Akce v ČR a v zahraničí

(rubriku kompiluje Lukáš Drašar)

Konference mladých chemiků o organické chemii a biochemii

Mezinárodní konference tradičně určená pro chemiky do 35 let se uskuteční ve dnech 15.-20. 6. 1998 v Liblicích. Pořadatelé zvou všechny zájemce o účast na organizaci i vědeckém programu konference. Kontakt: Ing. Šárka Králíková, ÚOCHB AV ČR, Flemingovo 2, 166 10 Praha 6, fax 02-24310090, e-mail: kralikova@uochb.cas.cz.

Tradiční konference o organické, bioorganické a farmaceutické chemii Liblice 97

Konference se uskuteční již tradičně v Liblicích v době 10.-12. listopadu 1997. Sborník konference vyjde jako příloha čísla 11/97 Chemických listů. Plenární přednášky budou mít možnost zveřejnění plného textu (po příslušné redakční úpravě) jako článku v Chemických listech. Organizátoři vyzývají zájemce ze všech oborů, které mají, byť hraničně, souvislost s tématem vyjádřeným v názvu, aby se včas spojili s tajemníkem organizačního výboru konference dr. P. Drašarem, ÚOCHB AV ČR, Flemingovo 2, 166 10 Praha 6, telefon 02-20183-220, fax 02-24310090, e-mail drasar@uochb.cas.cz. Vzhledem k tomu, že je na základě loňské zkušenosti očekáván zájem převyšující kapacitu zámku v Liblicích, přistoupili organizátoři k tomu, že budou vybírat příspěvky jak podle data přihlášky, tak podle jejich kvality a zajímavosti. Podrobné pokyny pro přihlášení, účast a abstrakt budou zaslány všem předběžně přihlášeným bez závazku z obou stran. Taktéž se vyzývají všichni, kteří si chtějí pouze objednat zmíněné číslo Chemických listů 11/97 a konference se zúčastnit nechtějí, aby tak učinili včas. Cena tohoto čísla za 1 kus je stanovena na 62 Kč, plus 38 Kč za balné a poštovné v ČR; do zahraničí bude cena za balné a poštovné specifikována na žádost.

2nd Colloquium on Particulate Air Pollution & Human Health 1.-3. 5. 1997, Utah. Inf: Particulate Colloquium Counting, Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational & Environmental Health, Bldg 512, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA. Tel.: (801)-5814055, fax: -5855275.

Electrochemical Society Symp. 4.-9. 5. 1997 Montreal. Inf: Div. of Fluorine Chemistry. V. Child, 3M Florochemical & Process Technology, Ctr. 236-3C-89, St. Paul, Minn 551441-1000, USA. Tel.: (612)736-5241, fax: -0191.

Intl. Conf. on ISO 9000 5.-7. 5. 1997 Orlando. Inf: Intl. Conf. of ISO 9000, 1522 Spruce St., Cheswick, Pa 15024, USA. Tel.: 274-7559, fax: (412)274-0926.

149th Rubber Div. Spring Technical Mtg. 5.-8. 5. 1997 Montreal. Inf: L. Blazeff, Rubber Div., ACS, P.O. Box 499, Akron 44309-0499, Ohio, USA. Tel.: (216)972-7814, fax: -5269.

6th Intl. Conf. on Composite Interfaces 5.-8. 5. 1997 Israel. Inf: Conf. Secretariat, Dan Knassim Ltd., P.O. Box 1931, Ramat Gan 52118, Israel. Tel.: 972 36133340, fax: 972 36133341.

18th Symp. on Biotechnology for Fuels & Chemicals 5.-9. 5. 1997 Gatlinburg. Inf: Brian Davison, Dept. of Energy, Natl. Lab, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 67831-6226, USA. Tel.: (423)-5768522, fax: -574688, E-mail: janetbarr@aol.com.

151st Rubber Div. Spring Technical Mtg. 5.-9. 5. 1997 Anaheim. Inf: Rubber Div. L. Blazeff, P.O. Box 499, Akron, Ohio 44309-0499, USA. Tel.: (216)972-7841, fax: -5269.

28th Ann. Spring Program in Polymers: Adhesive & Coating Adhesion 7.-9. 5. 1997 Orlando. Inf: A. V. Patsys, Material Science, New Paltz, N. Y. 12561, USA. Tel.: (914)255-0757, fax: -0978, E-mail: ims@mhv.net.

26th Reaction Mechanisms Conf. 7.-12. 6. 1997 Stony Brook, N.Y.. Inf: William le Noble, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794-3400, USA. Tel.: (516)632-7884, fax: -7960.

13th Lakeland Heterocyclic Symposium 8.-12. 5. 1997 Grasmere. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

Trends in Drug Research 11.-16. 5. 1997 Netherlands. Inf: Prof. Dr. H. Timmerman, Vrije Universiteit, De Boeleaan 1083, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Control and Instrumentation 13.-15. 5. 1997 Brimingham. Inf: Tel.: 44181-3028585, fax: -3027205.

