, Tel.: (49)21224-2140, fax: -21444.
Biocides and biofilms, 14.10.1998, Haydock. Inf.: British Association for Chemical Specialities, The Gatehouse, White Cross, Lancaster LA1 4XQ, UK.
Prago Regula, 17.-20.10.1998, Praha. Inf.: IEG Solingen, Solingen, Germany, Tel.: (49)21224-2140, fax: -21444.
5th IUBMB Conference on the Biochemistry of Health and, Diseases, 18.-22.10.1998, Israel. Inf.: Prof U Z Littauer, Department of Neurobiology, Rehovot 76100, Israel.
AGM & Evening Discussion Meeting, 18.10.1998, London. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
ISA, 19.-22.10.1998, Huston. Inf.: Instrument Society of America, Research, Triangle Park, NC, USA, Tel.: (1)919549-8411 fax -8288.
Chemical Development & Scale-up in the Fine Chemical, Industry, 19.-22.10.1998, Leeds, UK. Inf.: Claire Davey, Scientific Update, Wyvem Cottage, High St. Mayfield East Sussex TN20 6AE, UK, Tel.: (44)1435-873062, fax: -872734, e-mail: scientificupdate@dial.pipex.com, URL.: http://ds.dial.pipex.com/scientificupdate.
National Safety Council Congress and Exhibition, 19.-20. 10.1998, Los Angeles. Inf.: National Safety Council, Itasca, IL, USA, Tel.: (1)630285-1121, fax: -0798.
IFEST, 20.-23.10.1998, Belgium. Inf.: Flanders Expo, Gent, Belgium, Tel.: (32)9241-9211, fax: -9495.
Envibrno, 20.-25.10.1998, Brno. Inf.: BVV Trade Fairs, Brno, CZ, Tel.: (420)54115-2880, fax: -2992.
*Schliersee - Symposium 1998, 21.-23.10.1998, Schliersee. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
*14th Intl. Trade Fair for Plastics & Rubber, 22.-29.10.1998, Dusseldorf. Inf.: Dusseldorf Trade Shows, 150 North Michigan Ave. Suite 2920, Chicago, III. 60601, USA, Tel.: (312)781-5180 fax -5188, URL.: http://www.dtsusa.com/dts.
Short Papers in Pharmaceutical Analysis, 22.10.1998, London. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
*Combinatorial Chemistry: Beyond Pharmaceuticals, 22.-23. 10.1998, Newark. Inf.: Engineering Outreach, U of Delaware, Newark, Del. 16716-3101, USA, Tel.: (302)831-4863, fax: -8179, e-mail: outreach@mvs.udel.edu.
Pol Controla, 22.-24.10.1998, Warsaw. Inf.: IEG Solingen, Solingen, Germany, Tel.: (49)21224-2140, fax: -21444.
Health and Safety at Work, 28.-29.10.1998, Ireland. Inf.: Key Events Ltd, Dublin, Ireland, Tel.: (535)1490-1790, fax: -1792.
*34th Western Reg. Mtg. 28.-31.10.1998, San Francisco. Inf.: G. Fuller, 1060 Cragmont Ave. Berkeley, Calif. 94708, USA, Tel.: (510)559-5751, fax: -5777, e-mail: glennfull@aol.com.
*54th Southwest Regional Mtg. 1.-3.11.1998, Baton Rouge. Inf.: Carl Hudson, Exxon R&D Labs, P.O. Box 2226, Baton Rouge, La. 70821, USA, Tel.: (504)359-4890, fax: -7325, e-mail: reglmtgs@acs.org.
*Limitations of Test Methods for Plastics Symp. 1.11.1998, Norfolk. Inf.: James Peraro, 87 West Chestnut Hill Rd. Newark, Del. 19713, USA, Tel.: (302)55-0116.
*17th International Symposium on Separation and Analysis of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides (ISPP '98), 1.-4.11.1998, Wien. Inf.: Gabriele Prohaska, Come-In, Alser Strase 32/3, A-1090 Wien, Österreich, fax: +431/40247 1414, e-mail: come-in@magnet.at, URL.: http://www.boku.ac.at/iam/isppp98.
