Kongresy a seminare

Nabizene prednasky

Znamy odbornik v chemii fullerenu Dr. Zdenek Slanina nabizi prednasku z oblasti "fullerenoveho soukoli C60/C70". Adresa: Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Departement SBG, Universitaire Campus, Gebouw D, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium, e-mail: zds@ipp-garching.mpg.de

Akce v Ceske republice

Aplications of HPLC and HPCE in the Biosciences
4.-7.9.95 Praha. Inf.: prof. Z. Deyl, Fyziolog. ustav AV CR, Videnska 1083, 142 20 Praha 4, tel: 02 4719 741, fax: 02 4719 517.

Signalizace v zivych soustavach. XIII. Biologicke dny
5.-6.9.1995 Hradec Kralove. Inf.: M. Cervinka, Katedra biologie LF UK, 500 38 Hradec Kralove, e-mail: cervinka@fukhk.lfhk.cuni.cz.

16th Conference on Isoprenoids
17.-23.9. 1995 Praha. Inf.: Dr. L. Kohout, UOCHB AV CR, Flemingovo 2, 166 10 Praha 6, tel: 02-3312200, fax: 02-24310090.

95 18.-21.9.1995 Kouty nad Desnou. Inf.: POB 857, 111 21 Praha 1.

CHEMTEC Veletrh chemie
3.-6.10.1995 Praha. Inf.: Incheba Praha P.O.Box 555, 28. rijna 13, tel: 02-241953.

IXth Conference on Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of Young Scientists
10.-15.10.95 Liblice. Inf.: M. Endova, UOCHB AV CR, Flemingovo nam. 2, 166 10 Praha 6, tel: 02 3312 381, fax: 02 243 10090.

23.-26.10. 1995 Praha. Inf.: Terinvest s.r.o., veletrzni sprava, Legerova 15, 120 00 Praha 2, tel.: 02-249156.

29. seminar o tensidech a detergentech
24.-25.10.1995 Pardubice. Inf.: J. Kalous, UP FCHT KALCH, nam. cs. legii 565, 532 10 Pardubice, tel: 040-582178.

POLYGRAF Veletrh papiru
1.-4.11.1995 Praha. Inf.: Terinvest s.r.o., veletrzni sprava, Legerova 15, 120 00 Praha 2, tel.: 02-249156.

Pokroky v organicke, bioorganicke a farmaceuticke chemii
6.-8.11.1995 Liblice. Inf. P. Drasar, UOCHB AV CR, Flemingovo nam. 2, 166 10 Praha 6, tel: 02-3312-220, e-mail: drasar@uochb.cas.cz; O. Paleta, VSCHT, Technicka 3, 166 28 Praha 6, tel: 24 35 42 84.

Mini-Symposium on Microbial Degradation III
27.11-1.12.1995 Praha. Inf.: J. Gabriel, MBU AV CR, Videnska 1083, tel.: 02-475231, e-mail: gabriel@biomed.cas.cz.

Colorchem 95, Organic Dyes and Pigments
19.-23.5.1996 Spindleruv Mlyn. Inf.: J. Kadlecova, VUOS Rybitvi, 532 18 Pardubice, tel.: 040-40752.

37. Symposium of the Prague Meeting on Macromolecules: (Bio)Degradable Polymers
15.-18.7.1996 Praha. Inf.: P.M.M. Sekretariat, UMCH AV CR, Heyrovskeho 2, 162 06 Praha 6, tel.: 02-360341, fax: 02-367981, e-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz

38. Symposium of the Prague Meeting on Macromolecules: Recycling of Polymers
14.-17.7.1997 Praha. Inf.: P.M.M. Sekretariat, UMCH AV CR, Heyrovskeho 2, 162 06 Praha 6, tel.: 02-360341, fax: 02-367981, e-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz

17th Discussion Conference of the Prague Meeting on Macromolecules: Surface and Interfacial Phenomena in Macromolecular Systems
21.-24.7.1997 Praha. Inf.: P.M.M. Sekretariat, UMCH AV CR, Heyrovskeho 2, 162 06 Praha 6, tel.: 02-360341, fax: 02-367981, e-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz

Akce v zahranici

Sjezd chemickych spolecnosti (Slovenske chemicke spolecnosti a Ceske spolecnosti chemicke)
4.-8.9.95 Bratislava. Inf.: Slovenska chemicka spolecnost, sekretariat Radlinskeho 9, 812 37 Bratislava, Slovensko, tel: 07-495205.

Vth Eur. Conf. on Solid State Chemistry
4.-7.9.95 Montpellier. Inf.: Prof. M. Ribes, Lab. de Physicochemie des materiaux solides URA CNRS D0407 Place E Batallion CC 03 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France.

1st Intl. Symp. on Ionic Polymerization
4.-8.9.95 Instanbul. Inf.: Prof. Y. Yagci, Istanbul Tech. Univ., Fac. Sci., Dept. Chem. Maslak 80626, Istanbul, Turkey.

Intl. Conf. on the Appls of the Mossbauer Effect
10.-16.9.95 Rimini. Inf.: Prof. I. Ortalli, Univ. Parma, Int. Sci. Fisiche, Via M. D'Azeglio 85, 43100 Parma, Italy.

