Akce v ČR a v zahraničí
(rubriku kompiluje Lukáš Drašar)
15th Intl. Symp. on Fluorine Chemistry, 3.-8.8. 1997, Vancouver, F. Aubke, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1, Canada, tel.: (604)822-3817 fax: -2847.
Generalization in Neutral Networks and Machine Learning, 4.-15.8. 1997, UK, Prof. C. M. Bishop, Aston University, Brimingham B4 7ET, UK, fax: +44 121 333 4586, e-mail: C.M.Bishop@aston.ac.uk.
Refractory Metals in Molten Salts - Their Chemistry, Electrochemistry and Technology, 10.-15.8. 1997, Russia, Dr. D. H. Kerridge, University of Southampton, Southampton S017 1BJ, UK, fax: 1703 593016.
Nonlinear Model Based Process Control, 10.-20.8. 1997, Turkey, Prof. R. Berber, University of Ankara, Ankara 06100, Turkey, fax: 90 312 223 2395, e-mail: ridvan@servis.net.tr.
ISPAC-10, 11.-13.8. 1997, Toronto, Prof. Stephen T. Blake, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A4, Canada.
Wolkow Management Systems and Interoperabillity, 12.-22.8. 1997, Turkey, Prof. A. Dogac, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey, tel.: 90 312 21011259, e-mail: asuman@srdc.edu.tr.
36th IUPAC Congress, 17.-22.8. 1997, Geneva, 2-3 Pound Way, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford OX4 3YF, UK, tel.: +44(1865)-747744 fax: -747510, e-mail: iupac@vax.oxford.ac.uk.
8th European Congress on Biotechnology, 17.-21.8. 1997, Budapest, Franciska Morlin, Congress Secretariat, Derék utca 2., H-1016 Budapest, Hungary, tel.: (361)1668172, fax: -1669051, e-mail: nyeste@ch.bme.hu.
Bioavailability of Organic Xenoboitics in the Environment and Practical Consequences for Bioremediation, 18.-29.8. 1997, Prague, Prof. J. Block, Université Henri Poincare, 5 rue Albert Lebrun, 54000 Nancy, France, fax: 3383178879, e-mail: block@pharma.u-nancy.fr.
Sonochemistry and Sonoluminesence, 18.-29.8. 1997, U.S.A., Dr. La Crum, University of Washington at Seattle, 1013 NE 40th Street, Seatle WA 98105, U.S.A., fax: 206 685 8621, e-mail: iac@apl.Washington.edu.
Plasma Chemistry, 18.-22.8. 1997, China, Prof. Cheng-kang Wu, Institute of Mechanics, Chinse Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China, tel.: +86(1)255-9504, fax: -9588, e-mail: nacy@sun.ihep.ac.cn.
36th IUPAC Congress, 18.-22.8. 1997, Geneva, c/o Congress Service, PO Box 37, CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex/GE, Switzerland, tel.: +41(22)76-11661, fax: -11662.
CC '97 Conferentia Chemometrica Budapest 1997, 21.-23.8. 1997, Budapest, Dr. Tamás Pap, University of Veszprém, PO Box 158, H-8201 Veszprém, Hungary, tel.: 3688-422022, fax: -421869, e-mail: pap@anal.venus. vein.hu.
Pb '97, 22.-25.9. 1997, Salzburg, Lead Development Association International, 42 Weymouth Street, London W1N 3LQ, UK.
17th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 24.-29.8. 1997, U.S.A., Congress Secretariat, 9650 Rockville, Bethesda MD 20814-3996, U.S.A.
Bioassay Methods, 24.-27.8. 1997, Sweden, Swedidh Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences, P.O. Box 1136, 111 81 Stockholm, Sweden.
Coordination Chemistry, 24.-29.8. 1997, Chile, Prof. J. Costamagna, Dept. de Química Facultad de Ciencia, Casilla 307, Santiago-2, Chile, tel.: +56(2)68-11644, fax: -12108, e-mail: jcostama@lauca.usach.cl.
ZMPC '97 International Symposium on Zeolites and Microporous Crystals, 24.-27.8. 1997, Tokyo, Mrs A. C. Bennet, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
12th Bratislava IUPAC International Conference on Polymers, 25.-28.8. 1997, Bratislava, 2-3 Pound Way, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford OX4 3YF, UK, tel.: +44(1865)-747744, fax: -747510, e-mail: iupac@vax.oxford. ac.uk.
