Akce v ČR a v zahraničí
rubriku kompiluje Lukáš Drašar
Z dopisů čtenářů můžeme snadno odvodit, že tuto rubriku čtou a používají stále více. Pro redakci je to potěšitelné, neboť tato rubrika je jednou z nejpracněji připravovaných. O co více čtenářů rubriku čte, o to méně přispívá k jejímu vzniku. Redakce získává informace o chystaných akcích od českých chemiků pouze sporadicky. Většinou je kompiluje ze zdrojů od spřátelených chemických společností, z různých E-mailových oznámení, časopisů a z jiných, často kuriózních zdrojů. Informace o akcích v ČR získává převážně ze zahraničních zdrojů. Jakkoliv je kvalita a obsažnost oznámení proměnná, redakce zásadně nezkoumá jejich obsah a nepodivuje se například nad geografickými krkolomnostmi ani nad tím, že dvě skoro stejné akce se konají na dvou rozdílných místech na světě o den posunuté. Zastává názor, že pokud existuje obor konference, datum a adresa pro získání informací, je to plně relevantní informace. Čistě z ekonomických důvodů není možno přinášet informací více a kvalitnějších. To však není omluvou za chyby, které se v datech vyskytují, ať již pocházejí z původních zdrojů či vznikají při přepisu a technickém zpracování. Celá redakce se za ně omlouvá. Ani několikanásobná mnohačetná korektura zatím nedokázala těmto chybám zabránit. Redakce vítá připomínky čtenářů a ráda je vezme v potaz při dalším zlepšování vaší oblíbené rubriky.
Akce označené hvězdičkou (*) jsou přírůstky kalendáře, nově uvedené v tomto čísle. Akce jsou řazeny podle data. ČSCH nesouhlasí s obchodním a úplatným využíváním tohoto seznamu.
* České sklo, porcelán, keramika, 30.10.-1.11.1997, Liberec, INF: Dům Kultury Liberec, s. r. o., Soukenné nám. 613, 460 01 Liberec, CZ. Tel.: 048/510-6549, fax: -6488.
Current Challenges on Large Supramolecular Assemblies, 1.-6.11.1997, Greece, INF: Dr. G. Tscoucaris, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS-ERS 128, 92290 Chatenay-Malabry, France. Tel.: fax: +33 1 4683 1303, E-mail: georges.tsoucaris@cep.u-psud.fr.
* Glycobiology '97, 1.-4.11.1997, Long Beach, INF: Glycobiology, 1201 Don Diego Ave., Santa Fe N.M. 87505, USA. Tel.: (505)989-4735, fax: -1073.
* 11th Intl Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry, 2.-6.11.1997, USA, INF: Pamela Kluczynsky, Electrosynthesyis Co., 72 Ward Rd., Lancaster N. Y. 14086, USA. Tel.: (716)684-0513, fax: -0511.
* 28th Underwater Mining Inst. Conf., 2.-5.11.1997, Seattle, INF: Karynne Morgan, Underwater Mining Inst., 811 Olomehani St., Honolulu 96813-5513, Hawaii. Tel.: (808)522-561, fax: -5618.
* AAPS Ann. Mtg & Expo., 2.-6.11.1997, Boston, INF: Amer. Assoc. of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Va. 22314-2747, USA. Tel.: (703)-5483000, fax: -68473493.
The 11th Intl forum on electrolysis in the chemical, industry entitled Electrochemical processing technologies, 2.-6.11.1997, Florida, INF: Pamela M. Kluczynski, The Electrosynthesis Company, 72 Ward Road, Lancaster, NY 14086, USA.
* 53rd Scientific Conf. & 4th Ann. Trade Show of the Cosmetic, Toiletry & Fragrance Assoc., 3.-5.11.1997, Atlanta, INF: CFTA, 1101-17th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036, USA. Tel.: (202)331-1770, fax: -1969.
* 75th Ann. Mtg of FSCT & Intl Coatings Expo., 3.-5.11.1997, Atlanta, INF: Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology, 492 Norristown Rd., Blue Bell Pa. 19422-0292, USA. Tel.: (610)940-0777, fax: -0292.
A + A, 4.-7.11.1997, Düsseldorf, INF: Germany. Tel.: (49)211456-001, fax: -0668.
Aplikace oxidu křemičitého a příbuzných materiálů, 4.-5. 11.1997, Ústí nad Labem, INF: Dr. Petr Antoš, SILCHEM s. r. o., U Tonasa 2, 403 31 Neštěmice, CZ. Tel.: 047/5245310, fax: 047/69321.
Emat West, 4.-6.11.1997, USA, INF: USA. Tel.: (1)216-2438100, fax: -8262801.
HYDRO, Mezinárodní vodohospodářská výstava, 4.-6.11.1997, Ostrava, INF: Černá louka a. s., výstaviště Černá louka, 728 28 Ostrava, CZ. Tel.: 069/6167111 fax: 069/6114962.
* ChemAsia/InstrumentAsia/AnalabAsia, 4.-7.11.1997, Singapore, INF: Virgina Jensen, Kallman Associates, 20 Harrison Ave., Waldwick N.J. 07463-1709, USA. Tel.: (201)652-7070, fax: -3898.
IWEX 97, 4.-6.11.1997, Birmingham, INF: UK. Tel.: (44)1895-454545, fax: -454588.
* Southeast Regional Mtg, 4.-7.11.1997, USA, INF: Research Triangle Park, N.C. North Carolina Section, B. Ghiradelli, 1404 Anderson St., Durham D.C. 27707, USA. Tel.: (919)489-6306.
* Unified Intl Technical Conf. on Refractories '97, 4.-8.11.1997, New Orleans, INF: Amer. Ceramic Soc., P.O. Box 6136, Westerville Ohio 43086-6136, USA. Tel.: (614)890-4700, fax: -6109.