PLAST-TECH Veletrh plastu
13.-16.9. 1995 Trencin. Inf.: Vystavisko TMM, Pod Sokolice 43, 911 01 Trencin, tel: 08 313 2382, Slovensko.

Related Substances
18.-22. 9.95 Bratislava. Inf.: Dr. D. Berek, Ustav polymerov SAV, Dubravska cesta 9, 842 36 Bratislava, Slovakia, tel: 07 37 82306, fax: -5932.

Euro Food Chem VIII
18.-20.9.95 Vienna. Inf.: P. Richmond, Co-operative Wholesale Society Century House Manchester M60 4ES, UK.

Symp. on Technology Interactions in the Agro-Industries
26.-27.9.1995 Harpenden. Inf.: S. James, IACR, Rothamsted, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL52J0, UK.

21st World Congr. of the Intl. Soc. for Fat Res.
1.-5.10.95 The Hague. Inf.: Dr. WAM Castenmiller, 21st ISFPOB 114 3130 AC Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, tel: +31104605-454, fax: -236.

Validation in Capillary Electrophoresis
5.-6.10.1995 York. Inf.: Department of Chemistry, Univ. York, York, YO15DD, tel.: +441904432-576, UK.

DANUBE SURFACE Veletrh povrchovych uprav
21.-24.11.1995 Bratislava. Inf.: Dom techniky ZSVTS, Skultetyho 1, 832 27 Bratislava, tel.: 07-213 686, Slovensko.

NOVTECH Vystava a konference novinek v technologiich
29.11-1.12.1995 Zilina. Inf.: Dom Techniky ZSVTS, Vysokoskolakov 4, 011 32 Zilina, tel.: 089-322 11, Slovensko.

Intl. Solvent Extraction Conf.
17.-21.3. 1996 Melbourne. Inf.: R. Catall, Dept. Chem., La Trobe Univ. Bundoora Victoria, Australia.

211 Natl. Meeting of ACS
24.-29.3.1996 Seattle. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA.

Environmental Analytical Chemistry
9.-12.4.1996 Vienna. Inf.: M. Grasserbauer, IACH, TU Vien, Getreidemarkt 9, A-1060 Wien, Austria.

23.-26.4.1996 Muenchen. Inf.: Muenchener Messe- und Aus., g.m.b. HPOB 12 10 09 D-8000 Munich 12, FRG, tel: +4989107-143, fax: -177.

7th Intl. Symp. on Luminescence Spectroscopy
7.-9.5.1996 Monte Carlo. Inf. W Baeyens, Univ. Ghent, Pharm. Inst., Dept. Pharm. Anal., Lab Drug QC Harelbekestraat 72, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium.

79 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition
2.-6.6.1996 St. John's. Inf.: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem.130 Slater St., Suite 550 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada.

POC 96, Polymer Supported Reactions in Organic Chemistry
24.-28.6.1996 Wroclaw. Inf.: POC 96 Secretariat KTPCh, AE Ul. Komandorska 118, Wroclaw, tel.: +48 716 802, e-mail: bogorom@alpha. ok.ac.wroc.pl

Intl. Conf. on Pharmaceutical Applications of NMR Spectroscopy
13.-15.6. 1996 Stockholm. Inf.: The Swedish Chemical Soc., Walingatan 243 tr S-111 24 Stockholm, Sweden, tel: 468-4115260, fax: -106678.

212 Natl. Meeting of ACS
25.-30.8.1996 Boston. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA.

21st Intl. Symp. on Chromatography
15.-20.9.1996 Stuttgart. Inf.: GDCh e.V., Abt. Tagungen, Geschaftsstelle, Postfach 90 04 40 Varrentrappstr. 40-42 W-6000 Frankfurt/Main 90, Germany, tel: +49697917-366, fax: -475.

21st Intl. Symp. on Chromatography
6.-12.10.1996 Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Inf.: GDCh Abt. Tagungen, Geschaftstelle Pf. 900440 Varrentrappstrasse 40-42 D-6000 Frankfurt/Main 90, Germany.

213 Natl. Meeting of ACS
6.-11.4.1997 San Antonio. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA.

80 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition
1.-5.6.1997 Ottawa. Inf.: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem.130 Slater St., Suite 550 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada.

214 Natl. Meeting of ACS
7.-12.9.97 Las Vegas. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA.

215 Natl. Meeting of ACS
29.3.-3.4.98 St. Louis. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA.

81 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition
31.5.-4.6.98 Vancouver. Inf.: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem. 130 Slater St., Suite 550 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada.

216 Natl. Meeting of ACS
23.-28.8.98 Orlando. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA.

217 Natl. Meeting of ACS
21.-26.3.99 Anaheim. Inf.: Meetings Dept., ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA.

82 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition
30.5.-3.6.99 Toronto. Inf.: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem. 130 Slater St., Suite 550 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada.

218 Natl. Meeting of ACS
22.-27.8.99 New Orleans. Inf.: Meetings Dept., ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA.