Kongresy, seminare ..

Akce v Ceske republice

CHEMTEC. Mezinarodni vystava chemickych vyrobku, chemickeho inzenyrstvi a biotechnologie 5.-8. 10.94 Praha - Vystaviste. Inf.: Incheba Praha s.r.o., sekretariat 28. rijna 13, 112 79 Praha 1.

Nerostne suroviny, zivotni prostredi a zdravi 12.-14.10.94 Frydek-Mistek. Inf.: Ing. P. Fecko, HGF VSB. 8. pesiho pluku 1975, 738 02 Frydek Mistek, tel: 0658-33471, fax: -33472.

26. Celostatni koloristicka konference - Marketing v textilnim zuslechtovani 18.-20.10.94 Pardubice. Inf.: Doc. J. Ruzicka, VSCHT nam. Legii 565, 532 10 Pardubice.

Pokroky v organicke, farmaceuticke a bioorganicke chemii 24.-26.10.94 Liblice. Inf.: RNDr. P. Drasar, UOCHB AV CR Flemingovo 2 166 10 Praha 6, tel: 02-3312220, fax: -24310090.

26. Symposium o katalyze 7.-8. 11.94 Praha. Inf.: Ing. J. Cejka, UFCH JH Dolejskova 3, 182 23 Praha 8, tel: 02-66051111, fax: 02-8582307.

Biomedicinske inzenyrstvi a biotechnologie 10.-12.11.94 Praha. Inf.:Ing. L. Jirout, Rektorat CVUT Zikova 4, 166 35 Praha 6, tel: 02-2431102, E-mail: jirout@vc.cvut.cz.

Mini-symposium o biodegradacich organopolutantu 28.11.-2.12.94 Praha. Inf.: dr. J. Gabriel, MBU AV CR Videnska 1083, 142 20 Praha 4, tel: 02-4715241.

36. Symposium of the Prague Meetings on Macromolecules: High Swelling Cells 10.-14.7.95 Praha, UMCH. Inf.: P.M.M. Sekretariat, UMCH AV CR Heyrovskeho 2, 162 06 Praha 6, tel: 02-360341, fax: 02- 367981, E-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz

16th Discussion Conference of the Prague Meetings on Macromolecules: Morfology of the Polymers, 17.-20.7.95 Praha, UMCH. Inf.: P.M.M. Sekretariat, UMCH AV CR Heyrovskeho 2, 162 06 Praha 6, tel: 02-360341, fax: 02-367981, E-mail: sympo@imc.cas.cz EUROTOX 95 27.-30.8.95 Praha. Inf.: EUROTOX 95, Czech Medical Association JE Purkyne, POB 88, Sokolska 31, 120 26 Praha 3, tel: 02-24-915195, fax:-216836.

16th Conference on Isoprenoids 17.-23.9.95 Praha. Inf.: Dr. L. Kohout, UOCHB AV CR Flemingovo 2, 166 10 Praha 6, tel: 02-3312200, fax: -24 31 00 90.