* Cleantec, 5.-7.11.1997, Praha, INF: Arrow Trade s. r. o., Osadní 26, 170 04 Praha 7, CZ. Tel.: 02/66710069, fax:: 02/801961.
Intl Conf. for the Pharmaceutical Biotech & Medical Device Industries, 5.-6.11.1997, Switzerland, INF: TECHNOMIC Publishing AG, Missionsstrasse 44, CH-4055 Basel, Switzerland. Tel.: 061/381-5226, fax: -5259.
* 14th Biennial Intl Conf. on Application of Accelerators in Research & Industry, 6.-9.11.1997, Texas, INF: J. L. Duggan, U of North Texas, Denton, Texas 76203, USA. Tel.: (817)565-3252, fax: -2227.
* Mtg with Chromatography Society, 6.11.1997, UK, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* 6th Conf. on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry, 7.-8.11.1997, Jackson, INF: Jerzy Leszcynsky, Jackson State University, 1400 J. R. Lynch St., Jackson Miss. 39217, USA. Tel.: (601)973-3482, fax: -3674, E-mail: jerzy@iris5.jusms.edu.
* AGM, 7.11.1997, UK, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Conf. on Analytical Science for Art's Shake, 8.11.1997, Winterthur, INF: Museum , Garden & Library, Winterthur Del. 19735, USA. Tel.: (302)888-4600.
* 43rd Ann. Conf. on Bioassay, Analytical & Environmental Radiochemistry, 9.-13.11.1997, Charleston, INF: Nancy Slater, 43 Bioassay Conf., P.O. Box 30712, Charleston S.C. 29417, USA. Tel.: (803)556-8171, E-mail: nancy.salter@lims.gel.com.
* Amer. College of Toxicology 18th Ann. Mtg, 9.-12.11.1997, USA, INF: Amer. College of Toxicology, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD 20814, USA. Tel.: (301)571-1840, fax: -1852.
* 10th Intl Forum on Electrolysis in The Chemical Industry, 10.-14.11.1997, Clearwater Beach, INF: Pamela Kluczynski, Electrosynthesis Co., 72 Ward Rd., Lancaster N.Y. 14086, USA. Tel.: (716)684-0513, fax: -0511.
* 4th North Amer. Research Conf. on Organics Science &, Technology, 10.-13.11.1997, Hilton Head, INF: A. V. Patsis, State U of New York, New Platz, N.Y. 12561, USA. Tel.: (914)255-0757, fax: -0978.
Organic chemistry, 10.-14.11.1997, Kyoto, INF: Shinji Murai, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan.
Pokroky v organické, bioorganické a farmaceutické chemii, 10.-12.11.1997, Liblice, INF: Dr. Pavel Drašar, ÚOCHAB AV ČR, Flemingovo nám. 2, 166 10 Praha 6, CZ. Tel.: 02/20183220, fax:02/24310090, E-mail: drasar@uochb.cas.cz.
* 5th North Amer. Chemical Conf., 11.-15.11.1997, Mexico, INF: 5th NACC Secretariat, c/o Amer. Chemical Society, 1155-16th St., N.W. Washington D.C.20036-4899, USA. Tel.: (202)872-6286, fax: -6013, E-mail: a_aguzin@acs.org.
* Environmental Compliance Conf., 11.-12.11.1997, Pittsburgh, INF: Barbara Sherman, PACS, 409 Meade Dr., Coraopolis Pa. 15108, USA. Tel.: (412)457-6576, fax: -1214.
* Environmental software, 11.11.1997, London, INF: ESD97, 18-20 Ridgway, London SW19 4QN, UK.
* ChiraTech '97, 11.-13.11.1997, Philadelphia, INF: Catalyst Group, P.O. Box 637, Spring House Pa. 19477, USA. Tel.: (215)628-4447, fax: -2267.
Kemia 97, 11.-13.11.1997, Helsinky, INF: Anne Snellman, P.O. Box 21, FIN-00521 Helsinky, Finland. Tel.: Fax: +3589 1509371.
MUT, 11.-14.11.1997, Switzerland, INF: Switzerland. Tel.: (41)616862-020, fax: -189.
* Risk assessment, 11.-12.11.1997, London, INF: Liz Bruce, IBC UK Conferences, 57-61 Mortimer Street, London W1N 8JX, UK.
* 6th Ann Mtg of the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements &, Standards, 12.-14.11.1997, Gaithersburg, INF: Lori Phillips, NIST, Bldg. 101 Rm., B116 Gaithersburg 20899-0001, USA. Tel.: fax:(301)948-2067.
* 7th Symp. on Subtypes of Muscarinic Receptors: Medicinal, Chemistry, Molecular Pharmacy & Psychology, 12.-15.11.1997, Washington D.C., INF: Ruth Levine, Boston U, School of Medicine, 80 East Concord St., Boston Mass. 02118, USA. Tel.: (617)638-5123, fax: -4842.
AGM & Mtg, 12.11.1997, UK, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Apetit Praha, 12.-15.11.1997, Praha, INF: Incheba Praha s. r. o., 28. října 13, 110 00 Praha 1, CZ.
Immuno-& Receptor-Assay Technology, 12.-14.11.1997, Switzerland, INF: TECHNOMIC Publishing AG, Missionsstrasse 44, CH-4055 Basel, Switzerland. Tel.: 061/381-5226, fax: -5259.
* Plastic Fair, 12.-14.11.1997, Charlote N.C., INF: Becky Lerew, Plastic Fair, 7500 Old Oak Blvd., Cleveland Ohio 44130, USA. Tel.: (216)826-2844, fax: -2801.