ROSPA 13.-15. 5. 1997 Brimingham. Inf: Tel.: 44121-7672655, fax: -7673535.

Sensor 97; 8th International Congress for Sensors, Tranducers & Systems 13.-15. 5. 1997 Nuremberg. Inf: The Secretariat, ACS Organisations GmBH, Postf 2352, 31506 Wunsdorf, Germany. Fax: +49+5033056.

American Industrial Hygiene Conference And Exhibition 17.-23. 5. 1997 Dallas. Inf: Tel.: 1703-8498888, fax: -2073561.

CC&E 97-Nineteenth International Symposium on Capillary, Chromatography and Electrophoresis 18.-22. 5. 1997 USA. Inf: Joy Wise, CC&E, P.O. Box 4153, Frederick MD 21705, USA. Tel.: +1301-4738311, fax: -4738312, E-mail: WiseJoy@aol.com.

SIS '97 18.-22. 5. 1997 Piešťany. Inf: Prof. Fedor Macášek, Kat. jadrovej chémie PriFUK, Mlynská Dolina CH-1, SK-84215 Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel., fax: +42 724685.

XXVII. Konference o nátěrových hmotách s mezinárodní účastí 19.-21. 5. 1997, Seč u Chrudimi. Inf: Doc. Ing. J. Jarušek, Csc., Universita Pardubice, nám. Čs. legií 565, 532 10 Pardubice, ČR. Tel.: (040)-582214, fax:: -514530.

High Temperature Materials Chemistry 19.-23. 5. 1997 USA. Inf: Prof. Karl E. Spear, Pensylvania State University, 118 Steidle Building, PA 16802, USA.

Kalorimetrický seminář s mezinárodní účastí 19.-22. 5. 1997 Pardubice. Inf: Doc. Ing. Vratislav Velich CSc. Tel.: 040-582 268, fax:: 040-514 530.

Ann. Medicinal Chemistry Symp. 19.-22. 5. 1997, Amherst, N.Y. Inf: T. Kalman, SUNY Buffalo. Tel.: (716)645-2850, fax: -2393.

Biotechnology for Business Seminar 19.-23. 5. 1997 Durham, N.C. Inf: Biotechnology for Business, P.O. Box 90356, Duke U, Durham, N.C. 27708-0356, USA. Tel.: (919)660-1579, fax: -1591.

Intl. Conf. on Fish Inspection & Quality Control 19.-24. 5. 1997 Arlington. Inf: National Fisheries Inst., 1525 Wilson Blvd. Suite 500, Arlington, Va 22209, USA. Tel.: (703)524-8881, fax: -4619.

Reservoir Management and Water Supply - an Integrated System 19.-22. 5. 1997, Praha. Inf: Dr. Petr Dolejš, IWSA/IAWQ Conference, P.O. Box 27 Písecká 2, 370 11 České Budějovice, Czech Republic. Tel.: +42-38-41624, E-mail: petrdol@marvin.jcu.cz.

Laboratory Show 20.-22. 5. 1997, London. Inf: Tel.: 44181-9107910, fax: -9107926.

29th Great Lakes Regional Mtg. 20.-22. 5. 1997 Normall. Inf: D. West, Illinois State U, Normall, III. 61790-4160, USA. Tel.: (309)438-7019, fax: -5538, E-mail: reglmtgs@acs.org.

MAC 97-International Exhibition of Chemistry, Analysis, Research, Test Equipment and Biotechnology 20.-23. 5. 1997 Italy. Inf: Dr. Laura Pinna Berchet, Assoexpo, 11 Via Domenichino, 20105 Milan, Italy. Tel.: +392-4815541, fax: -4980330.

Frontiers in Carbohydrate Research 5 Conf. 21.-22. 5. 1997 West Lafayette. Inf: James BeMiller, 1160 Smith Hall, Purdue U., West Lafayette Ind. 47907-1160, USA. Tel.: (317)494-6171, fax: -7953.

30th ACS Middle Atlantic Regional Mtg. 22.-24. 5. 1997 Villanova. Inf: R. Giuliano, Dept. of Chemistry, Villanova U, Villanova Pa. 19085, USA. Tel.: (610)519-4840, fax: -7167, E-mail: reglmtgs@acs.org.

11th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes 25.-29. 5. 1997 France. Inf: The Secretariat, Societe Francaise du Vide, 19 rue du Renard, 75004 Paris, France. Tel.: +331-53019030, fax: -42786320.

7th International Conference on Mathematical Chemistry 26.-31. 5. 1997 Girona. Inf: University of Girona, Albereda 3-5, Girona 17071, Spain. Tel.: +3472418357, fax: 3472418357, E-mail: director@iqc.udg.es.

Flexotisk pro podnikové manažery 26.-30. 5. 1997 Pardubice. Inf: Doc. RNDr. Marie Kaplanová, CSc. Tel.: 04041011, fax: 040514530.

2nd Miniaturisiation in Liquid Chromatography Versus Capillary, Electrophoresis Conference 27.-28. 5. 1997 Belgium. Inf: Prof. Dr. Willy R. G. Baeyens, University of Ghent, Harelbekestraat 72, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. Tel.: +32-92648097, fax: -22648196, E-mail: willy.baeyens@rug.ac.be.