Akce v zahranici

11th Int. Symp.on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography PREP'94
3.-6.10.94 Baden-Baden. Inf.: GDCh e.V., Abt. Tagungen, Gesch„ftsstelle, Postfach 90 04 40 Varrentrappstr. 40-42, W-6000 Frankfurt/Main 90, Germany, tel: +49697917-366, fax: -475.
6th Eur. Congr. on Catalyst Deactivation
3.-5.10.94 Bruges. Inf.: Mrs. R. Peys, KVIV Desguinei 214, B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgium, tel: +3232160-996, fax:-689.
Molecular Mobility and Order in Polymer Systems
3.-6.10.94 St. Petersburg. Inf.: Prof. AA Darinskii, Inst. Macromolecular Compounds RAS, Bolshoi pr. 31, St. Petersburg, 199 004, Russia.
Europlast 94
3.-7.10.94 Paris. Inf.: C. Chittock, Promosalons, The Colonnades, 82 Bishop Bridge Rd., London, W2 6BB, UK.
5th Int. Conf. on Stability & Handling of Liquid Fuels
3.-7.10.94 Rotterdam. Inf.: Nethl Convention Bureau, Rivierstaete Bldg Amsteldijk 166, 1079 LH Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
25th Italian Meeting on Magnetic Resonance
3.-5.10.94 Trieste. Inf.: C. Garibaldi, Centro Riecherche POLY-bios-LBT, Area di Ricera Padriciano 99, I-34012 Trieste, Italy.
Zajezd na 8th. Int. Symp. on Capillary Electrophoresis
4.-8.10.94 Budapest. Inf.: Dr. V. Kasicka, UOCHB AV CR Flemingovo 2, 166 10 Praha 6, tel: 02-3312239, fax: 24310090.
Organische Chemie ORCHEM '94
6.-8.10.94 neurceno. Inf.: GDCh e.V., Abt. Tagungen, Gesch„ftsstelle, Postfach 90 04 40 Varrentrappstr. 40-42, W-6000 Frankfurt/Main 90, Germany, tel: +49697917-366, fax: -475.
epf94, 5th Eur. Polymer Federation Symposium on Polymeric Materials
9.-12.10.94 Basel. Inf.: Convention Center Basel, Secretariat epf94 Messeplatz 21, CH-4021 Basel, Switzerland, tel: +4161691-7700, fax -2005.
Chemical Communication in Vertebrates and Invertebrates: Nature Neuroregulation and Molecular Receptors of Pheromones
10.-14.10.94 Aussois. Inf.: Dr. J. Hendekovic, European Science Foundation, 1 quai Lezay-Marnesia, 67080 Strasbourg Cedex, France, tel: +3388-767135, fax:-366987.
Int. Symp. on Chromatographic and Electrophoretic Techniques
10.-13.10.94 Bled. Inf.: Dr. M. Prosek, Natl. Inst. of Chemistry, SLO Ljubljana, Slovenia, Fax: +386611259244.
Laboratory Exhibition and Conference
11.-13.10.94 London. Inf.: Reed Exhibition Co., Ltd., Oriel House 26, The Quadrant, Richmond Surrey TW9 1DL, UK, tel: 44-8194-89835, fax: -02171. 3rd Int. Symp. on Mass Spectrometry in the Health & Life Sci. 13.-18.10.94 San Francisco. Inf.: M Schwarz, Dept. Pharm., Chem.Univ. CA, San Francisco CA 9413-0446, USA.
Intern. Laboratory Accreditation Conf., ILAC 94
17.-21.10.94 Hong Kong. Inf.: ILAC Secretariat, c/o 36th Floor, Immigration Tower 7, Gloucester Rd, Wanchal, Hong Kong.
Modern Processing Technology for the Manufacture of Liquid to Paste Products
17.-24.10.94 Switzerland. Inf.: B. Lixow, Fryma-Maschinen AGPOB, 164 Rheinfelden, Switzerland.
Solving Problems with Speciality Chemicals
18.-19.10.94 Chicago. Inf.: D. Coulton, tel: 001-274-383-784.
Symposium on Filters
19.-20.10.94 Loughborough. Inf.: B. Crowther, Institute of Polymer Technology and Materials Engineering Univ. of Technology Loughborough, Leicester, LE11 3TU, UK.
Best Available Techniques for the Use and Reuse of the Water
19.10.94 Manchester. Inf.: T. Thompson, 7The Serpentine, Liverpool L19 9DT, UK.
Intl Conf. on Flow Analysis, Flow Injection and Automatic Analysers