* Prepn & Uses of Radiochemical Compounds, 12.11.1997, UK, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
AGM, 13.11.1997, UK, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Prochem '97, 13.-15.11.1997, Plzeň, INF: Drahomíra Boříková, Sdružení zakladatelů a.s. Výstaviště Plzeň, Radčická 2, 301 17 Plzeň, CZ. Tel.: 019/7-222386, fax: -221096.
* 19th Intl Conf. on Organic Chemistry & Chemical Sciences Biosciences, Pharmacy & Environmental Pollution, 14.-15.11.1997, New Delhi, INF: V. M. Bhatnagar, Alena Chemicals of Canada, P.O. Box 1779, Cornwall Ontario K6H 5V7, Canada. Tel.: (613)932-7702.
* 2nd BiAnn. Conf. on Recent Advances in Fermentation, Technology ( RAFT II ), 14.-18.11.1997, San Diego, INF: James C. Liao, Texas A&M University, Station, Texas 77843-3122, USA. Tel.: (409)845-9807, fax: -6446, E-mail: j_liotamu.edu.
* AIChI Amm. Mtg, 16.-21.11.1997, Los Angels, INF: Amer. Inst. of Chemical Engineers, 345 47th St., New York City N.Y. 705-8100, USA. Tel.: (800)242-4363, E-mail: xpress@aiche.org.
* Eastern Analytical Symp., 16.-21.11.1997, Somerset, INF: Shere Gold, EAS, P.O. Box 633, Montchainin Del. 19710-0633, USA. Tel.: (302)738-6218, fax: -5275, E-mail: easinfo@aol.com.
2nd Specialty Conf. on Environmental Progress in the, Petroleum & Petrochemical Industries, 17.-19.11.1997, Bahrain, INF: Technical Committee, SAS-A&WMA, c/o Saudi Armaco BOX 839, Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia. Tel.: 9663-8730879, fax: -8766657.
* NanoTech '97, 17.-21.11.1997, Switzerland, INF: Conference Coordination Office, Av. de Provence 20, CH-1000 Lausanne 20, Switzerland.
* Scouting & Networking for New Technologies & Hot Project in the, Life Science, Physical/Material Sciences, 17.-18.11.1997, Chicago, INF: Lucy W. Sircy, Technology Transfer Conf. Inc., 325 Plus Park Blvd. No. 8, Nashville Tenn. 37217, USA. Tel.: (615)366-0679, fax: -0695.
* Ecoaqua, 18.-20.11.1997, Italy, INF: Fira di Genova, Italy. Tel.: (39)1053-911, fax: -91270.
Inchem Tokyo 97, 18.-21.11.1997, Japan, INF: Japan. Tel.: (81)33434-1391, fax: -8076.
Pollution & Environmental Technology, 18.-22.11.1997, Indonesia, INF: UK. Tel.: (44)171-4861951, fax: -4138222.
AGM (MCMG) & Evening Discussion, 19.11.1997, London, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Chemplast, Glasscer, 19.-22.11.1997, Nitra, INF: Výstavná 4, 949 01 Nitra, SR. Tel.: 087/35591 fax: 087/35986.
* Medica, 19.-22.11.1997, Düsseldorf, INF: Nowea, Germany. Tel.: (49)21145-60753, fax: -60740.
* New Horizons in Chemistry Symp., 20.-21.11.1997, Los Angels, INF: Jessy May, USA. Tel.: (231)740-5962, E-mail: jessy@methyl. usc.edu.
Intl Conf. on Biodiversity & Bioresources, 23.-27.11.1997, Thailand, INF: 2-3 Pound Way, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford OX4 3YF, UK. Tel.: +44(1865)-747744, fax: -747510, E-mail: iupac@vax. oxford.ac.uk.
* Environ/Watertec India, 25.-30.11.1997, India, INF: Germany. Tel.: (49)2114560, fax: -740.
* Poleko, 25.-28.11.1997, Poznan, INF: Poland. Tel.: (48)61-692552, fax: -665827.
* Analytical Applications of Bench top MS, 26.11.1997, UK, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
DROGERIE, Výstava drogistického zboží, 26.-29.11.1997, Praha, INF: M.I.P. ,s. r. o., Legerova 3, 120 00 Praha 2, CZ. Tel.: 02/24262237 fax: 02/24262255.
Encom, 26.-28.11.1997, Nuremberg, INF: Nuremberg Messe, Nuremberg, Germany. Tel.: (49)911-8606, fax: -8608228.
* ITEP China, 26.-30.11.1997, Shangai, INF: Hannover Messe International, Hannover, Germany. Tel.: (49)51189-31427, fax: -31272.
Filtration, Water & Waste Water/Pollutex, 27.-30.11.1997, Manilla, INF: HQ Link Pte Ltd, Singapore. Tel.: (65)534-3588, fax: -2330.
* Intl Paint, Varnish, Ink & Auxiliary Products Industry Conf. &, Exhibit., 27.-29.11.1997, Istambul, INF: Kima Mühendisleri Odasi, Subesi-Mis Sok No. 22/1, Beyoglu 80080 Istambul, Turkey. Tel.: 902122-513165, fax: -493146, E-mail: boyua97@turk.net-kmo34turk.net.
Steroids in Human Life Cycle, 29.11.-2.12.1997, Rome, INF: Dr. V. Toscano, Universitá La Spanieza, 00161 Roma, Italy. Tel.: +39(6)-49970720, fax: -4455345, E-mail: i.s.g.s.h.@agora.stm.it.
Using Hydrocolloids in Pharmaceutical Product Development, 1.-2.12.1997, Switzerland, INF: TECHNOMIC Publishing AG, Missionsstrasse 44, CH-4055 Basel, Switzerland. Tel.: 061/381-5226, fax: -5259.