Ultrafast Phenomena X Mtg. 28. 5.-1. 6. 1997 Coronado. Inf: Paul Barbara, Univ. of Minnesota, Dept. of Chemistry, 207 Pleasant St., S.E., Minneapolis, Minn. 55455-0431, USA. Tel.: (612)626-9405, fax: -7541.

80 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition 1.-5. 6. 1997 Ottawa. Inf: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem., 130 Slater St., Suite 550, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada.

7th International Seminar on Inclusion Compounds 1.-6. 6. 1997 Seč u Chrudimi. Inf: Doc. Ing. Jaroslava Kalousová, CSc. Tel.: 040-582123, fax: 040-514530.

Bioorganic Chemistry 1.-6. 6. 1997 France. Inf: Prof. A. Marquet, Université Paris URA CNRS 493, Tour 44/45-4 PI. Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France.

Science and Technology Education for Social and Economic, Development 2.-5. 6. 1997 Poland. Inf: Dr. Ryszard M. Janiuk, Dept. of Chem. Education M.C. Sklodowska University, P1.M.C. Sklodowskej 3, 20-031 Lublin, Poland. Tel.: (81)-375691, fax: -33669, E-mail: filip@hermes.umcs.lublin.pl.

Monroe Wall Symp. on Natural Products 2.-5. 6. 1997 New Brunswick. Inf: Keith Wilson, Rutgers Univ., Cook College, P.O. Box 231, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903-0231, USA. Tel.: (908)932-9271, fax: -1187.

Seminář o moderních potenciometrických technikách 3.-5. 6. 1997 Pardubice. Inf: Prof. Ing. Karel Vytřas, DrSc. Tel.: 040-582179, fax: 040-514530.

Windsor Workshop on Alternative Fuels 3.-5. 6. 1997 Ontario. Inf: Ortech Corp., 2395 Speakman Dr., Mississauga, Ontario L5K 1B3, Canada. Tel.: (905)-8224111, fax: -8231446.

5th Intl. Conf. on Energy & Environment 3.-6. 6. 1997 Egypt. Inf: Ralph H. Kummler, Wayne State Univ., Dept. of Chemical, 5050 Anthony Wayne Dr., Detroit, Mich. 48202, USA. Tel.: (313)577-3800, fax: -3810.

International Conference on Fatigue of Composites 3.-5. 6. 1997 Paris. Inf: Congres Scientifiques Services (C2S), 2, rue des Villarmains, BP 124, 92210 Saint Cloud, France. Tel.: 33147-719004, fax: -719005.

ECOTOP 5.-7. 6. 1997 France. Inf: Tel.: 3320-158197, fax: 3320-158191.

EKOPLUS 5.-8. 6. 1997 Litoměřice. Inf: Výstavy s.r.o., Na vinici 13, 412 01 Litoměřice, Česká Republika. Tel.: 0416/5862, fax: 0416/4058.

5th Intl. Workshop on Bioanalysis 5.-8. 6. 1997 Lawrence. Inf: Paul Forio, Univ. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. 66045, USA. Tel.: (913)864-3284, fax: -5074.

Intl. Expo. for Coatings & Paints 5.-8. 6. 1997 Shanghai. Inf: Worldwide Exhibitions Service, 4/F, Bldg, 1486 Nanjing Rd., Shanghai 200040, China. Tel.: 008621247-0160, fax: -4030, E-mail: reglmtgs@acs.org.

Euchem Conference on Mass Spectrometry in Biology 7.-12. 6. 1997 Sweden. Inf: Wallingatan 24 3 tr, SE-111 24 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel.: +468-4115280, fax: -106678, E-mail: anna@chemsoc.se.

AWMA 8.-13. 6. 1997 Toronto. Inf: Tel.: 1412-2323444, fax: -2323450.

IRDAS REACSS Program 8.-9. 6. 1997 Madison, N.J.. Inf: Lawrence Kelly, Drew Univ., Hall of Sciences, Madison, N.J. 07940, USA. Tel.: (201)408-3033, fax: -3504, E-mail: reglmtgs@acs.org.

ACHEMA 97 9.-14. 6. 1997 Frankfurt. Inf: Prof. G. Kreysa, DECHEMA e. V., Postfach 15 01 04, D-60061 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Tel.: (069) 7564-238, fax: -201.

Mezinárodní výstava technických a technologických prostředků, pro ekologii 10.-12. 6. 1997 Praha. Inf: Vusteapis s.r.o., Velflíkova 4, Praha 6 160 75, ČR. Tel.: (+4220)-24310368, fax: -324692.

5th International Scientific Workshop on Biodegradable Plastics, and Polymers 10.-14. 6. 1997 Sweden. Inf: Prof. Sigbritt Karlsson, Department of Polymer Technology, KTH, Stockholm S-100 44, Sweden.

Hazmat International 10.-12. 6. 1997 USA. Inf: Tel.: 1216-2438100, fax: -7943951.