19.10.94 Cambridge. Inf.: D. Thomerson, ChemLab Instr. Ltd., Unit 6, Zone B, Chelmsford Rd, Industrial Estate, Great Dunmow, Essex CM6 1HD, UK. DART '94, Data Handling, Automation, Regulation, and Technology Conference and Table-Top exhibition: Computers for Analys 24.-25.10.94 Amsterdam. Inf.: Z Barrick, Conf. Mgr, Advanstar Communications, Park West,Sealand Road Chester, CH1 4RN, Chester, UK, tel: +4424437-8888, fax: -0011.
International Polypropylene Conf.
24.-25.10.94 London. Inf.: M. Peacock, Conference Dept C446, Inst. of Materials, 1 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DB, UK.
41st Natl. Symp. of American Vacuum Society
24.-28.10.94 Denver. Inf.: T. Mayer, AVS120 Wall St., 32nd Floor, New York, NY, 10015, USA. Environmental Protection 1994 24.-27.10.94 Blackpool. Inf.: Natl Society, for the Clean Air and Environmental Protection, 136 North Street, Brighton BN1 1RG, UK.
Automatic Control of Food and Biological Processes
25.-26.10.94 Paris. Inf.: Prof. J.J. Bimbernet, 1 Ave des Olymiades F-91305 Massy, France.
Jahrestreffen der Verfahrensingenieure
28.-30.10.94 Aachen. Inf.: VDI, Ges. Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen, Ing. K. Schaller POB 1139, D-4000 Duesseldorf 1, BRD.
Surface Treatment and Corrosion Control Exhibition and Conference
1.-4.11.94 Utrecht. Inf.: A. Rellum, Jaarbeurs Exhib. Support Dept. POB 8500, 3503 RM Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Cobalt Opportunities, Problems, and Survival Strategies
2.-4.11.94 Washington. Inf.: J. Winch, Gorham/Intertech Conferences, 411 US Rte 1, Portland ME 04103, USA.
New Aspects of Organic Chemistry
7.-11.11.94 Kyoto. Inf.: Y. Ito, IKCOC 6, Dept. Synth. Chem., Kyoto Univ. Yoshida, Kyoto 606-01, Japan.
KEMIA 94, Finnish Chemical Congress and Exhibition
8.-10.11.94 Helsinki. Inf.: The Association of Finnish, Chemical Societies, Ms. Eva Kota-Aho, Hietaniemenkatu 2, FIN-00100 Helsinki, Finland, tel: +3580408-022, fax:-780.
Environmental Electrochemistry: 8th Intl Forum on Electrolysis in the Chemical Industry
13.-17.11.94 Buena Vista, FL. Inf.: N. Weinberg, Electrosynthesis 72 Ward Rd, Lancaster NY 14088, USA.
Int. Symp. on Functional and High Performance Polymers
14.-16.11.94 Taipei. Inf.: prof. Leo-Wang Cheng, Natl Taiwan University Dept. Chem. Engineering Taipei, Taiwan, PRC.
Ionizing Radiation and Polymers
14.-19.11.94 Guadeloupe. Inf.: R. Boschiero, Ctr d'Etudes de Saclay DRECAM, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Software Entwicklung in der Chemie 16.-18.11.94 neurceno. Inf.: GDCh e.V., Abt. Tagungen, Gesch„ftsstelle, Postfach 90 04 40, Varrentrappstr. 40-42, W-6000 Frankfurt/Main 90, Germany, tel: +49697917-366, fax: -475. Indchem 94, India's first intl exhibition 17.-19.11.94 Bombay. Inf.: Expocon International, 126 - A Dhurwadi, AV Nagvekar Marg, Prabhadevi Bombay 400 025, India.
Pollutec 94
18.-21.11.94 Lyon. Inf.: B. Leon, Sepfi, Technoexpo 8, rue de la Michodiere, F-75002 Paris, France.
Polymer Modifiers for Improved Performance of Asphalt Mixtures
23.-25.11.94 Basel. Inf.: Programme Div., Technomic Publishing Missions- strasse 44, CH-4055 Basel, Switzerland.
Adv. in Electrochemical Sci. & Technology
24.-26.11.94 Madras. Inf.: The Secretary, SAEST Karaikudi, 623 006, India. Solid Phase Extraction Europe, Conference and Table Top Exhibition 28.-29.11.94 Amsterdam. Inf.: Zena Barrick, Conference Manager, Advanstar Comms, Advanstar House Park West, Sealand Rd., Chester CH1 4RN, UK, tel: 44-24437-8888, fax: -0011.
A Symp. on Active Ingredients