* Adhesives in Transport, 2.12.1997, London, INF: Dr. D. A. Tod, Defence Research Agency (WX4/X50), Fort Halstead, Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 7BP, UK.
* Biological Macromolecules & Ligand Structure , Interaction &, Application, 2.-5.12.1997, Manila, INF: Gisela P. Concepcion Secretariat, FAOMB 25th Ann. Symp. U of Philippines, P.O. Box 1, Diliman Q.C. 1101 Philippines, USA. Tel.: 63(2)92-23914, fax: -43735, E-mail: giselapc@compass.com.ph.
Hungarian Paints Symp. '97, 2.-4.12.1997, Budapest, INF: Mrs Maria Lóky, Hungarian Chemical Society, Fö u. 68, H-1027 Budapest, Hungary. Tel.: 361201-6883, fax: -8056.
* Manufacturing Dossiers, 2.-3.12.1997, Strasbourg, INF: Dr. C. Le Tarnec, EDQM, Council of Europe, 226 avenue de Colmar BP 907, F 67029 Strasbourg, France.
* MariChem 97, 2.-4.12.1997, Cologne, INF: MariChem 97 Secretariat, Armstrong House 38, Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 ITG, UK. Tel.: 44(0)18985-454545, fax: -454647, E-mail: 100730.1313@compuserve.com.
World Water Technics, 2.-6.12.1997, Jordan, INF: Promorient, Courtevoie, France. Tel.: (33)14-3334852, fax: -7894303.
* 10th Lake Louise Workshop on Tandem Mass Spectrometry, 3.-6.12.1997, Canada, INF: Marg Northcott, Geological Survey of Canada, 3303-33rd St., N.W. Calgary Alberta T2L 2A7, Canada. Tel.: (403)292-7041, fax: -7159, E-mail: mnorthcortt@gsc.emr.ca.
* 25th Anniversary visit to Fuller's Brewery, 3.12.1997, Chiswick, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* AGM & Lecture, 3.12.1997, UK, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Central Eur. Coatings Show '97, 3.-4.12.1997, Budapest, INF: FMJ Intl. Publications Ltd., Qeensway House 2, Qeensway Redhill Surrey RH1 IQS, UK. Tel.: 44(0)1737-768611, fax: -761685.
* Modified Release Products Characteristics, 4.12.1997, London, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Non-Digestible Oligosaccharides: Healthy food for colon 4.-5.12.1997, The Netherlands, INF: Ralf Hartemik, Wageningen Agricultural University, Bomenweg 2, 6703 HD Wageningen, The Netherlands. Tel.: 31317482-887, fax: -893, E-mail: ralf.hartemink@algemeen.lenm.wau.nl.
Protein-Protein & Protein-Lipid Interactions in Signal, Transduction, 6.-10.12.1997, Florida, INF: Prof. S. M. Sebti, 12902 Magnolia Drive, Tampa FL 33612, USA. Tel.: fax: +1 813 979 6748, E-mail: sebti@moffitt.usf.edu.
* 7th Intl Seminar on Double-Layer Capacitors & Similar, Energy-Storage Systems, 8.-10.12.1997, USA, INF: Educational Seminar Inc., 2300 Glades Rd. Suite 307, Boca Raton Fla. 33431, USA. Tel.: (407)338-8727, fax: -6887.
* Health Care, Medical Engineering & Pharmaceutical Trade Show, 8.-12.12.1997, Moscow, INF: Düsseldorf Trade Shows Inc., 150 North Michigan Ave. Suite 2920, Chicago III 60601, USA. Tel.: (312)781-5180, fax: -5188.
Ecotech, 9.-12.12.1997, Utrecht, INF: Koninklijke Nederlands Jaarbeurs, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Tel.: (33)302955-528, fax: -709.
* AGM & Mtg, 10.12.1997, London, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Environmental Monitoring V - & AGM, 10.12.1997, London, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Dynamics of Electronically-Excited States in Gaseous Cluster &, Condensed Media, 15.-17.12.1997, U of Sussex, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* HRSG Group Mtg, 17.-19.12.1997, U of Exeter, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Dietary Polysaccharides : chemical, physical & biological, perspectives, 18.-19.12.1997, London, INF: Dr. Peter Ellis, King's College London, Campden Road, W8 7AH London, UK. Tel.: 44171333-4238, fax: -4082, E-mail: p.ellis@kcl.ac.uk.
* 7th Intl Symp. on Natural Products Chemistry, 28.12.1997-1.1.1998, Pakistan, INF: Atttaur-Rahman, U of Karachy, Karachy 75270, Pakistan. Tel.: 09221496-8497, fax: -3373, E-mail: hej@biruni.erum.com.pk.
Intl Symp. on Advances in Polymer Science &, Technology, 1.1.1998, India, INF: Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi, India.
* 12th Intl Conf. on Computers in Chemical Research & Education, 5.-9.1.1998, India, INF: Shridhar R. Garde, U of Pune, Pune 411007, India. Tel.: fax:: 91212-351728.
* Natural Products, 5.-9.1.1998, Jamaica, INF: Organizing Secretary, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica.
* Winter Conf. on Plasma Spectrochemistry, 5.-10.1.1998, Scottsdale, INF: LGRC Tower U of Massachusetts, P.O. Box 34510, Amherst Mass. 01003-4510, USA. Tel.: (413)545-2294, fax: -3757, E-mail: wintercon@chem.umass.edu.
* Catalysis & the Environment, 7.-8.1.1998, U of Birmingham, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Mona Symp.: Natural Products & Medicinal Chemistry, 8.-12. 1.1998, Jamaica, INF: Organizing Secretary, U of West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, Jamaica. Tel.: (876)-9271910, fax: -9771835, E-mail: kopjam@uwimona.edu.jm.