Electrochem '97, 26.-29.8. 1997, London, Dr. D. A. Ferguson, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Solution Chemistry, 26.-31.8. 1997, France, J. Cl. Leicknam, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, Cedex 05, France.
4th Cambridge Symposium on Oligonucleotide Chemistry and Biology, 31.8.-3.9. 1997, Cambridge, Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
FECHEM, konference o organokovových sloučeninách, 31.8.-5.9. 1997, Praha, Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Holeček, DrSc., tel.: 040-582114, fax: 040-514530.
Bratislavské Sympózium o Sacharidoch, 1.-5.9. 1997, Smolenice, Ing. V. Farkaša, CHÚ SAV, Dúbravska cesta 9, 842 38 Bratislava, SR, tel.: 378/2169 nebo 378/2958.
Environmental Inorganic Analysis, 2.-5.9. 1997, Pardubice, Ing. Tomáš Černohorský, tel.: 040-582113, fax: 040-514530.
Bioorganic Symposium on Glycochemistry, 2.-6.9. 1997, Zermatt, Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Place Louis Pasteur, 1348 Louvain la Neuve, tel.: +32 10478033, e-mail: ecs@chor.ucl.ac.be.
RSC Autumn Meeting, 2.-5.9. 1997, Aberden, Dr. D. A. Ferguson, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Bioinorganic Chemistry, 2.-5.9. 1997, University of East Anglia, Mrs A. C. Bennet, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Krimipol, 2.-5.9. 1997, Bratislava, Incheba a. s., Viedenská cesta 7, 852 51 Bratislava, SR, tel.: 07/801111, fax: 07/5811665.
Drug Bioanalysis, 2.-5.9. 1997, University of Surrey, E. Reid, 72 The Chase, Guilford, GU2 5UL, UK.
7th International Conference on Chitin and Chitosan, 3.-5.9. 1997, Lyon, Prof. Alain Domard, University C. Bernard, 43, Bd du 11 Novenbre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France, tel.: +33-72448587, fax: -78892583, e-mail: domard@matplast.univlyon1.fr.
Polysacharide Biotechnology, Meeting of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 3.-5.9. 1997, Nottingham, Dr. S. E. Harding, NCMH University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington LE12 5RD, UK, tel.: +44115-9516148, fax: -9516142, e-mail: steve.harding@nottingham.ac.uk.
Advanced Light Alloys and Composites, 5.-15.9. 1997, Poland, Dr. W. Reif, Technical University of Berlin, Strasse des 17 Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany, fax: 0303 142 1127.
Chemistry and Physics of Multifunctional Materials: Fullerenes in Context, 6.-11.9. 1997, Portugal, Dr. J. Hendekovic, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg, France, tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, e-mail: euresco@esf.org.
214 Natl. Meeting of ACS, 7.-12.9. 1997, Las Vegas, BR Ullyot, ACS, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036, U.S.A..
Heterocyclic Chemistry, 7.-9.9. 1997, Australia, Prof. Davis St. C. Black, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia.
High Presure, 7.-11.9. 1997, Reading, Dr. N. S. Isaacs, University of Reading, Reading RG6 6AD, UK.
Glyco XIV, 7.-13.9. 1997, Zürich, Dr. J. Roth, Dept. of Pathology, University of Zürich, Schmelzbergstrasse 12, 8091 Zürich, Switzerland, fax: 411 2554407, e-mail: zellpatho@aeolus.vmsmail.ethz.ch.
SFC '97, 7.-12.9. 1997, Bordeaux, ISC - Organisation congrés, 166 cours Galliéni, 33400 Talence, France.
The International Society for Fat Research, 8.-12.9. 1997, Kuala Lumpur, ISF Secretariat, P.O. Box 3489, Champaing IL61826-3489, U.S.A..
50. sjezd chemických společností, 8.-11.9. 1997, Zlín, Ing. Stanislav Kafka CSc., Fakulta technologická VUT, Masarykovo nám. 275, 762 72 Zlín, ČR, tel.: 067-7210865, fax: -7210722, e-mail: kafka@zlin.vutbr.cz.
EPMS 97, 8.-12.9. 1997, Praha, Dr. Karel Mašek, Karlova Universita, V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Praha 8, ČR, tel.: (+422) 857 62 323, fax: -688 50 95, e-mail: epms@ kevf34.troja.mff.cuni.cz.
Polymer/Surfactant Interactions, 8.-10.9. 1997, Wrexham, Mrs A. C. Bennet, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Studies of Thin Films and Interfaces Using Acoustic Waves, 8.-10.9. 1997, University of Leicester, Mrs A. C. Bennet, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
A Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, 9.-13.9. 1997, Fermo, Prof. A. Breccia, University of Bologna, Via. S. Donato 15, 40127 Bologna, Italy.