Cosmetic Science
28.-29.11.94 Chepstow. Inf.: Gen. Secretary, SCS, GT House, 24-26 Rothesay Rd., Luton Bedfordshire LU1 1QX, UK.
Solid and Liquid Wastes: Their Best Destination II
5.-7.12.94 Puerto de la Cruz. Inf.: III Congreso Internacional, de la ANQUE, C/Lagasca 85, 28006 Madrid, Spain, tel: +341-4310703, fax: -5765279.
New Tools for Adhesion Science - Surface Treatment and Analysis
8.12.94 London. Inf.: S. Abbott, Satra Footware Techn. Ctr. Satra House, Rockingham Rd., Kettering Northants, NN16 9JH, UK. 10th Int. Conf. on Organic Synthesis 11.-16.12.94 Bangalore. Inf.: Prof. G.S.R. Subba Rao, Secretary ICOS-10, Dept. Org. Chem.IIC, Bangalore 560 012, India.
12th SCI Proces Development Symp.
12.-14.12.94 Cambridge. Inf.: T. Laird, Scientific Update, Wyvern Cottage High Street, Mayfield East Sussex, TN20 6AE, UK.
Organic Coatings
2.-6.1.95 Paris. Inf.: Division de chimie physique, Coatings, Lab. de chimie physique, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France, tel: 331442762-70, fax: 331442762-26.
Fluorine in Agriculture
9.-11.1.95 Manchester. Inf.: Conference Secretary, Chemserve, Umist, POB 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK.
Technological Development in Coatings, their Applications and Uses
10.-11.1.95 Bahrain. Inf.: Conference Secretary, Paint Research Assoc., 8 Waldegrave Rd, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 8LD, UK.
7th Int. Symp. on HPCE
29.1.-2.2.95 Wurzburg. Inf.: SS Schlessinger, HPCE 95 Suite 101, 5400 E Randolph Dr. Chicago, Ill 60601, USA, 312-527-2011.
Eastchem 95 exhibition
7.-9.2.95 Warszaw. Inf.: A. Ventevogel, Expoconsult, Industrieweg 54, POB 200, 3600 AE Maarssen, The Netherlands. 7th Eur. Congress on Biotechnology (ECB7) 10.-23.2.95 Nice. Inf.: Mrs. L. Cohen, Societe de Chimie Industrielle 28, rue St Dominique, F 75007 Paris, France, tel: +3314555-6946, fax: -4033.
PITTCON 95, The largest annual scientific exhibition and conference in the world
5.-10.3.95 New Orleans. Inf.: Pittcon, Suite 332300, Penn Center Boulevard, Pittsburgh PA 15235-5503, USA, tel: 412-825-32-20, fax: -24.
3rd Int. Symp. on Biochemical Engineering
6.-8.3.95 Stuttgart. Inf.: Secretariat, Bioverfahrenstechnik - Koordinationsstelle - Univ. Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9, D-70550 Stuttgart, BRD, tel: +4971168-56297, fax:-96371.
New Technologies for Coatings and Inks
13.-15.3.95 Nurenberg. Inf.: T. Fidersek, Vincentz Verlag, European Coating Show 95, Schiffgraben 41-43, D-30175 Hannover, BRD.
1st Intl Conf. on Land, Sea, Air, and Space Vehicle Filtration
20.-22.3.95 Antwerp. Inf.: Secretariate LSASVF-1, c/o TI-K VIV Desguinei 214, B-2018 Antwerpen, Belgium, tel: 3232160-996, fax: -689.
Intl Powder, Granules and Bulk Solids Exhibition
21.-23.3.95 Nuremberg. Inf.: Nuremberg Messe, Messe Zentrum, DW-8500 Nuremberg 50, BRD.
Salon du Laboratoire
28.-31.3.95 Paris. Inf.: Andri Quenot, Salon du Lab., Comite des Espositions de Paris 55, quai Alphonse Le Gallo BP 317, 92107 Boulogne, France Cedex, Fax: 33-1-49096003.
209 Natl. Meeting of ACS
2.-7.4.95 Anaheim CA. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS1155, 16th St. NW, Washington DC, USA.
Ann. Congress of RSC