78th Mtg of the Amer. Meteorological Society, 11.-16.1.1998, Phoenix, INF: Amer. Meteorological Society, Washington DC, USA. Tel.: (1)202682-9006, fax: -9292.
* LabAutomation '98, 17.-21.1.1998, San Diego, INF: Luciana Lopez, U of Virginia, P.O. Box 572, Charlotesville Va. 22908, USA. Tel.: (804)924-9430, fax: -5718, E-mail: lfl2k@virginia.edu.
* Powder Coatings Europe '98, 20.-22.1.1998, Amsterdam, INF: Vincentz Verleg, Postfach 62 47, D-30062 Hannover, Germany. Tel.: 49/51191-0270, fax: -0279.
* AGM & Lecture, 22.1.1998, Cardiff, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Inulin, Fructans, & Fructan-containing Crops, 22.-23.1.1998, Belgium, INF: A. Van Laere, K. U. Leuven, Kardinaal Mercierlaan 92, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium. Tel.: fax:: +3216 321967, E-mail: andre.vanlaere@bio.kuleuven.ac.be.
* Photonics West, 24.-30.1.1998, San Jose, INF: SPIE Exhibits Dept., P.O. Box 10, Bellingham Wash. 98227, USA. Tel.: (360)676-3270, fax: -1445.
* 22nd Ann. Conf. on Composites, Materials & Structures, 26.-30.1.1998, Cocoa Beach, INF: Mark M. Opeka, NSWC Carderock Div. Code 681, 9500 MacArthur Blvd, West Bethesda Md. 20817, USA. Tel.: (301)227-3963, fax: -4732.
* Informex, 27.-29.1.1998, New Orleans, INF: SOCMA, 1100 New York Ave., N.W. Washington D.C. 20005, USA. Tel.: (202)-4144100, fax: -2898584.
* Soaps & Detergents Ann. Mtg & Industry Conf., 28.1.-1.2.1998, Boca Raton, INF: Rose Api, Soaps & Detergents Assoc., USA. Tel.: (212)-7251262, fax: -2130685.
* 11th Intl Symp. on High-Performance Capillary Electrophoresis & Related Microscale Techniques, 31.1.-5.2.1998, Orlando, INF: Shirley Schlessinger, 400 East Randolph St. Suite 1015, Chicago III. 60601, USA. Tel.: (312)527-2011.
* ComTech '98, 4.-6.2.1998, Switzerland, INF: ComTech 98 registrar, c/o Scitec, Av. de Provence 20, CH-1000 Lausanne 20, Switzerland.
3C Contamination, Control & Clean Room Products, 11.-12. 2.1998, Brimingham, INF: Trident Exhibition, Tavistock, UK. Tel.: (44)182261-4671, fax: -4818.
Enerex, 11.-13.2.1998, Estonia, INF: Expo Balticum, Tallin, Estonia. Tel.: (372)6305-770, fax: -769.
Magyar Ecologia/Regula, 17.-20.2.1998, Budapest, INF: IEG Solingen, Solingen, Germany. Tel.: (49)21224-2140, fax: -21444.
* AGM & 1 day Mtg Transport of Metals in Contaminated Lands, 18.2.1998, Willton, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Evening Discussion Mtg Microscopy: Polymorphism, 18.2.1998, London, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Adhesion Science, 22.-25.2.1998, Georgia, INF: Adhesion Society, Room 2 Davidson Hall, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0201, USA.
Mera '98, 24.-27.2.1998, Moscow, INF: Gima, Hamburg, Germany. Tel.: (49)40235-240, fax: -24400.
Pittcon, 1.-6.3.1998, New Orleans, INF: Pittsburg Conference, Pittsburg, USA. Tel.: (1)412825-3220, fax: -3224.
Envitec, 3.-6.3.1998, Düsseldorf, INF: Messe Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany. Tel.: (49)211456-0998, fax: -0548.
* Surface coatings, 4.-6.3.1998, South Africa, INF: Chris Pacey-Day, Oil & Colour Chemists' Association, 967 Harrow Road, Wembley HA0 2SF, UK.
* Chem 98, 5.-9.3.1998, Greece, INF: Kladikes Emporikes Ekthesis, Athens, Greece. Tel.: (30)168-449612, fax: -41796.
* Weftec Asia, 8.-11.3.1998, Singapore, INF: Water Environment Federation, Alexandra, USA. Tel.: 1-9088856417, fax: -7036842471.
* Oceanology International, 10.-13.3.1998, UK, INF: Spearhead Exhibitions, New Madlen, UK. Tel.: (44)181949-9222, fax: -8168.
* Evening Discussion Mtg, 11.3.1998, London, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Smagua 98, 11.-14.3.1998, Spain, INF: Feria de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain. Tel.: (34)976-534420, fax: -330649.
* Eviro-Tek '98, 17.-20.3.1998, Moscow, INF: Gima, Hamburg, Germany. Tel.: (49)40235-240, fax: -24400.
Medica Moravia, 19.-21.3.1998, Ostrava, INF: Černá Louka a. s., Výstaviště Černá louka, 728 26 Ostrava, CZ.
* Sugar Processing Research Conf., 22.-25.3.1998, Georgia, USA, INF: Sugar Processing Research Institute, Inc., 1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd., 70124 New Orleans, LA, USA. Tel.: 1504282-5383, fax: -5387.
* Thermodynamics, 22.-26.3.1998, Germany, INF: Deutsche Bunsengesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie, Varrentrappstrase 40-42, D-60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Intl Symp. on Instrumentalized Analytical Chemistry, & Computer Technology, 23.-27.3.1998, Düsseldorf, INF: Werner Günther, InComr GmbH, P.O. Box 30 10 45, 40410 Düsseldorf, Germany. Tel.: 0211-450854, fax: -4542442, E-mail: incom@mail.graffix.de.