*Intl. Oil & Gas Conf. & Exhibit. 2.-6.11.1998, Beijing. Inf.: Dan Lipsher, Soc. of Petroleum Engineers, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836, USA, Tel.: (972)952-9306, e-mail: dlipsher@ spelink.spe.org.
*Introduction to Coatings: Short Course, 2.-4.11.1998, St. Louis. Inf.: UMR Coatings Inst, 1870 Miner Circle, 236 Chrenk Hall, Rolla, Mo. 65409-0010, USA, Tel.: (573)341-4419, fax: -4881, e-mail: coatings@umr.edu.
*Natl. Fluid Power Assoc. Fluid Power Expo, 3.-5.11.1998, Cleveland. Inf.: Fluid Power Assoc, 3333 North Mayfair Rd. Milwaukee, Wis. 53222-3219, USA, Tel.: (414)778-3344, fax: -3361, e-mail: nfpa@nfpa.com.
Pollutec, 3.-6.11.1998, France. Inf.: Miller Freeman, Levallois-Perrett, France, Tel.: (33)14756-2125, fax: -2110.
Environment and Waste Treatment '98, 4.-6.11.1998, Estonia. Inf.: Estonian Fairs Ltd. Tallinn, Estonia, Tel.: (372)223-8697 fax -9177.
*50th ACS Southeast Regional Mtg. 4.-7.11.1998, Research Triangle Park. Inf.: Robert Ghiradelli, 1404 Anderson St. Durham, N.C. 27707, USA, Tel.: (919)489-6306.
*33rd ACS Midwest Regional Mtg. 4.-6.11.1998, Wichita. Inf.: Charles Greenlief, Emporia State U, Dept of Chemistry, CB 4030 Emporia, Kan.66801-5087, USA, Tel.: (316)341-5990, fax: -6055, e-mail: greenlic@esumail.emporia.
*Literární poklesky chemiků - chemické poklesky literátů, 5.11.1998, Praha. Inf.: Doc. RNDr. Karel Holada, CSc. Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie PedF UK, Rettigové 4, 11639 Praha 1, CZ.
*Jahrestagung der DPhG, 6.-8.11.1998, Tübingen. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
Interphex, 10.-12.11.1998, Brimingham. Inf.: Paul Wilson, Reed Exhibitions, 26 The Quarant, Richmind, Surrey TW9 1DL, UK.
*Nové směry v gumárenstvý, 10.-11.11.1998, Zlín. Inf.: Fakulta technologická Zlín / KGPT, nám. TGM 272, 762 72 Zlín, Tel.: 067 7610-338, fax: -342, e-mail: manas@zlin.vutbr.cz.
Werkstoffwoche 98, 12.-16.11.1998, Germany. Inf.: Messe München, Messegelände, D-80325 München, Germany.
3rd European Conference on Grain Legumes, 14.-19.11.1998, Spain. Inf.: AEP - srd Conference, 12, avenue George V, 75 008 Paris, France, Tel.: +33 14-0694909, fax: -7235872.
*Eastern Analytical Symp. 15.-20.11.1998, Somerset. Inf.: Eastern Analytical Symp, P.O. Box 633, Montchainn, Del. 19710-0633, USA, Tel.: (302)738-6218, fax: -5275, URL.: http://www.eas.org.
*Chemische Datenbanken im Internet, 16.-18.11.1998, Bad Dürkheim. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
*ChemAnalysis 1998, 16.-20.11.1998, Brussels. Inf.: Simon Roberts, Advanstar Comunications, Advanstar House, Park West, Sealand Road, Chester CH1 4RN, UK, Tel.: +44 1244-378888, fax: -370011, e-mail: sroberts@advanstar.com.
Heleco 98, 19.-22.11.1998, Greece. Inf.: Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, Greece, Tel.: (30)13229-463, fax: -463.
*Workshop on Contemporary Biomaterials through Precise Control of, Macromolecular Chemistries & Architectures, 19.-22.11.1998, Williamsburg. Inf.: B. D. Ratner, U of Washington, Box 351750, Seattle, Wash. 98195, USA, Tel.: (206)-6851005, fax: -5433778, e-mail: ratner@cheme.washington.edu.
*Biennial Symp.: Polymers in Interfacing Disciplines & Technologies, 22.-25.11.1998, Williamsburg. Inf.: Div. of Polymer Chemistry, U of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 53706, USA, Tel.: (608)262-3082, fax: -9918, e-mail: yu@chem.wisc.edu.
BIAS, 24.-28.11.1998, Milan. Inf.: Eiom, Milan, Italy, Tel.: (39)2551-81842, fax: -84161.
*12th Offshore Southeast Asia Conf. & Exhibition, 1.-4.12.1998, Singapore. Inf.: Singapore Exhibition Services, 2 Handy Rd. No. 15-09 Cathay Bldg. Singapore 229233, Tel.: (65)33-84747, fax: -95651, e-mail: info@sesmontnet.com.
*4th Asian Intl. Refininf, LMG & Petrochemical Technology Exhibition &, Conf. 1.-4.12.1998, Singapore. Inf.: Singapore Exhibition Services, 2 Handy Rd. No. 15-09 Cathay Bldg. Singapore 229233, Tel.: (65)33-84747, fax: -95651, e-mail: info@sesmontnet.com.
Hungarian Paints Symposium, 2.-4.12.1998, Budapest. Inf.: Research Institute for Paint Industry, Dunasor 11, Budapest H-1044, Hungary, Tel.: (36)1169-7718, fax: -7533.
Superfund XVIII, 2.-4.12.1998, Washington D.C.. Inf.: E.J. Krause and Associates, Bethesda, MD, USA, Tel.: (1)301493-5500 fax -5705.
*Chemický advent: praktikum směřující k vánoční besídce, 3.12.1998, Praha. Inf.: Doc. RNDr. Karel Holada, CSc. Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie PedF UK, Rettigové 4, 11639 Praha 1, CZ.
*Regionalverband Nordost, 4.12.1998, Berlin. Inf.: Prof. Dr. C. Franzke, Institut für lebensmittelchemie der TU Berlin, Gustav-Mezer-Alle 25, 13355 Berlin, Germanz, Tel.: (030)-31472813, fax: -6766617, e-mail: moer1530@mailszrz.zrz.TU-Berlin.de.
*Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Wastes. Their Best Destination (III), 9.-11.12.1998, Puerto de la Cruz. Inf.: Asociación Nacional de Química de Espaňa, C/Lagasca, 85, 28006 Madrid, Spain, Tel.: +341-4310703, fax: -5765279, e-mail: anquejg@mail.ddnet.es, URL.: http://www.anque.es.
*SOCMA Ann. Dinner. 15.12.1998, New York. Inf.: Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufactures Assoc. 1100 New York Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20005, USA, Tel.: (202)-4144100, fax: -2898584.
Molecular Physiology II, 15.-18.12.1998, UK. Inf.: URL.: http://www.carbconnect.com.
*Molecular Interactions of Biomembranes, 16.-18.12.1998, U of Bristol. Inf.: Ms. S. Riaz, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0BN, UK, fax: 0171 734 1227, e-mail: riazs@rsc.org.
*Veselý silvestr bez pyrotechniky: decentní alternativa hlučné, "komerční ""zábavné"" pyrotechniky", 31.12.1998, Praha. Inf.: Doc. RNDr. Karel Holada, CSc. Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie PedF UK, Rettigové 4, 11639 Praha 1, CZ.
*14th Winter Fluorine Conf. 17.-22.1.1999, St. Petersburg Beach. Inf.: G. B. Hammond, U of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Mass. 02747, USA, Tel.: (508)-9998865, fax: -9106918, e-mail: ghammond@umassd.edu.
*Workshop on NMR Spectroscopy of Polymers, 24.-27.1.1999, Breckenridge. Inf.: P. T. Inglefield, Dept. of Chemistry Clark U, Worcester, Mass. 01610-1477, USA.
*Ovzduší '99, 7.-10.2.1999, Brno. Inf.: RNDr. Irena Holoubková, TOCEN - Centrum Environmentálních Studií, s.r.o. Brno, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, CZ, Tel.: 05-41129511, fax: -41129506, e-mail: kuba@chemi.muni.cz.