10.-13.4.95 Edinburgh. Inf.: Dr. JF Gibson, RSC Burlington House, Picadilly, London W1V 0BN, UK. Symp. on Isotope Techniques in Water Resouces Development 20.-24.4.95 Vienna. Inf.: IAEA, POB 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria. Catalysis in the Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Industries 22.-26.4.95 Kuwait. Inf.: J. Al-Beshara, CPRPI Conference, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, POB, 24885 Safat, 13109, Kuwait. Biochemical Analysis 1995 25.-28.4.95 Leipzig. Inf.: Leipziger Messe, Presseabteilung, PF 720 Markt 11-15 O-7010 Leipzig, BRD. 2nd German-Dutch Rubber Symposium 26.-28.4.95 Maastricht. Inf.: Nethl Convention Bureau, Rivierstaete BldgAmsteldijk 166 1079 LH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 19th Int. Symp. on Column Liquid Chromatography kveten 1995 Hamburg. Inf.: GDCh-Gesch„ftstelle, Abt. TagungenVarrentrappstr. 40-42 D-6000 Frankfurt/Main 90, FRG. NPRA Refinery & Petrochem. Plant Maintenance Conf. 23.-26.5.95 San Antonio TX. Inf.: NPRA, Suite 10001899 L St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA. Hauptversammlung der DBG 25.-27.5.95 neurceno. Inf.: Gesch„ftstelle DBG fur, Phys. Chem., Dr. H. Behret Varrentrappstr. 40-42 D-6000 Frankfurt/Main 90, FRG. 78 Canad. Chem. Conf. & Exhibition 28.5.-1.6.95 Guelph. Inf.: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem.130 Slater St., Suite 550 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada. 50 Symp. on Molecular Spectroscopy 12.-16.6.95 Columbus OH. Inf.: ODU, Dept. Physics 174 W 18th Ave. Columbus OH 43210, USA. Surface Forces in Science and Technology 15.-17.6.95 Stockholm. Inf.: The Swedish Natl. Committee, for Chemistry Walingatan 24, 3tr S-111 24 Stockholm, Sweden, tel: +4681-15280, fax:-06678. Int. Symp. Josef Loschmidt 25.-27.6.95 Vienna. Inf.: Brigitte Polucky, GOCH, Sekretariat Nibelungengasse 11 A-1010 Wien, Austria, tel: +01-587-4249, fax: -3980. SAC 95, Intl Conf. on Analytical Chemistry 9.-15.7.95 Hull. Inf.: Prof. A. Townshend, School Chem., Univ. Hull HU6 7RX, UK, tel: +4448246-5027, fax:-6410. 5th COMTOX Symp. on Toxicology and Clinical Chemistry of Metals 10.-13.7.95 Vancouver. Inf.: Dr. M. Williams, IUPAC, executive secretary, Bank Court Chambers, 2-3 Pound Way Templars Square, Cowley Oxford OX4 3YF, UK, tel: +44865747-744, fax: -510. 47 Natl. Meeting of the Amer. Assoc. Clinical Chem. 16.-20.7.95 Anaheim CA. Inf.: AACC, Suite 10101725 K St. NW Washington DC 20006, USA. Synthesis in Organic Chemistry 24.-27.7.95 Cambridge. Inf.: Dr. J.F. Gibson, RSC, Burlington House T: 071-437-8656, F:-8883, London W1V 0BN, UK. 42th Meeting of Intl Field Emission Soc. 6.-11.8.95 Wisconsin. Inf.: T. Kelly, UoW 1500 Johnson Dr. Madison, WI 53706, USA. 23rd Meeting of FEBS 13.-18.8.95 Basel. Inf.: FEBS 95, Convention Center Basel Messeplatz 21 CH-4021 Basel, Switzerland, tel: 41616862-828, fax: -185. 35th IUPAC Congress 14.-19.8.95 Istanbul. Inf.: Dr. M. Williams, IUPAC, executive secretary, Bank Court Chambers, 2-3 Pound Way Templars Square, Cowley Oxford OX4 3YF, UK, tel: +44865747-744, fax: -510. 210 Natl. Meeting of ACS 20.-25.8. 1995 Chicago. Inf.: CP Pruitt, ACS1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA. Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale CSI XXIX 27.8.-2.9.95 Leipzig. Inf.: GDCh e.V., Abt. Tagungen, Gesch„ftsstelle, Postfach 90 04 40 Varrentrappstr. 40-42 W-6000 Frankfurt/Main 90, Germany, tel: +49697917-366, fax: -475. Intl Symp. on Selectivity in Basic and Applied Organic Chemistry 28.8.-1.9.95 Jerusalem. Inf.: Dan Kanasim Ltd., POB 57005 Tel Aviv 61570, Israel, tel: 972-356-26470, fax: -12303. Sjezd chemickych spolecnosti (Slovenske chemicke spolecnosti a Ceske spolecnosti chemicke) 4.