3rd Intl. Symp. on Environmental Geotechnology 10.-12. 6. 1997 San Diego. Inf: Eleanor Nothelfer, Fritz Engineering Lab., Bethlehem Pa. 18015-3176, USA. Tel.: (610)758-3549, fax: -4522.

American Carbon Soc. Workshop: Carbon Materials & the Environment 10.-12. 6. 1997 Charleston. Inf: Ljubisa Radovic, P. State Univ., University Park, Pa. 16802, USA. Tel.: (814)863-0594.

Polymer Blends & Alloys: Phase Behavior 10.-13. 6. 1997 Switzerland. Inf: A. V. Patsis, State Univ. of New York, New Paltz, N.Y. 12561, USA. Tel.: (914)255-0757, fax: -0978.

Residential School of Medicinal Chemistry Mtg. 10.-14. 6. 1997 Madison. Inf: William J. Houlihan, Drew Univ., Hall of Sciences, Rm. 331, Madison N. J. 07940, USA. Tel.: (201)408-3633, fax: -3504, E-mail: reglmtgs@acs.org.

LIMS '97 11.-13. 6. 1997 UK. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

79th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society 11.-14. 6. 1997, USA. Inf: Cathy Huck, The Endocrine Society, 4350 East West Highway, Bethesda MD 20814-4410, USA. Tel.: +1(301)941-0225, fax: -0259.

In Vino Analytica Scientia 12.-14. 6. 1997 Bordeaux. Inf: CONGRESS Rive Droite, 10, rue de Nuits, 33100 Bordeaux, France. Tel.: 110144-081648, fax: -081653.

Svět skla, porcelánu a keramiky 12.-14. 6. 1997 Praha. Inf: BVV a.s., Washingtonova 9, 112 49 Prah 1, Česká Republika. Tel.: 02/24210727, fax: 02/24228243.

International Congress on Analytical Chemistry 15.-21. 6. 1997 Moscow. Inf: Dr. L.N. Kolomiets, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prospect 31, 117915 Moscow, Russia. Tel.:, fax: 7-(095)952-0065.

AWWA 15.-19. 6. 1997, Atlanta. Inf: Tel.: 1303-7947711, fax: -7943951.

Xth Conference on Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of Young, Scientists 15.-20. 6. 1997 Liblice. Inf: Ing. Šárka Králíková, ÚOCHB AV ČR, Flemingovo nám. 2, Praha 6, ČR. E-mail: kralikova@uochb.cas.cz.

International Congress on Analytical Chemistry 16.-21. 6. 1997 Moscow. Inf: Dr. L. N. Kolomiets, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prospekt 31, 117915 Moscow, Russia. Fax: 7 095 952 0065.

Chemichromics '97 16.-17. 6. 1997 Manchester. Inf: Spring Innovations, 185A Moss Lane, Bramhall,, Stockport, Cheshire SK7 1BA, UK.

Polymer Synthesis 16.-20. 6. 1997 Russia. Inf: Mrs Irina Kovalenko, Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Bolshoy pr. 31, 199004 St. Petersburg, Russia. Tel.: +7(812)-2131070, fax: -2186869, E-mail: imc@macro. spb.su.

Thirty-Fifth National Organic Chemistry Symposium 22.-26. 6. 1997 San Antonio. Inf: Prof. James H. Rigby, Wayne State University, Detroit MI 48202-3489, USA. Tel.: (313)577-3472, fax: -1377, E-mail: jhr@chem.wayne.edu.

Canadian Soc. for Chemistry Conf. & Exhibition 23.-26. 6. 1997 Canada. Inf: Murray Brooker, Campus of Memorial Univ., Newfoundland A1B 3X7, Canada. Tel.:, fax: (709)737-3702, E-mail: henkh@org.chem.uva.nl.

Fourth International Conference on the Biochemistry of Trace Elements 23.-26. 6. 1997 California. Inf: Dr. L. K. Iskandar, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research & Engineering Lab., 72 Lyme Road, Hanover NH 03775, USA. Tel.: 603-6464198, fax: -6464561, E-mail: iskandar@crrel.usace.army.mil.

Mezinárodní konference o flexotisku 24. 6. 1997 Pardubice. Inf: Doc. RNDr. Marie Kaplanová, CSc. Tel.: 040-41011, fax: 040-514530.

INCHEBA '97 24.-27. 6. 1997, Bratislava. Inf: Ing. Eva Komínková, Incheba a.s., Viedenská cesta 7, 852 51 Bratislava, SR. Tel.: 07/802230, fax: 07/874101.

MICRONEX '97 24.-28. 6. 1997 Shangai. Inf: Tel.: 852-28077633, fax: -25705917.

Taipai International Environmental Protection 24.-28. 6. 1997, Taiwan. Inf: Tel.: 8862-7654754, fax: -7678295.