217 Natl. Meeting of ACS, 21.-26.3. 1999, Anaheim. Inf.: Meetings Dept. ACS, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036, USA.
*Gemeinsame Frühjahrstagung 1999, 22.-23.3.1999, Basel. Inf.: Dr. R. Giger, Novartis Pharma AG, S-507.4.05, CH-4002 Basel, Tel.: +41 61324-8195, fax: -4236, e-mail: rubolf.giger@pharma.novartis.com, URL.: http://sgich1.unifr.ch/smc.html.
*4th International Conference on Separations for Biotechnology, 29.-31.3.1999, U of Reading. Inf.: Society of Chemical Industry, 14/15 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PS, UK, Tel.: +44(0)171-2353681, fax: -2357743, URL.: http://sci.mond.org.
*Physical Chemistry in the Mesoscopic Regime, 12.-14.4.1999, Chester. Inf.: Dr. M. Lal, Unilever Research, Port Sunlight Laboratory, Bebington, Wirral, Merseyside L63 3JW, UK, e-mail: Moti.Lal@unilever.com.
Process technology, 12.-16.4.1999, Paris. Inf.: Comite des Expositions de Paris, 55 quai Alphone Le Gallo, BP 317, 92107 Bolougne, France.
*155th Spring Technical Mtg. 13.-16.4.1999, Chicago. Inf.: C. Morrison-Koons, Rubber Div. P.O. Box 499, Akron, Ohio 44309-0499, USA, Tel.: (330)972-7815, fax: -5269, e-mail: clm3@uakron.edu.
*Physikalische Chemie der Atmosphäre, 13.-15.5.1999, Dortmund. Inf.: Prof. Dr. B. Boddenberg, Universität Dortmund, Otto-Hahn-Str. 6, 44227 Dortmund, Germany, Tel.: (0231)755-3910 fax -5367.
*Recovery of Biological Products 9, 23.-28.5.1999, Canada. Inf.: Engineering Foundation, Mollerup, Novo Nordisk A/S, Hagedornsvej 1, DK-2820 Gentofte, Denmark, fax: +45 44439910, e-mail: imo@novo.dk.
*23rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase, Separations and Related Techniques, 30.5.-4.6.1999, Granada. Inf.: HPLC '99 Secretariat, Palaco de Congresos, Departmento de Convenciones, Av. Reina Ma Cristina, s/n, 08004 Barcelona, Spain, Tel.: (+343)-2332377, fax: -4262845, e-mail: hplc99@webside.es, URL.: http://www.webside.es/hplc99
82 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition, 30.5.- 3.6. 99, Toronto. Inf.: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem. 130 Slater St. Suite 550, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada.
*5th International Conf. on Chemical Structures, 6.-10.6.1999, the Netherlands. Inf.: G. Grethe, c/o MDL Information Systems Inc. 14600 Cataliana St. San Leonardo, CA 94577, USA, Tel.: (510)-8951313, fax: -6143638, e-mail: guenter@mdli.com.
*54th Northwest Regional Mtg. 20.-22.6.1999, Portland. Inf.: T. Dunne, Portland Section, 3203 Southeast Woodstock Blvd. Portland, Ore. 97202, USA, Tel.: (503)777-7207, fax: -7769.
*28th Northeast Regional Mtg. 21.-26.6.1999, Clarkson. Inf.: P. Zuman, Dept of Chemistry, Postdam U, Postdam, N.Y. 13699-5810, USA, Tel.: (315)268-2340.
*31st Central Regional Mtg. 21.-23.6.1999, Columbus. Inf.: J. Parson, Chemistry Dept. Ohio State U, 100 West 18th Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA, Tel.: (614)292-3267, fax: -1685, e-mail: parson.2@osu.edu.
*1. Greischer - Symposium, 23.-25.6.1999, Berlin. Inf.: Prof. Dr. D. M. Kolb, Universität Ulm, 89069 Ulm, Germany, Tel.: (0731)502-5400, fax: -5409, e-mail: dieter.kolb@chemie.uni-ulm.de.
4th Liquid Matter Conference, 3.-7.7.1999, Granada. Inf.: Prof. Dr. Pedro Tarazona, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, E-28049 Madrid, Spain, Tel.: +341-3974907, fax: -3974950, e-mail: pedro@ fluid5.fmc.uam.es.
*Stereochemistry and Control in Molecular Reaction Dynamics, 5.-7.7.1999, U of Leeds. Inf.: Dr. B. J. Whitaker, The University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK, e-mail: benw@chem.leeds.ac.uk.
10th European Carbohydrate Symposium, 11.-16.7.1999, Ireland. Inf.: Eurocarb X Secretariat, University College Galway, Galway, Ireland, fax: +353 91 527 700, e-mail: eurocarb@ucg.ie.
Biological Challenges in Organic Chemistry II, 11.-15.7.1999, St. Andrews. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
39th P.M.M. Microsymposium (PMM): Advances in Polymerization Methods), Controlled Synthesis of Functional Polymers, 12.-15.7.1999, Praha. Inf.: Sekretariát PMM, c/o, Ústav Makromolekulární chemie AV ČR, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, CZ, Tel.: 360341, fax: 367981, e-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz.
5th Joint Meeting, 18.-21.7.1999, U of Sussex. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
16th International Meeting: Synthesis in Organic Chemistry, 19.-22.7.1999, Cambridge. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
19th P.M.M. Discusion Conf. (IUPAC): Rheology of Polymer Systems, 19.-22.7.1999, Praha. Inf.: Sekretariát PMM, c/o, Ústav Makromolekulární chemie AV ČR, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, CZ, Tel.: 360341, fax: 367981, e-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz.
SAC '99, 25.-30.7.1999, Dublin. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
17th ICHC International Congres of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1.-6.8.1999, Austria. Inf.: Prof. Dr. Fritz Sauter, Viena University of Technology, Getereidemarkt 9, A-1060 Vienna, Austria, URL.: http://www.tuwien.ac.at.
*IUPAC Congress "Frontiers in Chemistry: Molecular Basis of the Life Sciences", 14.-19.8.1999, Berlin. Inf.: Prof. Dr. H. tom Dieck, Postfach 90 04 40, 60444 Frankfurd a. M. Germany, Tel.: (069)7917-320, fax: -307, e-mail: mailto:htd@gdch.de.
International Conference on Assimilate Transport and Partitioning, 15.-20.8.1999, Australia. Inf.: Dr. Tina Offer, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308 Newcastle, Australia, Tel.: +61 24921-5704, fax: -6923, e-mail: icatp@newcastle.edu.au.
218 Natl. Meeting of ACS, 22.-27.8. 1999, New Orleans. Inf.: Meetings Dept. ACS, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036, USA.
*International Symposium on Molecular Steroidogenesis, 25.-28. 8.1999, Japan. Inf.: Mitsuhiro Okamoto, Dept. of Molecular Phisiological Cemistry, Osaka University, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan, Tel.: +81 6879-3280, fax: -3289, e-mail: mokamoto@mr-mbio.med.osaka-u.ac.jp, URL.: http://www.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/pub/mr-mbio/www/CIR.htm.
*Surface Science of Metal Oxides, 1.-3.9.1998, St. Martin. Inf.: Prof. G. Thornton, Chem. dept. Manchester University, Manchester M13 9PL, UK, e-mail: cris@ssci.liv.ac.uk, URL.: http://www.rsc.org/ is/journals/current/faraday/fadmeet.htm.
10th Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, 5.-8.9.1999, Cambridge. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
*1999: Macromolecules for the Millennium, 5.-9.9.1999, U of Bath. Inf.: B. Weiss, Inst. of Matrials Science, 97 North Eagleville Rd. Storrs. Conn. 06269-3136, USA, Tel.: (203)486-4698.
*18th Conference on Isoprenoids, 10.-16.10.1999, Prachatice. Inf.: Dr. L. Kohout, ÚOCHAB AV ČR, Flemingovo nám. 2, 166 10 Praha 6, CZ, Tel.: 420 2-24310090, fax: -20183200, e-mail: kohout@uochb.cas.cz.