* Supercritical fluids, 23.-25.3.1998, France, INF: F. Brionne, ISASF - E. N. S. I. C., 1, rue Grandville - BP 451, F-54001 Nancy Cedex, France.
* Aquatech Asia, 24.-26.3.1998, Singapore, INF: RAI Exhibitions, Singapore. Tel.: (65)272-2250, fax: -6744.
* Workshop on Sugar around the World, 26.-27.3.1998, Georgia, USA, INF: Sugar Processing Research Institute, Inc., 1100 Robert E. Lee Blvd., 70124 New Orleans, LA, USA. Tel.: 1504282-5383, fax: -5387.
* ACS Spring Mtg, 29.3.-2.4.1998, Dallas, INF: Amer. Chemical Society, Washington DC, USA. Tel.: (1)202872-4553, fax: -4410.
* RSC Carbohydrate Group Spring Mtg, 29.3.-1.4.1998, Brimingham, INF: Dr. G. J. Boons, University of Brimingham, B15 2TT Brimingham, UK. Tel.: 44121414-4460, fax: -4403, E-mail: gjboons@chemistry.bham.ac.uk.
* Environment India, 31.3.-3.4.1998, New Delhi, INF: Exhibitions India, New Delhi, India. Tel.: (91)11462-2710, fax: -3320.
* Hazmacon 98, 31.3.-1.4.1998, USA, INF: SHI Inc, Mountain View, USA. Tel.: (1)415964-2050, fax: -2246.
* Rom Envirotec/Controla, 31.3.-4.4.1998, Romania, INF: Romexpo SA, Bucharest, Romania. Tel.: (40)1-2231160, fax: -3128400.
* Mak Ecologia/Controla, 6.-9.4.1998, Macedonia, INF: IEG Solingen, Solingen, Germany. Tel.: (49)21224-2140, fax: -21444.
* Production & Uses of Starch, 6.-8.4.1998, Edinburgh, INF: Dr. Carol Duffus, The Scottish Agricultural Collrge, West Mains Road, EH9 3JG Edinburgh, UK. Tel.: +44 131-5354060, fax: -6672601, E-mail: c.duffus@ed.sac.ac.uk.
Electrokinetic Phenomena '98, 14.-17.4.1998, Salzburg, INF: Dr. Volker Ribitsch, University of Graz, Heinrichstrasse 28, A-8010 Graz, Austria. Tel.: +43316380-5418, fax: -9850, E-mail: ekp@kfunigraz.ac.at.
* Chemistry & Physics of Molecules & Grains in Space, 15.-17. 4.1998, U of Nottingham, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Analytica, 21.-24.4.1998, Germany, INF: Messe München GmbH, Munich, Germany. Tel.: (49)8951-070, fax: -07506.
* Hydrotop, 21.-23.4.1998, Marseille, INF: Hydrotop, Marseille, France. Tel.: (33)49122-7272, fax: -7171.
Pragomedica '98, 21.-24.4.1998, Praha, INF: Incheba Praha s. r. o., 28. října 13 P.O. Box 555, 111 21 Praha 1, CZ. Tel.: 02/2419-5261, fax: -5323.
* Environment Brazil '98, 22.-25.4.1998, Brazil, INF: Gima, Hamburg, Germany. Tel.: (49)40235-240, fax: -24400.
* Thermodynamics, 26.4.-1.5.1998, The Netherlands, INF: Leeuwenhorst Congress Center, Langelaan 3, 2211 XT Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
* Control & Instrumentation, 28.-30.4.1998, Brimingham, INF: Miller Freeman, Sidcup, UK. Tel.: (44)181302-8585, fax: -7205.
* HPLC '98, 3.-8.5.1998, St. Louis, INF: Janet Cunningham, Barr Enterprises, P.O. Box 279, Walkersville MD 21793, USA.
* Intl GlycoBio Technology Symp., 3.-8.5.1998, Germany, INF: Dr. Harald S. Conradt, Mascheroder Weg 1, 38124 Braunschweig, Germany. Tel.: +49 53161-81287, fax: -81202, E-mail: hco@gbf-braunschweig.de.
* Amer. Industrial Hygiene Conf. & Exhibition, 9.-15.5.1998, Atlanta, INF: American Industrial Hygiene Assoc., Fairfax, USA. Tel.: (1)703-8498888, fax: -2073561.
4th Intl Exhibition Congress on Chemical Engineering, & Biotechnology, 11.-16.5.1998, Beijing, INF: DECHEMA e. V., Postfach 150104, D-60061 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Tel.: fax:: 49069/7564-201, E-mail: achema@dechema.de.
* Bul Ecologia/Controla, 12.-15.5.1998, Sofia, INF: IEG Solingen, Solingen, Germany. Tel.: (49)21224-2140, fax: -21444.
* EcoRes '98, 12.-16.5.1998, Nizhny Novgorod, INF: Gima, Hamburg, Germany. Tel.: (49)40235-240, fax: -24400.
* Entsorga, 12.-16.5.1998, Germany, INF: Kolon Messe, Cologne, Germany. Tel.: (49)221-8211, fax: -8212574.
* ROSPA, 12.-14.5.1998, Birmingham, INF: Center Exhibition, Birmingham, UK. Tel.: (44)121767-2665, fax: -3535.
7th Intl Conf. on Organic Dyes & Pigments, 17.-21.5.1998, Špindlerův Mlýn, INF: Mrs. Jana Kadlecová, VÚOS, 53218 Pardubice Rybitví, CZ.