Industrial Toxikology '97 25.-28. 6. 1997 Bratislava. Inf: Ms. Prof. Agáta Fargašová, Slovak Technical University, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

Combinatorial Approaches to Chemistry and Biology 27.-30. 6. 1997, Cambridge. Inf: Conference Secretariat, Field End House, Bude Close, Nailsea, Bristol BS19 2FQ, UK. Tel.: +44(0)1275853311, E-mail: confsec@dial.pipex.com.

Special FEBS Meeting on Cell Signalling Mechanisms 29. 6-3. 7. 1997 Netherlands. Inf: Dr B Roelofsen, Biomembranes and Lipid Enzymology, PO Box 80054, 3508 TC Utrecht, Netherlands.

Mechanical Behaviour of Polymeric Materials 20.-23. 7. 1997 Praha. Inf: Prof. Pavel Kratochvíl, Ústav Makromolekulární Chemie, Heyrovského nám. 2, Praha 162 06, Czech Republic.

Euchem Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Trends in Laser-Assisted Chemistry: Revisiting the Transition State 6.-9. 7. 1997 Stockholm. Inf: Wallingatan 24 3tr, S-111 24 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel.: +468-4115280, fax: -106678, E-mail: anna@chemsoc.se.

13th International Meeting: NMR Spectroscopy 6.-11. 7. 1997 UK. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

Eurocarb 97 6.-11. 7. 1997 Utrecht. Inf: Dept. of Bio-Organic Chem., Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.075, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands. Tel.:, fax : +3130 2540980, E-mail: eurocarb@boc.chem.ruu.nl.

II. International Conference Catalysis in the Eve of XXI Centure, Science and Engineering 7.-11. 7. 1997 Novosibirsk. Inf: Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS, Prospekt Akademika Lavrentieva 5, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia. Tel.: 73832-350237, fax: -355766, E-mail: boreskov_97@caty.catalysis.nsk.su.

Ionic Polymerization 7.-11. 7. 1997 Paris. Inf: Prof F. Cheradame, CNRS, BP 28, 2 rue Henri Dunant, 94320 Thiais, France.

3rd International Symposium: Supported Reagents & Catalysis in Chemistry 8.-11. 7. 1997 UK. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

3rd International Conference: Materials Chemistry 14.-18. 7. 1997 UK. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

Recycling of Polymers 14.-17. 7. 1996 Praha. Inf: Prof. Pavel Kratochvíl, Ústav Makromolekulární Chemie, Heyrovského nám. 2., Praha 162 06, Czech Republic.

The Conference on Human Genetics Diversity and Disease 21.-25. 7. 1997 Australia. Inf: Prof. A. H. Bittles, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup Drive, Western Australia 6029, Australia.

Surface and Interfacial Phenomena in Macromolecular Systems 21.-24. 7. 1996 Praha. Inf: Prof. Pavel Kratochvíl, Ústav Makromolekulární Chemie, Heyrovského nám. 2, Praha 162 06, Czech Republic.

Synthesis in Organic Chemistry 22.-24. 7. 1997 Oxford. Inf: Prof. S. G. Davies, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QR, UK. Tel.: +44(0)1865-275646, fax:: -275633, E-mail: sgd@vax.ox.ac.uk.

The Sixth European Symposium on Organic Reactivity 24.-29. 7. 1997 Belgium. Inf: M. Devillers, Catholic University of Louvain, 1 place Louis Pasteur, B-1348 Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium.

Bioinorganic Chemistry 27. 7.-1. 8. 1997 Japan. Inf: Prof. M. Hidai, Dept. Chemistry & Biotechnology, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.

The Maillard Reaction 27.-30. 7. 1997 London. Inf: The Univ. of Reading, Dept. of Food Science and Technology, PO Box 226, Reading RG6 6AP, UK.

Recognition and Manipulation of DNA Structure by Proteins 29.-31. 7. 1997 Dundee. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

ISPAC-10 11.-13. 8. 1997 Toronto. Inf: Prof. Stephen T. Blake, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 1A4, Canada.

8th European Congress on Biotechnology 17.-21. 8. 1997 Budapest. Inf: Franciska Morlin, Congress Secretariat, Derék utca 2., H-1016 Budapest, Hungary. Tel.: (361)1668172, fax: -1669051, E-mail: nyeste@ch.bme.hu.

Plasma Chemistry 18.-22. 8. 1997 China. Inf: Prof. Cheng-kang Wu, Institute of Mechanics, Chinse Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China. Tel.: +86(1)255-9504, fax: -9588, E-mail: nacy@sun.ihep.ac.cn.

36th IUPAC Congress 18.-22. 8. 1997 Geneva. Inf: c/o Congress Service, PO Box 37, CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex/GE, Switzerland. Tel.: +41(22)76-11661, fax: -11662.

CC '97 Conferentia Chemometrica Budapest 1997 21.-23. 8. 1997 Budapest. Inf: Dr. Tamás Pap, University of Veszprém, PO Box 158, H-8201 Veszprém, Hungary. Tel.: 3688-422022, fax: -421869, E-mail: pap@anal.venus.vein.hu.

Pb '97 22.-25. 9. 1997 Salzburg. Inf: Lead Development Association International, 42 Weymouth Street, London W1N 3LQ, UK.