*Iminiumsalze, 15.-17.9.1999, Stimpfach. Inf.: Prof. Dr. W. Kantlehner, FH Aalen, FB Chemie/Organische Chemie, Beethovenstr. 1, 73430 Aalen, Germany, Tel.: (07361)576-152, fax: -250.
*156th Fall Technical Mtg. & Rubber Expo. '99, 21.-24.9.1999, Orlando. Inf.: S. Poorman, Rubber Div. P.O. Box 499, Akron. Ohio 44309-0499, USA, Tel.: (330)972-7829, fax: -5269, e-mail: poorman@uakron.edu.
*10th International Rapeseed Congress, 26.-29.9.1999, Australia. Inf.: Australian Convention & Travel Services, GPO Box 2200, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia, fax: +61 2 6257 3256, e-mail: rapessed@acts.ccmail.compuserve.com.
*Jahrestagung 1999, 29.9.-1.10.1999, Freiberg. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
*Magnetische Resonanzspektroskopie, 29.9.-2.10.1999, Würzburg. Inf.: Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Abteilung Tagungen, Tel.: (069)7917-360, fax: -475, e-mail: tg@gdch.de, URL.: http://www.gdch.de.
*24th International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Sciences, Bio-Sciences, Pharmacy & Medicine, And Environmental Pollution, 14.-15.10.1999, India. Inf.: Dr. V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Chemicals of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5V7, Canada, Tel.: (613)932-7702.
*24th International Conference on Science and Technology, 14.-15. 10.1999, India. Inf.: Dr. V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Chemicals of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5V7, Canada, Tel.: (613)932-7702.
*51st Southeast Regional Mtg. 17.-20.10.1999, Knoxville. Inf.: C. Feigerle, U of Tennessee, Dept of Chemistry, Knoxville, Tenn. 37996, USA, Tel.: (615)974-2129, e-mail: reglmtgs@acs.org.
Interkama 99, 18.-23.10.1999, Germany. Inf.: Düsseldorfer Messegesellschaft -NOWEA-, Postfach 101006, D-40001 Düsseldorf, Germany.
*A World of Chemistry in Milan, 19.-22.10.1999, Milan Fair. Inf.: Eiom, Viale Permuda, 2-20129 Milano, Italy, Tel.: +39 0255-181842, fax: -016755, e-mail: bias.group@bias-net.com, URL.: http://www.bias-net.com.
*26th. Annual Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and, Spectroscopy Societes, 23.-28.10.1999, Vancouver. Inf.: Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societes, 1201 Don Diego Avenue, Snata Fe, New Mexico, USA.
*2nd Pan Pacific Conf. on Pesticide Science, 24.-27.10.1999, Honolulu. Inf.: ACS Meetings, Suite 416, 1155-16th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036, USA, Tel.: (202)872-6286, fax: -6013, e-mail: miscmtgs@acs.org.
*9th North American Mtg. of the Intl. Society for the Study of, Wenobiotics (ISSX), 24.-28.10.1999, Nashville. Inf.: F. P. Guengerich, Vanderbilt U , Dept of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Nashville, Tenn 37232-0146, USA, Tel.: (615)-3222261 fax -3437534, e-mail: guengerich@toxicology.mc.vanderbilt.edu.
*26th Ann. Conf. of Federation of Analytical Chemistry& Spectroscopy, Societes, 24.-29.9.1999, Vancouver. Inf.: Div of Analytical Chemistry, FACSS, USA, Tel.: (505)-8201648, fax: -9891073, URL.: http://FACSS.org/ info.html.
*Eastern Analytical Symp. 14.-19.11.1999, Somerset. Inf.: S. Gold, Eastern Anlaytical Symp. P.O. Box 633, Montchanin. Del. 19710-0633, USA, Tel.: (302)738-6218, fax: -5275, e-mail: http://www.eas.org.
*219th ACS Natl. Mtg, 26.-31.3.2000, San Francisco. Inf.: ACS Meetings, 1155-16th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-48, USA, Tel.: (202)872-4396, fax: -6128, e-mail: natlmtgs@acs.org.
38th IUPAC International symposium on Macromolecules, 9.-14. 7.2000, Poland. Inf.: Prof. S. Penczek, Polskej Akademii Nauk, Sienkiewicza 112, PL-90-363 Lodz, Poland, Tel.: +48(42)-819815, fax: -847126.