-8.9.95 Bratislava. Inf.: Slovenska chemicka spolecnost, sekretariat Radlinskeho 9 812 37 Bratislava, Slovensko, tel: 07-495205. Vth Eur. Conf. on Solid State Chemistry 4.-7.9.95 Montpellier. Inf.: Prof. M. Ribes, Lab. de Physicochemie des materiaux solides URA CNRS D0407 Place E Batallion CC 03 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France. Euro Food Chem VIII 18.-20.9.95 Vienna. Inf.: P. Richmond, Co-operative Wholesale Society Century House Manchester M60 4ES, UK. 21st Worl Congr. of the Int. Soc. for Fat Res. 1.-5.10.95 The Hague. Inf.: Dr. WAM Castenmiller, 21st ISFPOB 114 3130 AC Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, tel: +31104605-454, fax: -236. Intl Solvent Extraction Conf. 17.-21.3.96 Melbourne. Inf.: R. Catall, Dept. Chem., La Trobe Univ. Bundoora Victoria, Australia. 211 Natl. Meeting of ACS 24.-29.3.96 Seattle. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA. ANALYTICA 96, 23.-26.4.96 Muenchen. Inf.: Muenchener Messe- und Aus., g.m.b. HPOB 12 10 09 D-8000 Munich 12, FRG, tel: +4989107-143, fax: -177. 79 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition 2.-6.6.96 St. John's. Inf.: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem.130 Slater St., Suite 550 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada. Intl Conf. on Pharmaceutical Applications of NIR Spectroscopy 13.-15.6.96 Stockholm. Inf.: The Swedish Chemical Soc., Walingatan 243 tr S-111 24 Stockholm, Sweden, tel: 468-4115260, fax: -106678. 212 Natl. Meeting of ACS 25.-30.8.96 Boston. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA. 21st Int. Symp. on Chromatography 15.-20.9.96 Stuttgart. Inf.: GDCh e.V., Abt. Tagungen, Gesch„ftsstelle, Postfach 90 04 40 Varrentrappstr. 40-42 W-6000 Frankfurt/Main 90, Germany, tel: +49697917-366, fax: -475. 21st Int. Symp. on Chromatography 6.-12.10.96 Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Inf.: GDCh Abt. Tagungen, Geschaftstelle Pf. 900440 Varrentrappstrasse 40-42 D-6000 Frankfurt/Main 90, FRG. 213 Natl. Meeting of ACS 6.-11.4.97 San Antonio. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA. 80 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition 1.-5.6.97 Ottawa. Inf.: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem.130 Slater St., Suite 550 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada. 214 Natl. Meeting of ACS 7.-12.9.97 Las Vegas. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA. 215 Natl. Meeting of ACS 29.3.-3.4.98 St. Louis. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA. 81 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition 31.5.-4.6.98 Vancouver. Inf.: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem. 130 Slater St., Suite 550 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada. 216 Natl. Meeting of ACS 23.-28.8.98 Orlando. Inf.: BR Ullyot, ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA. 217 Natl. Meeting of ACS 21.-26.3.99 Anaheim. Inf.: Meetings Dept., ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA. 82 Canadian Chem. Conf. & Exhibition 30.5.-3.6.99 Toronto. Inf.: T. Fearon, Can. Soc. Chem. 130 Slater St., Suite 550 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6E2, Canada. 218 Natl. Meeting of ACS 22.-27.8.99 New Orleans. Inf.: Meetings Dept., ACS 1155 16th St. NW Washington DC 20036, USA.