17th International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 24.-29. 8. 1997 USA. Inf: Congress Secretariat, 9650 Rockville, Bethesda MD 20814-3996, USA.

Coordination Chemistry 24.-29. 8. 1997 Chile. Inf: Prof. J. Costamagna, Dept. de Química Facultad de Ciencia, Casilla 307, Santiago-2, Chile. Tel.: +56(2)68-11644, fax: -12108, E-mail: jcostama@lauca.usach.cl.

4th Cambridge Symposium on Oligonucleotide Chemistry and Biology 31. 8.-3. 9. 1997 Cambridge. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

FECHEM, konference o organokovových sloučeninách 31. 8.-5. 9. 1997 Praha. Inf: Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Holeček, DrSc. Tel.: 040-582114, fax: 040-514530.

Bratislavské Sympózium o Sacharidoch 1.-5. 9. 1997 Smolenice. Inf: Ing. V. Farkaša, CHÚ SAV, Dúbravska cesta 9, 842 38 Bratislava, SR. Tel.: 378/2169 nebo 378/2958.

Environmental Inorganic Analysis 2.-5. 9. 1997 Pardubice. Inf: Ing. Tomáš Černohorský. Tel.: 040-582113, fax: 040-514530.

Bioorganic Symposium on Glycochemistry 2.-6. 9. 1997 Zermatt. Inf: Univ. Catholique de Louvain, Place Louis Pasteur, 1348 Louvain la Neuve. Tel.: +32 10478033, E-mail: ecs@chor.ucl.ac.be.

Krimipol 2.-5. 9. 1997 Bratislava. Inf: Incheba a. s., Viedenská cesta 7, 852 51 Bratislava, SR. Tel.: 07/801111, fax:: 07/5811665.

7th International Conference on Chitin and Chitosan 3.-5. 9. 1997 Lyon. Inf: Prof. Alain Domard, Univ. C. Bernard, 43, Bd du 11 Novenbre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France. Tel.: +33-72448587, fax: -78892583, E-mail: domard@matplast.univlyon1.fr.

Polysacharide Biotechnology, Meeting of the Royal Society of, Chemistry 3.-5. 9. 1997 Nottingham. Inf: Dr. S. E. Harding, NCMH University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington LE12 5RD, UK. Tel.: +44115-9516148, fax: -9516142, E-mail: steve.harding@nottingham.ac.uk.

Chemistry and Physics of Multifunctional Materials:, Fullerenes in Context 6.-11. 9. 1997 Portugal. Inf: Dr. J. Hendekovic, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg, France. Tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, E-mail: euresco@esf.org.

214 Natl. Meeting of ACS 7.-12. 9. 1997, Las Vegas. Inf: BR Ullyot, ACS, 1155 16th St. NW, Washington DC 20036, USA.

Glyco XIV 7.-13. 9. 1997 Zürich. Inf: Dr. J. Roth, Dept. of Pathology, University of Zürich, Schmelzbergstrasse 12, 8091 Zürich, Switzerland. Tel.:, fax: : 411 2554407, E-mail: zellpatho@aeolus.vmsmail.ethz.ch.

The International Society for Fat Research 8.-12. 9. 1997 Kuala Lumpur. Inf: ISF Secretariat, P.O. Box 3489, Champaing IL61826-3489, USA.

50. sjezd chemických společností 8.-11. 9. 1997 Zlín. Inf: Ing. Stanislav Kafka CSc., Fakulta technologická VUT, Masarykovo nám. 275, 762 72 Zlín, ČR. Tel.: 067-7210865, fax: -7210722, E-mail: kafka@zlin.vutbr.cz.

EPMS 97 8.-12. 9. 1997 Praha. Inf: Dr. Karel Mašek, Karlova Universita, V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Praha 8, ČR. Tel.: (+422)-85762323, fax: -6885095, E-mail: epms@kevf34.troja.mff.cuni.cz.

Biennial Meeting 10.-12. 9. 1997 Bristol. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

XXXI. seminář o metodice stanovení a významu stopových prvků v biologickém materiálu 11.-12. 9. 1997 České Budějovice. Inf: R. Koplík, VŠCHT, Praha 6, ČR. Tel.: 24353181,24354262, E-mail: curdovae@vscht.cz.

Euchem Conference on Environmentaly Friendly Surfactants 13.-16. 9. 1997 Sweden. Inf: Wallingatan 24 3 tr, SE-111 24 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel.: +468-4115280, fax: -106678, E-mail: anna@chemsoc.se.

International Conference on Elements 14.-19. 9. 1997 Paris. Inf: C. Iannarelli, Congres Scientifiques Services, 2, rue des Villarmains, BP 124, F-92210 Saint Cloud, France. Tel.: 33147-719004, fax: -719005, E-mail: act97@itu.fzk.de.

5th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry 17.-20. 9. 1997 Zürich. Inf: Mrs. E. Fahrnbühl, Laboratory of Inorganic Chemistry, ETH Zürich, Universitätstr. 6, Zürich CH-8092, Switzerland.