34th International Conference Coordination Chemistry, 9.-14.7.2000, U of Edinburgh. Inf.: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
40th P.M.M. Microsymposium (IUPAC): Polymers in Medicine, 17.-20.7.2000, Praha. Inf.: Sekretariát PMM, c/o, Ústav Makromolekulární chemie AV ČR, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, CZ, Tel.: 360341, fax: 367981, e-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz.
*16th Biennial Conf. on Chemical Education, 30.7.-3.8.2000, U of Michigan. Inf.: Dept of Chemistry, U of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109-1055, USA, Tel.: (313)-7647329, fax: -7474865, e-mail: bcoppola@umich.edu, URL.: http://www.umich.edu/~bcce/.
*220th ACS Natl. Mtg. 20.-25.8.2000, Washington. Inf.: ACS Meetings, 1155-16th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-48, USA, Tel.: (202)872-4396, fax: -6128, e-mail: natlmtgs@acs.org.
11th Intrenational Biotechnology Symposium, 3.-8.9.2000, Berlin. Inf.: Prof. G. Kreysa, DECHEMA e. V. P.O. Box 15 01 04, D-60061 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Tel.: 4969-7564241, fax: -7564201, e-mail: info@dechema.de.
*27th Ann. Conf. of Federation of Analytical Chemistry. FACSS, 22.-30.9.2000, Nashville. Inf.: Div. of Analytical Chemistry. FACSS, Tel.: (505)-8201648, fax: -9891073, URL.: http://FACSS.org/info.html.
*Eastern Analytical Symp. 13.-18.11.2000, Somerset. Inf.: S. Gold, Eastern Anlaytical Symp. P.O. Box 633, Montchanin. Del. 19710-0633, USA, Tel.: (302)738-6218, fax: -5275, e-mail: http://www.eas.org.
*Polymer Division Biennial Symp. 11.-13.12.2000, Hawai. Inf.: W. H. Daly, Dept. of Chemistry, Lousiana State U, Baton Rouge, La. 70803, USA, Tel.: (504)388-3237, fax: -3458, e-mail: bill.daly@chemgate.chem.isu.edu.
*Intl. Chemical Cong. of Pacific Basin Societes, 14.-19.12.2000, Honolulu. Inf.: ACS Meetings, 1155-16th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-48, USA, Tel.: (202)872-4396, fax: -6128, e-mail: natlmtgs@acs.org.
*221st ACS Natl. Mtg. 1.-6.4.2001, San Diego. Inf.: ACS Meetings, 1155-16th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-48, USA, Tel.: (202)872-4396, fax: -6128, e-mail: natlmtgs@acs.org.
*75th Colloid & Surface Science Symp. 10.-13.6.2001, Pittsburgh. Inf.: S. Garoff, Carmegie Mellon U, Dept of Physics, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213, USA, Tel.: (412)-2686877, fax: -6810648, e-mail: sg2e@andrew.cmu.edu.
20th P.M.M. Discussion Conf. (IUPAC): Scattering Methods for the Investigation of Polymers, 9.-12.7.2001, Praha. Inf.: Sekretariát PMM, c/o, Ústav Makromolekulární chemie AV ČR, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, CZ, Tel.: 360341, fax: 367981, e-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz.
41th P.M.M. Microsymposium (IUPAC): Polymer Membranes, 16.-19.7.2001, Praha. Inf.: Sekretariát PMM, c/o, Ústav Makromolekulární chemie AV ČR, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, CZ, Tel.: 360341, fax: 367981, e-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz.
*222nd ACS Natl. Mtg. 26.-31.8.2001, Chicago. Inf.: ACS Meetings, 1155-16th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-48, USA, Tel.: (202)872-4396, fax: -6128, e-mail: natlmtgs@acs.org.
*28th Ann. Conf. of Federation of Analytical Chemistry & Spectroscopy, Societes, 5.-12.10.2001, Detroit. Inf.: Div. of Analytical Chemistry, FACSS, USA, Tel.: (505)-8201648, fax: -9891073, URL.: http://facss.org/info.html.