Solutions '97, 10.-11.9. 1997, Manchester, David Clarke, Faversham House Group, 232a Addington Road, South Croydon Sorrey CR2 8LE, UK.
XXXI. seminář o metodice stanovení a významu stopových prvků v biologickém materiálu, 11.-12.9. 1997, České Budějovice, R. Koplík, VŠCHT, Praha 6, ČR, tel.: 24353181, fax: 24354262, ce-mail: urdovae@vscht.cz.
Euchem Conference on Environmentaly Friendly Surfactants, 13.-16.9. 1997, Sweden, Wallingatan 24 3 tr, SE-111 24 Stockholm, Sweden, tel.: +468-4115280, fax: -106678, e-mail: anna@chemsoc.se.
International Conference on Elements, 14.-19.9. 1997, Paris, C. Iannarelli, Congres Scientifiques Services, 2 rue des Villarmains, BP 124, F-92210 Saint Cloud, France, tel.: 331 47-71 90 04, fax: -719 005, e-mail: act97@itu.fzk.de.
Ice Physics in the Natural Endangered Environment, 15.-27.9. 1997, Italy, Prof. J. G. Dash, University of Washington, Box 351560, Seattle Washington 98195, U.S.A., fax: +1 206 543-9523, e-mail: dash@diral.phys.washington.edu.
Syntéza a analýza léčiv, 15.-17.9. 1997, Brno, Jarmila Očková, Ústav chemických léčiv FaF VFU, Palackého 1/3, 612 42 Brno, ČR, tel.: (05)-41562734, fax: -41219751.
Cobalt '97, 15.-17.9. 1997, Washington DC, Melanie Searle, Intertech Conferences, 411 US Route One, Portland, Maine 04105, U.S.A.
Current UK Ressearch in Carbons, 16.-17.9. 1997, University of Loughbourg, Mrs A. C. Bennet, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Biophysical Methods of Analysis, 17.9. 1997, Scarborough, Dr. D. A. Ferguson, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
5th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry, 17.-20.9. 1997, Zürich, Mrs. E. Fahrnbühl, Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, ETH Zürich, Universitätstr. 6, Zürich CH-8092, Switzerland.
Polymorphism and the Analysis of Physical Forms, 18.9. 1997, Scarborough, Dr. D. A. Ferguson, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Electroanalytical Workshop, 20.-24.9. 1997, Seč, Prof. Ing. Karel Vytřas, DrSc., tel.: 040-582179, fax: 040-514530.
The Ecological Setting of Europe - From the Past to the Future, 20.-25.9. 1997, Italy, Dr. J. Hendekovic, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg, France, tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, e-mail: euresco@esf.org.
17th Conference on Isoprenoids, 21.-27.9. 1997, Poland, Isoprenoids, c/o ICHO PAN, Kasprzaka, Warszawa, Poland.
Fats, 21.-25.9. 1997, American Oil Chemist's Society, P.O. Box 3489, Champaign Illinois 61826-3489, U.S.A.
2nd International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate, Chemistry Group, 21.-25.9. 1997, Oporto, Luis Bento, R. Manuel Pinto de Azevedo 272, 4100 Porto, Portugal, tel.: +351-26172351, fax: -26103486, e-mail: lbento@mail.telepac.pt.
Spectroscopikum Internatiomale, 21.-26.9. 1997, Melbourne, The Meeting Planners, 108 Church Street, Hawthorn Victoria 3122, Australia, tel.: 613981-93700, fax: -95978.
17th International Lectin Meeting, INTERLEC 17, 22.-26.9. 1997, Würzburg, H. Rüdiger, Pharmacy and Food Chemistry, University of Würzburg, 97074 Würzburg, Germany, tel.: +49931-8885465, fax: -8885375.
Biotrans '97, 22.-26.9. 1997, France, Congrés Scientifiques Services, Biotrans '97, 2 rue des Villarmains B.P. 124, 92210 Saint Cloud, France.
Mezinárodní Strojírenský Veletrh, 22.-27.9. 1997, Brno, Brněnské veletrhy a výstavy a. s., Výstaviště 1, 647 00 Brno, Česká Republika, tel.: 05/41152960, fax: 05/413044.
Organic Geochemistry, 22.-25.9. 1997, Maastricht, J. Duttlinger, Grunerstrasse 23, 8953 Dietikon, Switzerland.