Electroanalytical Workshop 20.-24. 9. 1997 Seč. Inf: Prof. Ing. Karel Vytřas, DrSc. Tel.: 040-582179, fax: 040-514530.

The Ecological Setting of Europe - From the Past to the Future 20.-25. 9. 1997 Italy. Inf: Dr. J. Hendekovic, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg, France. Tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, E-mail: euresco@esf.org.

17th Conference on Isoprenoids 21.-27.9.1997, Poland. Inf: Isoprenoids, c/o ICHO PAN, Kasprzaka, Warszawa, Poland.

2nd International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate, Chemistry Group 21.-25. 9. 1997 Oporto. Inf: Luis Bento, R. Manuel Pinto de Azevedo 272, 4100 Porto, Portugal. Tel.: +351-26172351, fax: -26103486, E-mail: lbento@mail.telepac.pt.

Spectroscopikum Internationale 21.-26. 9. 1997 Melbourne. Inf: The Meeting Planners, 108 Church Street, Hawthorn Victoria 3122, Australia. Tel.: 613981-93700, fax: -95978.

Biotrans '97 22.-26. 9. 1997 France. Inf: Congrés Scientifiques Services, Biotrans '97, 2, rue des Villarmains B.P. 124, 92210 Saint Cloud, France.

17th International Lectin Meeting, INTERLEC 17 22.-26. 9. 1997 Würzburg. Inf: H. Rüdiger, Pharmacy and Food Chemistry, University of Würzburg, 97074 Würzburg, Germany. Tel.: +49931-8885465, fax: -8885375.

Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh 22.-27. 9. 1997 Brno. Inf: Brněnské veletrhy a výstavy a. s., Výstaviště 1, 647 00 Brno, Česká Republika. Tel.: 05/41152960, fax:: 05/413044.

Národní chromatografická konference 23.-24. 9. 1997 Pardubice. Inf: Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Churáček, DrSc.. Tel.: 040-582170, fax: 040-514530.

Emulsions 23.-26. 9. 1997 Bordeaux. Inf: Mr. A. Le Coroller, 50 place Marcel Pagnol, 921100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France. Tel.: +33(1)-47617689, fax: -47617465.

Výroční technická konference Společnosti průmyslu papíru a celulózy 25. 9. 1997 Pardubice. Inf: Doc. Ing. Milan Milichovský, CSc.. Tel.: 040-41011, fax: 040-514530.

III. polygrafický seminář s mezinárodní účastí 30. 9.-1. 10. 1997 Pardubice. Inf: Ing. Jan Černý, CSc. Tel.: 040-41011, fax: 040-514530.

3rd International Symposyum on Forensic Sciences 1.-3. 10. 1997 Liptovský Ján. Inf: Dr. Reter Čellár, Kriminalistický a expertizny ústav PZ, Sklabinská 1, 831 06 Bratislava, SR. Tel.: (427) 288374, fax: (427)288357.

Hormones, Blood Cells and Immunity 3.-8. 10. 1997 France. Inf: Dr. J. Hendekovic, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg, France. Tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, E-mail: euresco@esf.org.

Natural Water Technology: Microorganisms and Chemistry in Aquatic Systems 4.-9. 10. 1997 Spain. Inf: Dr. J. Hendekovic, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg, France. Tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, E-mail: euresco@esf.org.

BIO-TECH 7.-10. 10. 1997 Praha. Inf: Terinvest s. r. o., veletržní správa, Legerova 15, 120 00 Praha 2, Česká Republika. Tel.: 02/21992122, fax:: 02/21992129.

CHEMTEC PRAHA '97 7.-10. 10. 1997 Praha. Inf: Incheba Praha s. r. o., 28. Října 13 P.O. Box 555, 111 21 Praha 1, Česká Republika. Tel.: 02/24195429, fax:: 02/24195381.

A Conference on Soaps, Detergents and Oleochemicals 7.-10. 10. 1997 Florida. Inf: AOCS Meetings and Exhibits Department, P.O. Box 3489, Champaing IL61826-3489, USA.

Mechanisms in Toxicity: Recent Molecular Advances 9.-14. 10. 1997 Stockholm. Inf: Dr. J. Hendekovic, 1 quai Lezay-Marnésia, 67080 Strasbourg, France. Tel.: +33388-767135, fax: -366987, E-mail: euresco@esf.org.

7. mezinárodní konference o mikrovlnné technice 16.-17. 10. 1997 Pardubice. Inf: Ing. Pavel Bezoušek, CSc.. Tel.: 040-47461, fax: 040-48400.

XXIX. Celostátní koloristická konference s mezinárodní účastí 21.-23. 10. 1997 Pardubice. Inf: Ing. Ladislav Burget, CSc.. Tel.: 040-582376, fax: 040-514530.

BIOTECHNICA 21.-23. 10. 1997 Hannover. Inf: Ing. Eva Václavíková, Myslbekova 7, 160 00 Praha, Česká Republika. Tel.: 02/20510057, fax:: 02/20510057.

Process Intensification 21.-23. 10. 1997 Antwerp. Inf: Tracey Wheeler, BHR Group, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AJ, UK.