* Balt Ecologia/Controla, 19.-22.5.1998, Lithuania, INF: IEG Solingen, Solingen, Germany. Tel.: (49)21224-2140, fax: -21444.
* 20th Intl Symp. on Capillary Chromatography, 25.-29.5.1998, Italy, INF: IOPMS, Kortrijk, Belgium. Tel.: (32)5620-4960, fax: -4859.
* Health & Safety at Work, 26.-27.5.1998, Belfast, INF: Key Events Ltd, Dublin, Ireland. Tel.: (353)1490-1790, fax: -1792.
81 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition, 31.5.-4.6.1998, Vancouver, INF: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem., 130 Slater St., Suite 550, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada.
9th Intl Symp. on Cyclodextrins, 31.5.-3.6.1998, Santiago de Compostela, INF: Dr. Juan J. Torres-Labandeira, University of Santiago de Compostela, 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Tel.: +3481-563100, fax: -594595, E-mail: ffjuant@usc.es.
2nd European Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents: Mechanism of Action and Structure - Activity Relationships. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 1.-4. 7. 1998. Inf. J. Vinšová, K. Palát, tel. 00420-49-5067-343 or 377, fax: 00420-49-5210002, e-mail: palat@faf.cuni.cz
* ET 98, 2.-4.6.1998, Birmingham, INF: Reed Exhibitions, Richmond, UK. Tel.: (44)181910-7840, fax: -7989.
* Joint one day Mtg, 5.6.1998, Heriot-Watt, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* EMAT 98, 9.-11.6.1998, Atlantic City, INF: Advanstar Expositions, Cleveland, USA. Tel.: (1)216-2438100, fax: -8917241.
* 5th Eur. Training Course on Carbohydrates, 14.-19.6.1998, The Netherlands, INF: Ellen Jansen, Carbohydrate Research Foundation, P.O. Box 96882, 2509 JG The Hague, The Netherlands. Tel.: 031 70-3540982, fax: -3515318, E-mail: crf@zestec.com.
* AWMA, 14.-19.6.1998, San Diego, INF: Air & Waste Management Assoc, Pittsburg, USA. Tel.: (1)412232-3444, fax: -3450.
* AWWA, 21.-25.6.1998, Dallas, INF: Amer. Water Works Assoc, Denver, USA. Tel.: (1)303794-7711, fax: -3951.
* Environment For Europe, 23.-25.6.1998, Denmark, INF: Aarhus Congress Center, Aarhus, Denmark. Tel.: (45)3946-0500, fax: -0515.
12th Intl Conf. on Organic Synthesis, 28.6.-2.7.1998, Venezia, INF: Organizing Secretariat, Depha Congress SRL, Viale Majno 21, 20122 Milano, Italy. Tel.: +392-76008190, fax: -782400, E-mail: dephadue@mbox.vol.it.
12th Intl Conf. on Organic Synthesis, 30.6.-4.7.1998, Italy, INF: Prof. C. Scolastico, Universita di Milano, Via G. Venezian 21, I-20133 Milano, Italy.
* Chemical Reaction Theory, 1.-3.7.1998, U of St. Andrews, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Drugs from Natural Products, 5.-7.7.1998, Dublin, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Glass Congress, 5.-10.7.1998, San Francisco, INF: Glass & Optical Materials Division, The Amer. Ceramics Society, P.O. Box 6136, Westerville OH 43086-6136, USA.
* Micro 98, 7.-9.7.1998, London, INF: Royal Microscopical Society, London, UK. Tel.: (44)1865-248768, fax: -248768.
* Ion-Ex 98, 8.-10.7.1998, Wrexham, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* 11th Intl Symp. on Homogenous Catalysis, 12.-17.7.1998, Scotland, INF: Dr. John F. Gibson, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London W1V 0BN, UK. Tel.: +44 171-4378656, fax: -7341227, E-mail: conferences@rsc.org.
Lithium batteries, 12.-17.7.1998, Edinburgh, INF: Ian Morton, c/o Mtg Makers, 50 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE, Scotland.
37th IUPAC Intl Symp. on Macromolecules, 13.-17.7.1998, Australia, INF: Chem. Dept. University of Queensland, Brisbane. Qld. 4072, Australia. Tel.: fax:+61-7-3365 4299, E-mail: macro98@cem.chemistry.uq.edu.au.
* BNASS, 16.-19.7.1998, Newcastle, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* 9th Intl Symp.: Relations between Homogenous &, Heterogeneous Catalysis, 20.-24.7.1998, U of Southampton, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Mechanical Behaviour of Polymeric Materials, 20.-23.7.1998, Praha, INF: Miroslav Raab, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, CZ.
Chemical thermodynamics, 26.7.-1.8.1998, Porto, INF: Prof. M. V. Ribeiro da Silva, Faculty of Science, Rua do Campo Alegre 678, P-4150 Porto, Portugal.
9th Intl Congr. of Pesticide Chem., 2.-7.8.1998, London, INF: IUPAC Secretariat, Bank Court Chambers, 2-3 Pound Way, Templars sq., Cowley Oxford OX4 3YF, UK. Tel.: +44865747-744, fax: -510, E-mail: IUPAC@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK.
XIX Intl Carbohydrate Symp., 9.-14.8.1998, San Diego, INF: ICS 98 Symposium Secretariat, Dept. of Chemistry , 516 Physical Sciences 1, University of California, Irvine 92697-2025, USA. Tel.: +1714-8248976, fax: -8241372, E-mail: ics98@uci.edu.
EUCHEM Conf. on Ecological Chemistry: Chemical Communications, 12.-15.8.1998, Sweden, INF: Wallingatan 24 3 tr, SE-111 24 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel.: 468-4115260, fax: -106678, E-mail: anna@chemsoc.se.