Národní chromatografická konference, 23.-24.9. 1997, Pardubice, Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Churáček, DrSc., tel.: 040-582170, fax: 040-514530.
Emulsions, 23.-26.9. 1997, Bordeaux, Mr. A. Le Coroller, 50 place Marcel Pagnol, 921100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France, tel.: +33(1)-47617689, fax: -47617465.
Syntheses, Optical Properties and Applications of Near-Inrared, (NIR) Dyes in High Technology Fields, 24.-27.9. 1997, ČR, Prof. S. Daehne, Rudower Chausee 5, D-12489 Berlin, Germany, fax: +49 30 6392 5787, e-mail: daehne@ah.bam-berlin.de.
Výroční technická konference Společnosti průmyslu papíru a celulózy, 25.9. 1997, Pardubice, Doc. Ing. Milan Milichovský, CSc., tel.: 040-41011, fax: 040-514530.
Petrochemical Seminar, 25.-26.9. 1997, Monte Carlo, Sandy Bennett, 12 Calico House, York Place, Battersea, London SW11 3TN, UK.
Callenges for Sulfides in Material Sciences and Catalysis, 27.9.-2.10. 1997, Bulgaria, Prof. R. A. Van Santen, Endhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Endhoven, Netherlands, fax: 0031 40 245 5054, e-mail: tgtars@office.chem.tue.nl.
Scientifics Basis for Nuclear Waste Management, 28.9.-3.10. 1997, Switzerland, National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Hardstrase 73, CH-5430 Wettingen, Switzerland.
Polyuretanes World Congress '97, 29.9.-1.10. 1997, Amsterdam, B. V. Industrial Promotions International, P.O. Box 225, 7470 AC Goor, The Netherlands.
III. polygrafický seminář s mezinárodní účastí, 30.9.-1.10. 1997, Pardubice, Ing. Jan Černý, CSc., tel.: 040-41011, fax: 040-514530.
Pollutec Industrie '97, 30.9.-3.10. 1997, Paris, Michéle Jackson, Promosalons, 82 Bishops Bridge Road, London W2 6BB, UK.
Probabillties and Materials: Tests, Models and Applications for the 21st Century, 1.-3.10. 1997, Russia, Prof. G. N. Frantziskonis, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85721, U.S.A., fax: 1 520 621 2550, e-mail: fran@ ccit.arizona.edu.
3rd International Symposium on Forensic Sciences, 1.-3.10. 1997, Liptovský Ján, Dr. Reter Čellár, Kriminalistický a expertizny ústav PZ, Sklabinská 1, 831 06 Bratislava, SR, tel.: (427) 288374, fax: (427)288357.
Hormones, Blood Cells and Immunity, 3.-8.10. 1997, France, Dr. J. Hendekovic, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg, France, tel.: +333 88-76 71 35, fax: -36 69 87, e-mail: euresco@esf.org.
Natural Water Technology: Microorganisms and Chemistry in Aquatic Systems, 4.-9.10. 1997, Spain, Dr. J. Hendekovic, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg, France, tel.: +333 88-76 71 35, fax: -36 69 87, e-mail: euresco@esf.org.
BIO-TECH, 7.-10.10. 1997, Praha, Terinvest s. r. o., veletržní správa, Legerova 15, 120 00 Praha 2, Česká Republika, tel.: 02/21992122, fax: 02/21992129.
CHEMTEC PRAHA '97, 7.-10.10. 1997, Praha, Incheba Praha s. r. o., 28. Října 13 P.O. Box 555, 111 21 Praha 1, Česká Republika, tel.: 02/24195429, fax: 02/24195381.
A Conference on Soaps, Detergents and Oleochemicals, 7.-10.10. 1997, Florida, AOCS Meetings and Exhibits Department, P.O. Box 3489, Champaing IL61826-3489, U.S.A.
Mechanisms in Toxicity: Recent Molecular Advances, 9.-14.10. 1997, Stockholm, Dr. J. Hendekovic, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg, France, tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, e-mail: euresco@esf.org.
1st Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 11.-17.10. 1997, Austria, Dr. Erwin Rosenberg, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Getreidemarkt 9, A-1060 Wien, Austria, fax: +43-1-5867813, e-mail: erosen@fbch.tuwien.ac.at.
Rapid Radioactivity Mesaurements in Emergency and Routine, Situations, 15.-17.10. 1997, Teddington, Dr. D. A. Ferguson, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
7. mezinárodní konference o mikrovlnné technice, 16.-17.10. 1997, Pardubice, Ing. Pavel Bezoušek, CSc., tel.: 040-47461, fax: 040-48400.
Short Papers in Pharmaceutical Analysis, 16.10. 1997, London, Dr. D. A. Ferguson, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Miniaturisation, 20.10. 1997, Rhode Island, Dr. D. A. Ferguson, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
XXIX. Celostátní koloristická konference s mezinárodní účastí, 21.-23.10. 1997, Pardubice, Ing. Ladislav Burget, CSc., tel.: 040-582376, fax: 040-514530.
BIOTECHNICA, 21.-23.10. 1997, Hannover, Ing. Eva Václavíková, Myslbekova 7, 160 00 Praha, Česká Republika, tel.: 02/20510057, fax: 02/20510057.
Process Intensification, 21.-23.10. 1997, Antwerp, Tracey Wheeler, BHR Group, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AJ, UK.
Short Papers in Pharmaceutical Analysis, 23.10. 1997, London, Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Discover the Lates Technological Advances, 27.-31. 10. 1997, London, Margaret Kermonde, Conference Registar, Park West, Sealand Road, Chester CH1 4RN, UK, tel.: 44(0)1244-378888, fax: -370011.
Current Challenges on Large Supramolecular Assemblies, 1.-6.11. 1997, Greece, Dr. G. Tscoucaris, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS-ERS 128, 92290 Chatenay-Malabry, France, fax: +33 1 4683 1303, e-mail: georges.tsoucaris@cep.u-psud.fr.
The 11th International Forum on Electrulysis in the Chemical Industry Entitled Electrochemical Processing Technologies, 2.-6.11. 1997, Florida, Pamela M. Kluczynski, The Electrosynthesis Company, 72 Ward Road, Lancaster, NY 14086, U.S.A.
HYDRO, Mezinárodní vodohospodářská výstava, 4.-6.11. 1997, Ostrava, Černá louka a. s., výstaviště Černá louka, 728 28 Ostrava, Česká Republika, tel.: 069/6167111, fax: 069/6114962.
Organic Chemistry, 10.-14.11. 1997, Kyoto, Shinji Murai, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan.
AGM and Meeting, 12.11. 1997, UK, Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
AGM, 13.11. 1997, UK, Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
AGM (MCMG) and Evening Discussion, 19.11. 1997, London, Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
Chemplast, Glasscer, 19.-22.11. 1997, Nitra, Výstavná 4, 949 01 Nitra, SR, tel.: 087/35591, fax: 087/35986.
International Conference on Biodiversity and Bioresources, 23.-27.11. 1997, Thailand, 2-3 Pound Way, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford OX4 3YF, UK, tel.: +44(1865)-747744, fax: -747510, e-mail: iupac@vax.oxford.ac.uk.
DROGERIE, Výstava drogistického zboží, 26.-29. 11. 1997, Praha, M.I.P., s.r.o., Legerova 3, 120 00 Praha 2, Česká Republika, tel.: 02/24262237, fax: 02/24262255.
Protein-Protein and Protein-Lipid Interactions in Signal Transduction, 6.-10.12. 1997, Florida, Prof. S. M. Sebti, 12902 Magnolia Drive, Tampa FL 33612, U.S.A., fax: +1 813 979 6748, e-mail: sebti@moffitt.usf.edu.
Environmental Monitoring, 10.12.1997, London, Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
An International Symposium on Advances in Polymer Science & Technology, 1.1.1998, India, Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India.
Medica Moravia, 19.-21.3.1998, Ostrava, Černá Louka a. s., Výstaviště Černá louka, 728 26 Ostrava.
215 Natl. Meeting of ACS, 29.3.-3.4. 1998, St. Louis, BR Ullyot, ACS, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036, U.S.A.
81. Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition, 31.5.-4.6. 1998, Vancouver, T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem., 130 Slater St., Suite 550, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada.
9th International Symposioum on Cyclodextrins, 31.5.-3.6. 1998, Santiago de Compostela, Dr. Juan J. Torres-Labandeira, Univresity of Santiago de Compostela, 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Spain, tel.: +3481-563100, fax: -594595, e-mail: ffjuant@usc.es.
12th International Conference on Organic Synthesis, 28.6.-2.7. 1998, Venezia, Organising Secretariat, Depha Congress SRL, Viale Majno 21, 20122 Milano, Italy, tel.: +392-76 00 81 90, fax: -78 24 00, e-mail: dephadue@ mbox.vol.it.
12th International Conference on Organic Synthesis, 30.6.-4.7. 1998, Italy, Prof. C. Scolastico, Universita di Milano, Via G. Venezian 21, I-20133 Milano, Italy.
Glass Congress, 5.-10.7. 1998, San Francisco, Glass and Optical Materials Division, The American Ceramics Society, P.O. Box 6136, Westerville OH 43086-6136, U.S.A.
Lithium Batteries, 12.-17.7. 1998, Edinburgh, Ian Morton, c/o Meeting Makers, 50 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE, Scotland.
37th IUPAC International Symposium Macromolecules, 13.-17.7. 1998, Australia, Chem. Dept. University of Queensland, Brisbane. Qld. 4072, Australia, fax: +61-7-3365 4299, e-mail: macro98@cem.chemistry.uq.edu.au.
Mechanical Behaviour of Polymeric Materials, 20.-23. 7. 1998, Prague, Miroslav Raab, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, Czech Republic.
Chemical Thermodynamics 26.7.-1.8. 1998, Porto, Prof. M. V. Ribeiro da Silva, Faculty of Science, Rua do Campo Alegre 678, P-4150 Porto, Portugal.
9th Intl Congr. of Pesticide Chem., 2.-7.8. 1998, London, IUPAC Secretariat, Bank Court Chambers, 2-3 Pound Way, Templars sq., Cowley Oxford OX4 3YF, UK, tel.: +44 86 57 47-744, fax: -510, e-mail: IUPAC@VAX.OXFORD. AC.UK.
XIX International Carbohydrate Symposium, 9.-14. 8. 1998, San Diego, ICS 98 Symposium Secretariat, Dept. of Chemistry , 516 Physical Sciences 1, University of California, Irvine 92697-2025, U.S.A., tel.: +1714-8248976, fax: -8241372, e-mail: ics98@uci.edu.
Euchem Conference on Ecological Chemistry: Chemical Communications, 12.-15.8. 1998, Sweden, Wallingatan 24 3 tr, SE-111 24 Stockholm, Sweden, tel.: 468-4115260, fax: -106678, e-mail: anna@chemsoc.se.
18th European Crystallographic Meeting, 16.-20. 1998, Praha, R. Kužel, Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, 121 16 Praha 2, CZ.
Physical Organic Chemistry, 16.-21.8. 1998, Brazil, Prof. E. Humeres, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040900 Florianópolis S. C., Brazil.
216 Natl. Meeting of ACS, 23.-28.8. 1998, Orlando, BR Ullyot, ACS, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036, U.S.A.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Air Pollution, 23.-26.8. 1997, University of Copenhagen, Allan Astrup Jensen, dk-TEKNIK Energy & Environment, 15 Gladsaxe Moellevej, DK-2860 Soeborg, DK, tel.: +45 3969-6511, fax: -6002, e-mail: aajensen@dk-teknik.dk.
33rd International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, 30.8.-4.9. 1998, Florence, 2-3 Pound Way, Templars Square, Cowley, Oxford OX4 3YF, UK, tel.: +44(1865)-747744, fax: -747510, e-mail: iupac@vax.oxford.ac.uk.
Coordination Chemistry, 31.8.-4.9. 1998, Italy, Dr. M. Perussi, ISSECC-CNR, Via Jacopo Nardi 39, 50132 Florence, Italy.
European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry, 6.-11. 9. 1998, Edinburgh, Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.
5th IUBMB Conference on the Biochemistry of Health and Diseases, 18.-22.10. 1998, Israel, Prof. U. Z. Littauer, Department of Neurobiology, Rehovot 76100, Israel.
217 Natl. Meeting of ACS, 21.-26.3. 1999, Anaheim, Meetings Dept., ACS, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036, U.S.A.
82 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition, 30.5.-3.6. 1999, Toronto, T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem., 130 Slater St., Suite 550, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada.
218 Natl. Meeting of ACS, 22.-27.8. 1999, New Orleans, Meetings Dept., ACS, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036, U.S.A.
Macromolecules, 9.-14.7. 2000, Poland, Prof. S. Penczek, Polskej Akademii Nauk, Sienkiewicza 112, PL-90-363 Lodz, Poland, tel.: +48(42)-819815, fax: -847126.
11th Intrenational Biotechnology Symposium, 3.-8.9. 2000, Berlin, Prof. G. Kreysa, DECHEMA e. V., P.O. Box 15 01 04, D-60061 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, tel.: 4969-7564241, fax: -7564201, e-mail: info@dechema.de.