Short Papers in Pharmaceutical Analysis 23. 10. 1997 London. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

HYDRO, Mezinárodní vodohospodářská výstava 4.-6. 11. 1997 Ostrava. Inf: Černá louka a.s., výstaviště Černá louka, 728 28 Ostrava, Česká Republika. Tel.: 069/6167111, fax:: 069/6114962.

Organics Chemistry 10.-14. 11. 1997 Kyoto. Inf: Shinji Murai, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan.

AGM and Meeting 12. 11. 1997 UK. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

Chemplast, Glasscer 19.-22. 11. 1997 Nitra. Inf: Výstavná 4, 949 01 Nitra, SR. Tel.: 087/35591, fax:: 087/35986.

DROGERIE, Výstava drogistického zboží 26.-29. 11. 1997 Praha. Inf: M.I.P. ,s. r. o., Legerova 3, 120 00 Praha 2, Česká Republika. Tel.: 02/24262237, fax:: 02/24262255.

Environmental Monitoring V - & AGM 10. 12. 1997 London. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

An International Symposium on Advances in Polymer Science &, Technology 1. 1. 1998 India. Inf: Dr. R. A. Mashelkar, Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, India.

9th International Symposium on Cyclodextrins 31. 5.-3. 6. 1998, Santiago de Compostela. Inf: Dr. Juan J. Torres-Labandeira, Univresity of Santiago de Compostela, 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Tel.: +3481-563100, fax: -594595, E-mail: ffjuant@usc.es.

12th International Conference on Organic Synthesis 28. 6.-2. 7. 1998 Venezia. Inf: Organising Secretariat, Depha Congress SRL, Viale Majno 21, 20122 Milano, Italy. Tel.: +392-76008190, fax: -782400, E-mail: dephadue@mbox.vol.it.

12th International Conference on Organic Synthesis 30. 6.-4. 7. 1998, Italy. Inf: Prof. C. Scolastico, Universita di Milano, Via G. Venezian 21, I-20133 Milano, Italy.

Glass Congress 5.-10. 7. 1998 San Francisco. Inf: Glass and Optical Materials Division, The American Ceramics Society, P.O. Box 6136, Westerville OH 43086-6136, USA.

Lithium batteries 12.-17. 7. 1998, Edinburgh. Inf: Ian Morton, c/o Meeting Makers, 50 George Street, Glasgow G1 1QE, Scotland.

37th IUPAC International Symposium Macromolecules 13.-17. 7. 1998 Australia. Inf: Chem. Dept. University of Queensland, Brisbane. Qld. 4072, Australia. Tel.:, fax: +61-7-3365 4299, E-mail: macro98@cem.chemistry. uq.edu.au.

Mechanical Behaviour of Polymeric Materials 20.-23. 7. 1998 Prague. Inf: Miroslav Raab, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Heyrovského nám. 2, 162 06 Praha 6, Czech Republic.

Chemical Thermodynamics 26. 7.-1. 8. 1998 Porto. Inf: Prof. M. V. Ribeiro da Silva, Faculty of Science, Rua do Campo Alegre 678, P-4150 Porto, Portugal.

9th Intl Congr. of Pesticide Chem. 2.-7. 8. 1998 London. Inf: IUPAC Secretariat, Bank Court Chambers, 2-3 Pound Way, Templars sq., Cowley Oxford OX4 3YF, UK. Tel.: +44865747-744,, fax:: -510, E-mail: IUPAC@ VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK.

XIX International Carbohydrate Symposium 9.-14. 8. 1998 San Diego. Inf: ICS 98 Symposium Secretariat, Dept. of Chemistry , 516 Physical Sciences 1, University of California, Irvine 92697-2025, USA. Tel.: +1714-8248976, fax: -8241372, E-mail: ics98@uci.edu.

Physical Organic Chemistry 16.-21. 8. 1998 Brazil. Inf: Prof. E. Humeres, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040900 Florianópolis S. C., Brazil.

Coordination Chemistry 30. 8.-4. 9. 1998 Italy. Inf: University of Florence, Via Gina Capponi 7, 50121 Firenze, Italy. Tel.: +39(55)-2757549, fax: -2757555.

European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry 6.-11. 9. 1998 Edinburgh. Inf: Scientific Secretary, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge CB4 4WF, UK.

5th IUBMB Conference on the Biochemistry of Health and Diseases 18.-22. 10. 1998 Israel. Inf: Prof. U. Z. Littauer, Department of Neurobiology, Rehovot 76100, Israel.

Macromolecules 9.-14. 7. 2000 Poland. Inf: Prof. S. Penczek, Instytut PAN, Sienkiewicza 112, PL-90-363 Lodz, Poland. Tel.: +48(42)-819815, fax: -847126.

11th Intrenational Biotechnology Symposium 3.-8. 9. 2000 Berlin. Inf: Prof. G. Kreysa, DECHEMA e. V., P.O. Box 15 01 04, D-60061 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Tel.: 4969-7564241, fax: -7564201, E-mail: info@dechema.de.