18th Eur. Crystallographic Mtg, 16.-20.8.1998, Praha, INF: R. Kužel, Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2, CZ.
Physical Organic Chemistry, 16.-21.8.1998, Brazil, INF: Prof. E. Humeres, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040900 Florianópolis S. C., Brazil.
* ACS Fall Mtg, 23.-27.8.1998, Boston, INF: Amer. Chemical Society, Washington DC, USA. Tel.: (1)202872-4553, fax: -4410.
Atmospheric Chemistry & Air Pollution, 26.-28.8.1998, Copenhagen, INF: Allan Astrup Jensen, dk-TEKNIK, Gladsaxe Mollevej 15, DK-2860 Soborg, Denmark. Tel.: 453969-6511, fax: -6002, E-mail: aajensen@dk-teknik.dk.
33rd Intl Conf. on Coordination Chemistry, 30.8.-4.9.1998, Florence, INF: 2-3 Pound Way, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford OX4 3YF, UK. Tel.: +44(1865)-747744, fax: -747510, E-mail: iupac@vax.oxford.ac.uk.
Coordination Chemistry, 30.8.-4.9.1998, Italy, INF: University of Florence, Via Gina Capponi 7, 50121 Firenze, Italy. Tel.: +39(55)-2757549, fax: -2757555.
Coordination Chemistry, 31.8.-4.9.1998, Italy, INF: Dr. M. Perussi, ISSECC-CNR, Via Jacopo Nardi 39, 50132 Florence, Italy.
* Swiss Automation Week, 1.-4.9.1998, Basel, INF: Switzerland. Tel.: (41)61686-2020, fax: -2189.
Eur. Federation of Medicinal Chemistry, 6.-11.9.1998, Edinburgh, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* 15th Intl Medicinal Chemistry Symp., 7.-10.9.1998, Heriot-Watt, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
ISC '98, 13.-18.9.1998, Rome, INF: F. Dondi, Universitá di Ferrara, Via L. Borsari 46, I-44100 Ferrara, Italy. Tel.: +39532-291154, fax: -240709, E-mail: mo5@dns.unife.it.
* 8th Intl Symp. on Environmental Radio Chemical, 16.9.1998, Blackpool, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
1st Intl Conf. on Supramolecular Science &, Technology, 27.9.-3.10.1998, Zakopane, INF: Conference Secretariat, Warsaw University, Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw, Poland. Tel.: 48-22-220211, E-mail: supranet@chem.uw.edu.pl.
Prago Regula, 17.-20.10.1998, Praha, INF: IEG Solingen, Solingen, Germany. Tel.: (49)21224-2140, fax: -21444.
5th IUBMB Conf. on the Biochemistry of Health &, Diseases, 18.-22.10.1998, Israel, INF: Prof. U. Z. Littauer, Department of Neurobiology, Rehovot 76100, Israel.
* AGM & Evening Discussion Mtg, 18.10.1998, London, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Short Papers in Pharmaceutical Analysis, 22.10.1998, London, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* 3rd Eur. Conf. on Grain Legumes, 14.-19.11.1998, Spain, INF: AEP - 3rd Conference, 12, avenue George V, 75 008 Paris, France. Tel.: +33 14-0694909, fax: -7235872.
82 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition, 30.5.-3.6.1999, Toronto, INF: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem., 130 Slater St., Suite 550, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada.
10th Eur. Carbohydrate Symp., 11.-16.7.1999, Ireland, INF: Eurocarb X Secretariat, University College Galway, Galway, Ireland. Tel.: fax:: +353 91 527 700, E-mail: eurocarb@ucg.ie.
* Biological Challenges in Organic Chemistry II, 11.-15.7.1999, St. Andrews, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Advances in Polymerization Methods, Controlled Synthesis of Functional Polymers, 12.-15.7.1999, Praha, INF: P. Vlček, Ústav makromolekulární chemie, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, CZ. Tel.: 360341, fax:: 367981, E-mail: office@imc.cas.cz.
* 5th Joint Mtg, 18.-21.7.1999, U of Sussex, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* 16th Intl Mtg : Synthesis in Organic Chemistry, 19.-22.7.1999, Cambridge, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Rheology of Polymer Systems, 19.-22.7.1999, Praha, INF: I. Fortelný, Ústav makromolekulární chemie, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, CZ. Tel.: 360341, fax:: 367981, E-mail: office@imc.cas.cz.
* SAC '99, 25.-30.7.1999, Dublin, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* Intl Conf. on Assimilate Transport & Partitioning, 15.-20. 8.1999, Australia, INF: Dr. Tina Offer, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308 Newcastle, Australia. Tel.: +61 24921-5704, fax: -6923, E-mail: icatp@newcastle.edu.au.
* 10th Medicinal Chemistry Symp., 5.-8.9.1999, Cambridge, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
* 34th Intl Conf. Coordination Chemistry, 9.-14.7.2000, U of Edinburgh, INF: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
38th IUPAC Intl Symp. on Macromolecules, 9.-14.7.2000, Poland, INF: Prof. S. Penczek, Polskej Akademii Nauk, Sienkiewicza 112, PL-90-363 Lodz, Poland. Tel.: +48(42)-819815, fax: -847126.
Polymers in Medicine, 17.-20.7.2000, Praha, INF: K. Ulbrich, Ústav makromolekulární chemie, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, CZ. Tel.: 360341, fax:: 367981, E-mail: office@imc.cas.cz.
11th Intl Biotechnology Symp., 3.-8.9.2000, Berlin, INF: Prof. G. Kreysa, DECHEMA e. V., P.O. Box 15 01 04, D-60061 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Tel.: 4969-7564241, fax: -7564201, E-mail: info@dechema.de.